the left has indoctrinated a new generation of anti Semites ..

Jimmy Carter paid Israel and Egypt to get Israel out of Sinai. Just like the US paid the Jewish settlers to get out of Gaza.

Oslo Accords were a joke. Israel started building Jewish only settlements in the west Bank as fast as they could. Israel has betrayed every US president since truman.
Why do you think that the settlements are Jewish only?

You obviously didn't read the Oslo Accords, or you'd know that it doesn't say anything against building settlements in the area under Israeli control.

Talking about what a joke the Oslo Accords you have anything to say about the second Intifada?

Why do you think that the settlements are Jewish only?

You obviously didn't read the Oslo Accords, or you'd know that it doesn't say anything against building settlements in the area under Israeli control.

Talking about what a joke the Oslo Accords you have anything to say about the second Intifada?
I am interested in why the Oslo Accords are a joke in accordance with
Episcopalian genius
Any set of deep-seated immutable beliefs can become a drive for evil in the right (or rather wrong) circumstances.

Islamic terrorism has two fathers: rejection of outside influences by Muslim scholars like Maududi and Sayyid Qutb. and pan-Arab nationalism.

Pan-Arab nationalism was thoroughly exploited by the Soviet Bear in the second half of the past century to gain influence in the Muslim world and kick the Western powers out of the Middle East. The PLO, for instance, was created by the Soviets. The Iranian regime took the Soviet method even further, creating proxy armies of terrorists in Lebanon, Yemen, the West Bank, and Gaza.

Islamic terrorism is a poisonous mix of religious and non-religious ideologies. The war in Gaza is just a small part of the Middle Eastern upheavals that are a consequence of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the hegemonic ambitions of state and non-state actors.

Tell us the source of Christian terrorism?
Jewish terrorism.


Your bigotry is showing, bigot.
Episcopalian genius?????
a bit obscure and kinda paradoxical----BUT the Episcopalians
---or some influential EPISCS consider themselves the paragons
of social justice---or so it seems---decades ago that church entered
LGBTQ with a positive attitude. IMO--they got even more confused
than they were at the time of Henry VIII---and his BBF oliver cromwell
where do you see bigotry in the cited post? The issue of Russian
intervention is VERY INSIGHTFUL----try looking at history

Here's a bit of that history, for eventual future reference:

Left-wing antisemites and assorted fellow travelers are still parroting the old Soviet propaganda.

Here's a bit of that history, for eventual future reference:

Left-wing antisemites and assorted fellow travelers are still parroting the old Soviet propaganda.
it seems to me that Russia was IN ON IT---even before 1970. Russia supported all BAATHISTS even in the 60s. The 67 War was fomented
by Russia in Cahoots with UAR bigwig---Gamal Abdel Nasser----there were
military advisors in the Sinai along with thousands of Russian made tanks lined up on the border with Israel. It was planned, I believe---by RUSSIA
It's 2024.
Thousand year old definitions are without value.

Still, the Jewish state's treatment of its non-Jewish residents is clearly apartheid and should be opposed by any person with a conscience.

Fake news, the Pales are in all levels of society to even judges and congress
it seems to me that Russia was IN ON IT---even before 1970. Russia supported all BAATHISTS even in the 60s. The 67 War was fomented
by Russia in Cahoots with UAR bigwig---Gamal Abdel Nasser----there were
military advisors in the Sinai along with thousands of Russian made tanks lined up on the border with Israel. It was planned, I believe---by RUSSIA
You are correct.

The Soviet warning to Egypt about supposed Israeli troop concentrations on the Syrian border in May 1967 has long been considered a blunder that precipitated a war which the USSR neither desired nor expected. New evidence from Soviet and other Warsaw Pact documents, as well as memoirs of contemporary actors, contradicts this accepted theory. The author demonstrates that this warning was deliberate disinformation, part of a plan approved at the highest level of Soviet leadership to elicit Egyptian action that would provoke an Israeli strike. Soviet military intervention against the "aggressor" was intended to follow and was prepared well in advance.
that is the famous horse.shoe effect …

the extrem left and the extrem right are very near each other
the majority of todays right isn't extreme .. Maga is just the new name for the tea party ... the left however has gone full radical .
Fake news, the Pales are in all levels of society to even judges and congress
A lie of course.

They are limited in the number of seats they may hold in the Knesset yeah, NOT SENATE
despite their population.

Would you be happy if Christians were limited to 20% of seats in Congress?

There ya go.

Real facts.
A lie of course.

They are limited in the number of seats they may hold in the Knesset yeah, NOT SENATE
despite their population.

Would you be happy if Christians were limited to 20% of seats in Congress?

There ya go.

Real facts.
you, again-----said NOTHING
Didja mention
Oklahoma City?

There ya go BIGOT.
in the field of neuro-psychiatry---your comment would indicate a sign of
brain dysfunction ---to wit, LOOSENING OF ASSOCIATIONS consistent with
psychosis or dementia

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