The Tea Party has become the Article V movement


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
With the GOP recently in control and passed on repealing and replacing Obamacare, something they ran on doing, and spending like a drunken sailor, while funding things like Planned Parenthood but not the wall, what are we left with?

We are left with a one party system called the Swamp.

So what to do? The Article V movement is the only way to reign in the power of the out of control Federal government. Getting 2/3 of the states may seem unattainable, and well may be, but what else is there other than watching the Republic circle the drain?

At the bare minimum, states need to impose a balanced budget amendment on the US Congress with term limits on that same Congress.

Both are supported by about 80% of the American people but will never be realized with the current political set up. Congress will not vote to surrender their power in any way. It is now up to the states to do so or it never gets done.
There is no swamp.

There will be no Article V convention. Once the hood is open on the Constitution anything can happen to the entire document. Nobody wants to risk that.

Good to see the TEA party going the way of the USFL. Trump killed them both.
There is no swamp.

There will be no Article V convention. Once the hood is open on the Constitution anything can happen to the entire document. Nobody wants to risk that.

Good to see the TEA party going the way of the USFL. Trump killed them both.

Yes there is corruption in D.C. and they are in both parties.
Frosty Wooldridge -- Ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC

Well if Frosty Wooldridge says so. LOL

Not just him millions say so.
There are plenty of reports about them.
The progressives in both parties are corrupt.
There is no swamp.

There will be no Article V convention. Once the hood is open on the Constitution anything can happen to the entire document. Nobody wants to risk that.

Good to see the TEA party going the way of the USFL. Trump killed them both.

Yes there is corruption in D.C. and they are in both parties.
Frosty Wooldridge -- Ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC

Well if Frosty Wooldridge says so. LOL

Not just him millions say so.
There are plenty of reports about them.
The progressives in both parties are corrupt.

The President is the most corrupt of all.
There is no swamp.

There will be no Article V convention. Once the hood is open on the Constitution anything can happen to the entire document. Nobody wants to risk that.

Good to see the TEA party going the way of the USFL. Trump killed them both.

Yes there is corruption in D.C. and they are in both parties.
Frosty Wooldridge -- Ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC

Well if Frosty Wooldridge says so. LOL

Not just him millions say so.
There are plenty of reports about them.
The progressives in both parties are corrupt.

The President is the most corrupt of all.

First thing is they have to prove it.
So far is just assumptions and innuendos.
There is no swamp.

There will be no Article V convention. Once the hood is open on the Constitution anything can happen to the entire document. Nobody wants to risk that.

Good to see the TEA party going the way of the USFL. Trump killed them both.

Yes there is corruption in D.C. and they are in both parties.
Frosty Wooldridge -- Ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC

Well if Frosty Wooldridge says so. LOL

Not just him millions say so.
There are plenty of reports about them.
The progressives in both parties are corrupt.

The President is the most corrupt of all.

First thing is they have to prove it.
So far is just assumptions and innuendos.

Prove what? It’s been proven; re: Sending another $12B to the already subsidized farmers
; largest portion of pork this year; to buy votes of people suffering from a trade war he started.

And Kansas still elected a Girl Democrat as Governor.

Let me guess. You have no problem with the $12B giveaway….do you?

He said Mexico would be paying for the wall that many Republicans are hoping the Congress will fund. So he lied about that too.

Let me guess. You have no problem with the lies…do you?

Both of what I write above are proven facts. You know them. We all know them. The only thing is that you are willing to look the other way in the case of the blob…aren’t you?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
With the GOP recently in control and passed on repealing and replacing Obamacare, something they ran on doing, and spending like a drunken sailor, while funding things like Planned Parenthood but not the wall, what are we left with?

We are left with a one party system called the Swamp.

So what to do? The Article V movement is the only way to reign in the power of the out of control Federal government. Getting 2/3 of the states may seem unattainable, and well may be, but what else is there other than watching the Republic circle the drain?

At the bare minimum, states need to impose a balanced budget amendment on the US Congress with term limits on that same Congress.

Both are supported by about 80% of the American people but will never be realized with the current political set up. Congress will not vote to surrender their power in any way. It is now up to the states to do so or it never gets done.
Nah, the tea party has become the trump cult. Same, racist great taste at 90% less of the intellectualism.
With the GOP recently in control and passed on repealing and replacing Obamacare, something they ran on doing, and spending like a drunken sailor, while funding things like Planned Parenthood but not the wall, what are we left with?

We are left with a one party system called the Swamp.

So what to do? The Article V movement is the only way to reign in the power of the out of control Federal government. Getting 2/3 of the states may seem unattainable, and well may be, but what else is there other than watching the Republic circle the drain?

At the bare minimum, states need to impose a balanced budget amendment on the US Congress with term limits on that same Congress.

