Just once....just once...in your miserable life, educate yourself, Franco.
Crap GOP propaganda of course. They also have free university paid parenta leave. six week vacations a year after starting work and the number one quality of life every year, the most tourists of any country in the world every year and the best food anywhere. Of course the United States is the richest country in the world and we would do better. What we have now is giveaway To the rich tax rates and the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world by far. Great Job! only crap propaganda and ignoramuses like you make it possible....
Just once....just once...in your miserable life, educate yourself, Franco.
I have lived in France for like 3 years and speak French fluently and know French history like the back of my hand. We should go back to Jefferson and be more pro French and not listen to super capitalist England so much..... They think Anglo Americans are crazy- what they put up with from capitalists without protest......
We have the blueprint for prosperity. We know what works (low taxes, limited government, minimal regulations, free markets, etc.) and what doesn’t (ignorant liberalism). Unfortunately, the marxists want to collapse the US.
Funny how the Democrats always have a better more solid economy while the GOP scumbag liars give us risky corrupt deregulation and Depressions. You people have no memory at all. Also the worst pandemic response in the world only 40% vaccinated and all kinds of absolute garbage misinformation running the party. Besides all that, they do great lOL.... How is Reagan's friend Saddam doing?
Thank you!! You just admitted that liberalism is an ignorant and failed ideology which has resulted in “the worst inequality and upward mobility ever”.

The US government is bigger than it has ever been, is more unconstitutional than it has ever been, and now steals more money ($4 trillion per year) than it ever has. The result of your ignorant liberalism?

Well, according to you: “the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere”.
We still have Reagan give away to the rich tax rates that leave no money to invest in infrastructure and our people. Change the damn channel. GOP obstruction has been working great, for the rich!
We still have Reagan give away to the rich tax rates that leave no money to invest in infrastructure and our people.
Franco...is there no end to your ignorance? 🤦‍♂️

The President of the United States does not control tax rates. Congress does. Guess who controlled Congress during all 8 of Reagan's years in the Oval Office?

Yep...the Democrat Party!! Tip O'Neill was Speaker of the House the entire time and the Democrats decided tax rates.

Screen Shot 2023-06-01 at 8.28.16 PM.png
GOP obstruction has been working great, for the rich!
Franco...change the damn channel. CNN and MSNBC have you so damn ignorant, you're absolutely humiliating yourself. Congress controls tax rates. The Democrats controlled Congress during Reagan's entire Presidency, you uneducated idiot.
Funny how the Democrats always have a better more solid economy
Lying about reality doesn't alter reality, functional moron. Jimmy Carter collapsed the United States - Ronald Reagan delivered unprecedented prosperity.

Barack Obama collapsed the United States - Donald Trump delivered unprecedented prosperity.

Those are the indisputable facts. Period.
Crap GOP propaganda of course.
Your lies right there are pure propaganda. Let's review the facts again, shall we?
France’s social charges also fund day care, or “creche,”... some day care centers are poorly run, have mediocre food, and few enriching children’s activities. Furthermore, even if your day care is good, your child is not guaranteed a spot in the day care for which you pay social charges, as day care spots are largely income-based.

Everyone pays, but only some get access. In other words, the government takes 20% or more of your monthly paycheck and then determines if you are worthy of receiving the services it forces you to pay for.
And that right there is exactly what parasites such as yourself are banking on. That you will be the recipient of the welfare, while those paying for everything get fucked over.

This is what government does. It fails 98% of society. You, being the mooching parasitic 2% know that you'll get some pitiful government table scraps while everyone else gets nothing. And you want those pitiful table scraps because you're greedy & lazy.
Your lies right there are pure propaganda. Let's review the facts again, shall we?

And that right there is exactly what parasites such as yourself are banking on. That you will be the recipient of the welfare, while those paying for everything get fucked over.

This is what government does. It fails 98% of society. You, being the mooching parasitic 2% know that you'll get some pitiful government table scraps while everyone else gets nothing. And you want those pitiful table scraps because you're greedy & lazy.
Your article is pure crap propaganda, you can say those things about anything. Point is people are very happy there. United States is 23rd in happiness and worry and work themselves to death.... And the corporate food you buy is pure crap along with our family farms who are screwed by the big corporate GOP....
Donald Trump immediately shut down travel from China to protect the American people. You fascist Democrats sued him for protecting citizens because you want to collapse the United States.

You'll never be able to rewrite history functional moron, no matter how hard you try 🤷‍♂️

The point is he talked about the dangers of the vaccines so much only 40% of the GOP got vaccinated and still believe conspiracy theories about everything..... Great job!
Lying about reality doesn't alter reality, functional moron. Jimmy Carter collapsed the United States - Ronald Reagan delivered unprecedented prosperity.

Barack Obama collapsed the United States - Donald Trump delivered unprecedented prosperity.

Those are the indisputable facts. Period.
I blame Teddy for not doing anything carter wanted, like tax cuts.

Trump's greatest achievement was not ruining the Obama recovery, until he did.
Your lies right there are pure propaganda. Let's review the facts again, shall we?

And that right there is exactly what parasites such as yourself are banking on. That you will be the recipient of the welfare, while those paying for everything get fucked over.

This is what government does. It fails 98% of society. You, being the mooching parasitic 2% know that you'll get some pitiful government table scraps while everyone else gets nothing. And you want those pitiful table scraps because you're greedy & lazy.
Your source is a right wing propaganda rag, brainwashed functional moron.
Total BS. It's is very happy and proud number one in the world quality of life every time.
Franco...change the damn channel. CNN and MSNBC have you so damn ignorant, you're absolutely humiliating yourself. Congress controls tax rates. The Democrats controlled Congress during Reagan's entire Presidency, you uneducated idiot.
On the other hand this was back when they had a presidential honeymoon and Democrats approved trying his tax cuts. They worked great at 50% top rate, but he left cutting them to 28% and the screw job of everyone but the rich began, with his propaganda machine made possible by doing away with the fair play doctrine. they still knew how to have a few drinks and make deals.
Lying about reality doesn't alter reality, functional moron. Jimmy Carter collapsed the United States - Ronald Reagan delivered unprecedented prosperity.

Barack Obama collapsed the United States - Donald Trump delivered unprecedented prosperity.

Those are the indisputable facts. Period.
bs And Reagan also gave us the corrupt bubble and bust of the S&L crisis, like all GOP administrations...
Your article is pure crap propaganda, you can say those things about anything.
Bwahahaha!!! You literally just contradicted yourself in one short sentence. If “you can say those things” (because they are true) then it is not “propaganda”.

:laugh: :lmao::laugh: :lmao::laugh: :lmao::laugh:
Point is people are very happy there
No. The actual point is…

1. You’re deeply ignorant about all of this subject matter

2. You lie every time you post

3. The people are not happy there (read the article again)

4. You would move to France if people actually were “so happy there”

5. Government forcing you to pay for public services, and then denying you those services, is as disgusting as you are
The point is he talked about the dangers of the vaccines so much
The point is - you lied then and you’re lying now.
  1. Trump got vaccinated
  2. Trump created “Operation Warp Speed” to facilitate the vaccine
  3. Trump encouraged everyone to get vaccinated
This one post here has 5 links proving you’re a lying piece of shit.

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