Stormy Spilled The Beans On Trump

The creepy guy Trump compared Stormy to his daughter. Incestual perverted SOB...

Daniels testified in lurid detail about a 2006 sexual encounter with Trump, who she said compared her to his daughter and dangled an offer to appear on his "Apprentice" reality TV show to coerce her into sex, and former federal prosecutor Kristy Greenberg told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that her testimony was crucial to prosecutors' case.

"I thought the cringe was kind of the point," Greenberg said. "This was the story that Donald Trump did not want America to hear and this is why he was willing to pay the money to her. A guy who we have heard is very frugal was willing to make sure this [$130,000] payment was made so that America didn't hear about him showing up, you know, in his Hugh Hefner satin pajamas and [that he] didn't sleep in the same bed with his wife and a woman he wanted to sleep with who reminded him of his daughter. You had all of these things that portrayed Donald Trump as really this kind of lame, desperate, creepy old man, and that is a story he wouldn't have wanted to get out."

That's the sick guy MAGAtards want for president.


You haters are desperate.

BTW- she’s changed her story a dozen times already.
There are some real idiots posting in this thread. Specifically,

Fucking, or attempting to fuck, the person who calls herself, "Stormy Daniels" makes you a pervert, then sign me up.

Getty Images Karen McDougal attends a Playboy party in Miami Beach, Florida, in February 2010

Nothing associated with their alleged ONE-TIME INTERACTION was illegal, nor was the NDA she signed illegal, nor was it a violation of campaign finance laws to classify the NDA consideration a campaign finance expense. It may have been illegal to classify the payment as a "legal expenses," but that would be a misdemeanor, not a felony, and the agency with jurisdiction over that matter declined to prosecute it.

Regardless, her testimony never should have been allowed, as any first-year law student would know, and it had NOTHING TO DO WITH the "crimes" for which Trump was charged - whatever they might be.

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