Rudy Giuliani's Trial For Damages In Defamation Lawsuit Filed By Two Georgia Workers Set To Begin Today.

You have actually no knowledge of how defamation suits are decided
Your ridiculous claims prove it
You are defaming me. I have outlined why I know a lot more of these suits than you know and you maliciously defame me.

Giuliani Repeatedly Sought Financial Lifeline From Trump

Rudolph W. Giuliani is running out of money and looking to collect from a longtime client who has yet to pay: former President Donald J. Trump.

To recover the millions of dollars he believes he is owed for his efforts to keep Mr. Trump in power, Mr. Giuliani first deferred to his lawyer, who pressed anyone in Mr. Trump’s circle who would listen.

When that fizzled out, Mr. Giuliani and his lawyer made personal appeals to the former president over a two-hour dinner in April at his Mar-a-Lago estate and in a private meeting at his golf club in West Palm Beach.

When those entreaties largely failed as well, Mr. Giuliani’s son, Andrew, who has an independent relationship with the former president, visited Mr. Trump at his club in New Jersey this month, with what people briefed on the meeting said was the hope of getting his father’s huge legal bills covered.


This has nothing to do with Trump. If it was about Trump, the two women would have sued Trump.

Punitive damages have to be based on a reasonable amount. These two women probably do not own a car.
They gonna take Rudy's shirt. Just get used to it.
No you don't. What you have is video spliced and diced by Rudy Giuliani to manufacture a fake narrative.

This was not Rudy's "opinion". It was a deliberate act to create a lie.

When offered the FULL video from that polling station, Donald Trump flatly refused to look at it. It's all there in the phone recording between Trump and the Georgia Secretary of State, a Republican who supported Trump's re-election.

Rudy went out of his way to defame these innocent people.

And now he's going to pay. Bigly.
There are many people who have been blacklisted and fired for having political views not Progressive. Its only just recently that a trickle has stated from the Prog side. Anyway, the nation is in a zone of not trusting people more and more.
You are defaming me. I have outlined why I know a lot more of these suits than you know and you maliciously defame me.
You know jack shit. You kept claiming the worth of the two women is a factor. You are flatly wrong.

It is the worth of the defendant which is the factor in punitive damages.

I predict Rudy will have to pay over a billion, three hundred million, trillion, three hundred million dollars
Defamation? WTF? The Harvard president is guilty of defamation of every person of Jewish descent in the freaking Country. Mobs of college students are guilty of defamation of the Jewish people. SNL refused to even apologize after a disgraceful skit aimed at a republican congressperson.
You know jack shit. You kept claiming the worth of the two women is a factor. You are flatly wrong.

It is the worth of the defendant which is the factor in punitive damages.

Oh no I did not do that. Read correctly. I was not making a legal claim about them at all. I was only speaking that they are not used to having much money. But that is not a factor the jury will consider.

Take Alex Jones. He said when sued that 2 million dollars would bust him. And this did not matter either.
I hope anyone considering going to work for Dear Leader is paying attention to how many people he has thrown under the bus.
Wait for it to happen to Biden and his family.
You know jack shit. You kept claiming the worth of the two women is a factor. You are flatly wrong.

It is the worth of the defendant which is the factor in punitive damages.

Rudy is reported to be damned broke by now.
You really give a shit about this, don't you? I don't myself.
The guy they put in the WH is now one small step above a houseplant in cognitive ability and they are obsessing over what Rudy said three years ago.
The case is rubbish.

The election workers suffered Zero damages, even if you assume that Rudy has no right to free speech and was "defaming them".

In fact they became heroes to the Far Left by rigging the election, and Rudy's observations helped to raise their stature.

This is just another tactic by the left to try and criminalize opposition to their extremism.
I’ll take the courts findings over your BS spin. LMK when you get you head out of Rudy’s ass
Again you are clueless

Personal worth is not a factor in damages
Punitive damages will attempt to protect poll workers in the future from harassment and threats
Where did I say it was a factor in damages? Connect the dots to prove what you accused me of claiming.
The guy they put in the WH is now one small step above a houseplant in cognitive ability and they are obsessing over what Rudy said three years ago.
It is damned strange to me that strangers to all of the parties of this case are very involved to the point they resort to insults at posters.
Why do you think this case is in DC? When it should be in GA?
Do you ever look for answers before you ask questions? I’m getting tired of doing your homework for you…

Lawyers for Freeman and Moss filed the case in Washington DC because it involves a dispute between citizens of different states and because Giuliani “made defamatory statements that were produced and published in the District of Columbia

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