Rudy Giuliani's Trial For Damages In Defamation Lawsuit Filed By Two Georgia Workers Set To Begin Today.

Lawyers for Freeman and Moss filed the case in Washington DC because it involves a dispute between citizens of different states and because Giuliani “made defamatory statements that were produced and published in the District of Columbia
I keep asking to read the proof. When will you learn to supply proof?
Defamation? WTF? The Harvard president is guilty of defamation of every person of Jewish descent in the freaking Country. Mobs of college students are guilty of defamation of the Jewish people. SNL refused to even apologize after a disgraceful skit aimed at a republican congressperson.
off-topic bullshittery is all you turds have, eh?

meanwhile, two innocent women will hopefully get justice for being violated by your freakish cult.
I want proof. What makes you claim you posted proof?
I don’t know what you mean by proof. You want me to prove why the lawyers decided to file suit in DC and not Georgia? Well he is facing criminal charges in Georgia… but he is a DC lawyer so they are going after his law license and suing for damages from defamation and lies he told about election workers. A 1 minute google search produced the explaination I posted in response to your question. Beyond that I’m not a mind reader
I'm sure they'll adjust.
Funny how many of the Lottery winners went back to being broke.

Some who get that much money end up losing their family and friends and truly are not happy.
Rudy is going broke, and I'm sure he's not happy.
I learned when I got sued by a guy alleging defamation of his character that if you are a newspaper, very hard to charge them. As I was a Director for a large organization, my corporation has clauses saying as a Director they pay my bills for legal issues and have insurance that actually covers the costs. I also got an apology in writing from the CEO who allowed this to leak out and said confession is in a lawyers safe in San Francisco.
I don’t know what you mean by proof. You want me to prove why the lawyers decided to file suit in DC and not Georgia? Well he is facing criminal charges in Georgia… but he is a DC lawyer so they are going after his law license and suing for damages from defamation and lies he told about election workers. A 1 minute google search produced the explaination I posted in response to your question. Beyond that I’m not a mind reader
Have you ever quoted legal materials?
Have you ever quoted legal materials?
Legal materials? Haha. What kind of legal materials exists to show why people make decisions. I could turn the tables on you who made the claim that this case should be in Georgia. Do you have legal materials to show that what you said is true? What requires the case to be in Georgia? Time to see if you can walk the walk. My guess is that we have a dodge coming
. Do you have legal materials to show that what you said is true? What requires the case to be in Georgia? Time to see if you can walk the walk. My guess is that we have a dodge coming
Well how about that. I will do as you do. So it will not be a dodge. The plaintiffs are in Georgia, the Defendant is in DC. The alleged incident happened in GA. There is more justification to have this decided in GA than in DC. Rudy would have to show up in GA.
"I am clueless on this case. All I know is a great man is a target."

There's no need for good poster Bob W. to remain clueless.
There is coverage aplenty in the media.

If Bob really is as clueless on this single particular case, as he professes.....well, that may very well explain why he appears the same in other political issues on this venue. His condition seems to apply broadly.

Trust me ---- it helps to read. To do homework. To do due diligence.

Bob, you are coming across on this venue as.......well, truly clueless.
And that is on you, no one else.
"I think his greedy little adversaries should not even get two cents and pay all his legal fees for this ridiculous money and power grab."

Prolific poster Beautress, don't be as clueless as poster Bob.
There is plenty of coverage right now on Rudy's defamation of these two women. Rudy admitted he defamed them. Rudy refused to turn over evidence of his claims to the court. The judge said again this very morning that Rudy's outburst yesterday appears to have defamed them again.

Rudy is required to the bed he made.

Nobody is blaming you poster 'beautress' for Rudy's situation. That is all on him. And I truly think you know that that is true.

There's no need for good poster Bob W. to remain clueless.
There is coverage aplenty in the media.

If Bob really is as clueless on this single particular case, as he professes.....well, that may very well explain why he appears the same in other political issues on this venue. His condition seems to apply broadly.

Trust me ---- it helps to read. To do homework. To do due diligence.

Bob, you are coming across on this venue as.......well, truly clueless.
And that is on you, no one else.
You are clueless why I post as I post. That is on you.
Prolific poster Beautress, don't be as clueless as poster Bob.
There is plenty of coverage right now on Rudy's defamation of these two women. Rudy admitted he defamed them. Rudy refused to turn over evidence of his claims to the court. The judge said again this very morning that Rudy's outburst yesterday appears to have defamed them again.

Rudy is required to the bed he made.

Nobody is blaming you poster 'beautress' for Rudy's situation. That is all on him. And I truly think you know that that is true.
You will not profit. Nor will you be forced to have expenses. Why are you discussing posters?

Rudy keeps denying he defamed them. It is even on video.
"Rudy keeps denying he defamed them."
Ummm, nope.
Rudy admitted he defamed them.
The judge took him at his word.....and ruled he defamed them.


"Rudy Giuliani admitted in a court filing Tuesday night that his claims about Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss were false.

The concession came as Giuliani tries to settle a defamation lawsuit from Freeman and Moss, whom he falsely accused of participating in a scheme to rig Georgia’s 2020 presidential election in favor of President Biden. “Defendant Giuliani concedes … that the statements carry meaning that is defamatory,” the filing reads, later noting that he “does not contest” that the “statements were false.”


Bob, do your damn homework. You are coming across as undereducated. Or careless.
For additional reading:

Ummm, nope.
Rudy admitted he defamed them.
The judge took him at his word.....and ruled he defamed them.


"Rudy Giuliani admitted in a court filing Tuesday night that his claims about Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss were false.

The concession came as Giuliani tries to settle a defamation lawsuit from Freeman and Moss, whom he falsely accused of participating in a scheme to rig Georgia’s 2020 presidential election in favor of President Biden. “Defendant Giuliani concedes … that the statements carry meaning that is defamatory,” the filing reads, later noting that he “does not contest” that the “statements were false.”


Bob, do your damn homework. You are coming across as undereducated. Or careless.
Have you heard of the Algorithm before? I do not choose all the reading, Google chooses a hell of a lot of it.

I have a tip for you. Do not do my homework. Mind your own business.
Well how about that. I will do as you do. So it will not be a dodge. The plaintiffs are in Georgia, the Defendant is in DC. The alleged incident happened in GA. There is more justification to have this decided in GA than in DC. Rudy would have to show up in GA.
Rudy is a DC lawyer that’s where his license is and is being challenged. Again I’ll say…You are making a legal argument so you should show legal documents to back it up. Doesn’t appear that you can. I’m simply stating reasons that have been published about why the lawyers chose a DC venue. No need to provide legal proof for what I’m presenting cause it doesn’t exist

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