Both are supported by about 80% of the American people but will never be realized with the current political set up. Congress will not vote to surrender their power in any way. It is now up to the states to do so or it never gets done.
Nah, the tea party has become the trump cult. Same, racist great taste at 90% less of the intellectualism.
not all of us,,,
It will be HYJACKED by the establishment ........just as they HYJACKED the Tea Party movement............they supported the movement and moved into it...........They were never really a part of it.
It will be HYJACKED by the establishment ........just as they HYJACKED the Tea Party movement............they supported the movement and moved into it...........They were never really a part of it.
a lot of us knew going in that the republicans would be the biggest problem,,,I'v been kicked off every tea party forum I've found by talking about the constitution and the republican partys lack of respect for it
It will be HYJACKED by the establishment ........just as they HYJACKED the Tea Party movement............they supported the movement and moved into it...........They were never really a part of it.
a lot of us knew going in that the republicans would be the biggest problem,,,I'v been kicked off every tea party forum I've found by talking about the constitution and the republican partys lack of respect for it

Join the club. And just to think, I used to be a Republican Party official. The Repubs are out of touch with reality and their strategies are laughable.

They would attempt to change one part of the Constitution not realizing the damage they could do when they open that door? As if some of their other plans don't suck as well. For example:

Trump is willing to give Dreamers citizenship in exchange for the wall. That's another FOUR MILLION new citizens AFTER we've had an administration saying their parents were criminals, rapists, robbers, murderers, etc. So, we've been winning the elections, but in this last round, many solidly held Republican districts came down to numbers not much larger than the fingers on your hands.

Let us suppose that Trump could make that deal. Those Dreamers would take the ban on allowing their parents to come here to court. You already got a sample of how much tolerance Americans had when the media whined about the separation of families of the undocumented. So, when the Dreamers file suits in federal courts that bar their parents from entering the United States due to an improper entry, the United States Supreme Court MUST, AS A MATTER OF LAW,, allow those parents in based on challenges to the Eighth Amendment. Four million Dreamers with two parents each just put us back in the same position as before the wall had been put up.

By then, some liberal piece of scatalogical waste will be in office and the libs may control one or both Houses of Congress. Then they will beat the drums for citizenship for the parents of Dreamers. Within a generation you have 12 MILLION new Hispanic citizens that the Trumpeteers have antagonized for what is already the better part of two decades (4 million Dreamers pluse up to 8 million parents.) And they will have the motivation to dispossess us and that motivation will be as great as the blacks hatred for us based upon the media demonizing all whites over slavery. The new generation will not have any incentive to adopt any of our values and principles.

Worse, what the Tea Party Republicans are selling is a cheap imitation of what the founders envisioned. It makes no sense; it's self defeating; none of them can defend their positions - not to the left and damn sure not to a constitutionalist. And so they censor people while whining about how often the left acts to silence real discussion.
For Trump to be so dependent upon the Tea Party and that he needs them as much as they let on, one wonders why this entire Tea Party forum is a ghost town.
For Trump to be so dependent upon the Tea Party and that he needs them as much as they let on, one wonders why this entire Tea Party forum is a ghost town.
I dont think I've ever heard trump say the words tea party,,,so I see no connections

this and other discussions about the tea party are dead because the republican party just used us for their benefit and once they got back in office it was abandoned,,,

I'm curious to see what happens if trump loses in 2020
For Trump to be so dependent upon the Tea Party and that he needs them as much as they let on, one wonders why this entire Tea Party forum is a ghost town.
I dont think I've ever heard trump say the words tea party,,,so I see no connections

this and other discussions about the tea party are dead because the republican party just used us for their benefit and once they got back in office it was abandoned,,,

I'm curious to see what happens if trump loses in 2020

I was more than disappointed in the Tea Party "movement" than any American alive.

Having spent decade upon decade and tens of thousands of dollars on constitutionalist causes, I could never wrap my head around the Tea Party taking up the torch for the Council on Foreign Relations and their agenda. I wish someone could explain WTH happened????
With the GOP recently in control and passed on repealing and replacing Obamacare, something they ran on doing, and spending like a drunken sailor, while funding things like Planned Parenthood but not the wall, what are we left with?

We are left with a one party system called the Swamp.

So what to do? The Article V movement is the only way to reign in the power of the out of control Federal government. Getting 2/3 of the states may seem unattainable, and well may be, but what else is there other than watching the Republic circle the drain?

At the bare minimum, states need to impose a balanced budget amendment on the US Congress with term limits on that same Congress.

Both are supported by about 80% of the American people but will never be realized with the current political set up. Congress will not vote to surrender their power in any way. It is now up to the states to do so or it never gets done.
The tea party was a movement of useful idiots. They have no need of you anymore. Now go make excuses for Trump having larger deficits than Obama and for destabilizing everything.

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