Major Hole In Stormy Daniels Case.....The Story Was Already Published In 2011....Why Would Trump Pay Hush Money If It Was Already Made Public?

So why would he pay hush money for something that was already public knowledge
Because the ACCESS HOLLYWOOD video tape had just took the public by storm, Evangelicals support was waning or hanging on by a thin hair, Trump had almost convinced them that it was just, "locker room talk", and Trump's Campaign could not afford another scandal or two, going nation wide.
Because the ACCESS HOLLYWOOD video tape had just took the public by storm, Evangelicals support was waning or hanging on by a thin hair, Trump had almost convinced them that it was just, "locker room talk", and Trump's Campaign could not afford another scandal or two, going nation wide.
You're confusing Stormy Daniels with something else.
Stormy Daniels was 13 years ago.
Seems this is the reason nobody would touch this case with a ten meter cattleprod.

You would have to assume that Trump had something to hide. But the fact is Stormy Daniels had been shopping the story around for 5 years and nobody would touch it.....because she had already sold the story to a publisher in 2011 and nobody cared. She was extorting money from Trump and he refused to pay because he knew that the word was already out.

Remember that Bill Clinton had a whole team dedicated to handle the 'bimbo eruption' of women coming out of the woodwork to accuse him when he was campaigning. No telling how many of those he settled with but when it wasn't Trump, it wasn't a problem was it.
You're confusing Stormy Daniels with something else.
Stormy Daniels was 13 years ago.
Stormy Daniel's and Karen McDougal are both from 2006. Yeah, he was doing both of them and his bride Melania, in 2006....

Stormy tried to sell her story in 2011.
Seems this is the reason nobody would touch this case with a ten meter cattleprod.

You would have to assume that Trump had something to hide. But the fact is Stormy Daniels had been shopping the story around for 5 years and nobody would touch it.....because she had already sold the story to a publisher in 2011 and nobody cared. She was extorting money from Trump and he refused to pay because he knew that the word was already out.

"Major hole" heh.....
Very appropriate phrasing for the subject
Seems this is the reason nobody would touch this case with a ten meter cattleprod.

You would have to assume that Trump had something to hide. But the fact is Stormy Daniels had been shopping the story around for 5 years and nobody would touch it.....because she had already sold the story to a publisher in 2011 and nobody cared. She was extorting money from Trump and he refused to pay because he knew that the word was already out.

This is true. I read Revolver news today and confirm the story here is accurate.

Think about it: how could President Trump have possibly silenced Stormy Daniels back in 2016 when Revolver already exposed that she had sold her story to “Life and Style” magazine in 2013?


[D]espite the fact that Stormy Daniels at the time denied an affair with Trump, she gave an interview telling the story of her affair to a tabloid in 2011. This story was then published in 2011 and had been in the public domain for quite some time. Our source, who has direct knowledge of such matters, offered corroborating information that further highlights the farce that is the case against Trump.
According to our inside source, the real backstory of this saga is far more complex and scheming than you might have imagined. Speaking under the condition of anonymity, our source provided insight into how Team Stormy’s secretive and meticulously coordinated extortion plot came to be. Our source also highlighted a critical error made in this “extortion plot” about thirteen years ago that, frankly, should derail this sham trial completely, along with the actual reason behind that infamous NDA.
As suggested, the Stormy saga dates back much further than many realize, all the way to 2011. Our source revealed that Stormy’s manager, Gina Rodriguez, who is a well-connected media operative, had been attempting to peddle Stormy’s “Trump story” for six months before disgraced former lawyer and convicted felon Michael Cohen took over managing the deal in the messy aftermath of the Access Hollywood tape release. However, prior to that, our source reveals that back in 2011, Team Stormy had already shared her “Trump affair” tale with a tabloid called In Touch Magazine, which at the time was owned by the German conglomerate Bauer. However, no deal was struck to publish the story in that particular magazine, and so it remained under wraps until years later. This does not mean that the story had to wait years to see the light of day. Bauer, the parent company of In Touch, cleverly sidestepped its confidentiality provision with Stormy Daniels by publishing her story in a sister publication called Life & Style Magazine—this is a crucial detail that has been largely lost amid the current anti-Trump hysteria. This now brings us back to Gina Rodriguez, who, in April 2016, right as Trump’s campaign was gaining momentum, saw dollar signs and attempted once again to shop Stormy’s story, but she had no luck. Why? Because at that point, as the New York Times excerpt suggests, the story had already been in the public domain since 2011, having been published by Life & Style, and everybody in the media industry knew it.

This is true. I read Revolver news today and confirm the story here is accurate.

Think about it: how could President Trump have possibly silenced Stormy Daniels back in 2016 when Revolver already exposed that she had sold her story to “Life and Style” magazine in 2013?


A couple of things:

#1 As I've pointed out, the story being out there undermines the idea that FPOTUS#45 sought the NDA to protect Melania. She know about his transgression already.

#2 You have to remember the context of the time. The Bush "Grab'em by the Vagina" tape had just surfaces, Trump v. Clinton were neck-and-neck in the polls, it was less than 2-weeks before the election and the campaign was panicked that another sex scandal would tank the election.
So while the story had already been in the media years before, the value of the story increased because of the Bush tape which is why "Team Daniels" attempted to sell it to the National Enquirer. Not knowing that the CEO (Pecker) was acting as eyes and ears for the campaign. So Team Daniels contacts the National Enquirer, Pecker hears about it, Pecker contacts the campaign (Cohen), and Cohen then steps into buy the story.

This is true. I read Revolver news today and confirm the story here is accurate.

Think about it: how could President Trump have possibly silenced Stormy Daniels back in 2016 when Revolver already exposed that she had sold her story to “Life and Style” magazine in 2013?


Thanks for proving Trump paid for Stormy's silence for no reason other than the election.
A couple of things:

#1 As I've pointed out, the story being out there undermines the idea that FPOTUS#45 sought the NDA to protect Melania. She know about his transgression already.

#2 You have to remember the context of the time. The Bush "Grab'em by the Vagina" tape had just surfaces, Trump v. Clinton were neck-and-neck in the polls, it was less than 2-weeks before the election and the campaign was panicked that another sex scandal would tank the election.
So while the story had already been in the media years before, the value of the story increased because of the Bush tape which is why "Team Daniels" attempted to sell it to the National Enquirer. Not knowing that the CEO (Pecker) was acting as eyes and ears for the campaign. So Team Daniels contacts the National Enquirer, Pecker hears about it, Pecker contacts the campaign (Cohen), and Cohen then steps into buy the story.


I wonder why Biden did not kill the story told by his daughter of them showering together and she became promiscuous?
If sex with a whore is important, sex with his daughter is very important.

The only sex with a daughter is the one your imagining. Ashley never said that and indeed, implied there wasn't sex.
The only sex with a daughter is the one your imagining. Ashley never said that and indeed, implied there wasn't sex.
It stuns the audience here how twisted your version of law really is.

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