Sen. Tim Scott: Where All Da White Women At?!?

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

Tim Scott took his girlfriend with him to last night GOP debate. As you know, I am a staunch conservative. However, vapid political showmanship is not my thing. Therefore, I have some thoughts on Tim Scott.

First, the woman is not bad looking. But she does not necessarily look like the type of woman who would be dating Scott.

Second, I find it mildly irritating that the woman Scott is allegedly banging is cuter than the chick I am currently banging.

Third, this has to be a joke, right?!? A 58 yr old, lifelong bachelor?!? Come on! All of us guys fuck up and get married at some point. Some even dig it.

Fourth, do you know who else is a current GOP senator from South Carolina who is also a life long bachelor? Lindsey Graham. Think about that. Bizarro Central.

Fifth, the fact Scott paraded this chick out there is the direct result of his feeling threatened by the “he’s a homo!” stigma, and the resulting harm it will do to his polling numbers (and fundraising). In other words, it is a sign of weakness. Pathetic.

Sixth, it has been documented that Scott was a virgin as late as age 30. Frankly, I find this hard to believe. It is also weird, especially for a home boy.

Seventh, if he was a longtime virgin and a 58 yr old bachelor, then he probably does not know how to effectively pleasure a woman. So why would anyone date him?

Eighth, examination of the video suggests to me that this is a totally, 100% contrived relationship. They may have met a year ago, but they have not been banging uglies. The react to one another in a strictly platonic way.

Ninth, I don’t care if Scott is a homo, I prefer him to be what he is rather than who he thinks we want him to be. Hell, the GOP does not want him to be straight. We don’t care. The homo angle as a negative is totally a Democrat manufactured thing, in my opinion.

Tenth, I do care if Scott is lying to me. Maybe he is a weirdo with a micro phallus and resulting psychological issues, causing him to avoid women because loneliness is less painful than rejection. I don’t know, nor do I care. All I care about is what he is going to in the Senate and, if elected, in the White House. But if you lie to me it hurts your credibility and, in this instance, makes you look like a weirdo.

Eleventh, there is nothing wrong with not practicing cocksmanship because of deeply held religious beliefs. It is fine. It’s not for me, but it’s fine. But most guys like this cannot resist biological urges and eventually enter into marriage in order to dump all that pent up and gooey testosterone into their women. Scott did not do this. Why? The right one just has not come along in 58 years?!? I call bullshit. Note that I acknowledge rushing into marriage simply to get laid may lead to horrible marriages and broken families. It is best to just put out without the law getting involved.

Twelfth, this whole issue is kind of unfair to Scott, as who he is boning is not relevant to his politics. It is kind of a dirty smear job that, unfortunately, he felt he had to respond to. I view this as a sign of weakness, as I have already stated. As such, thanks to the media, this smear is largely working.
Not bad, looks right stout.

As is the white community is accepting of LGBTQ people.
You must not have ever attended any type of LGTV rally, if you had you would notice the crowd is majority white. Hip Hop has a long history of homophobia in its lyrics. The community needs to change
You must not have ever attended any type of LGTV rally, if you had you would notice the crowd is majority white. Hip Hop has a long history of homophobia in its lyrics. The community needs to change
I was a Director for an Agency that worked with AIDS victims. So like I said, whites are no more accepting than anyone else, whites are hip hop artists and white legislators pass anti LGBTQ legislation. So the AMERICAN community needs to change.
I was a Director for an Agency that worked with AIDS victims. So like I said, whites are no more accepting than anyone else, whites are hip hop artists and white legislators pass anti LGBTQ legislation. So the AMERICAN community needs to change.
You are also a well known racist on this board so you got that going for you

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