Realignment: Democrats are the Party of the Rich Elitists, Republicans Party of the Working Class

Took the Obama then Trump then back to Obama (aka Joe) contrasts to show the working class who has their best interest at heart.

What the data show: Democrats are statistically tied with Republicans among Hispanics on the generic congressional ballot, according to a New York Times-Siena College poll out this week. Dems held a 47-point edge with Hispanics during the 2018 midterms.
An NBC News poll in April found Democrats held a 38-point lead among women with college degrees -- up from 10 points from 2010. Democrats lost ground with nearly every other demographic group tested in the survey.


What's happening: Democratic strategists say the party's biggest vulnerability is assuming that the priorities of progressive activists are the same as those of working-class voters.

Progressive activists led the push to cut police budgets. Communities of color have borne the brunt of higher crime.

Hispanics living on the U.S.-Mexico border are more likely to favor tougher border security measures that Republicans have championed.

The recall of liberal school board members and a district attorney in San Francisco was fueled by disillusioned Asian-American Democrats.

Between the lines: Add the reality of growing inflation and worries of recession, and you see why Democrats are losing ground with a core part of their coalition.

Wealthier Americans aren't feeling the day-to-day hardship hitting the working class.

This week's Times/Siena poll found affluent voters care about gun control and abortion rights. Working-class voters are squarely focused on the economy.

And I’ll save you Leftards the grief of me slapping you silly later. Axios is a Leftist rag.

Just 50 Families Have Spent $600 Million On The 2024 Elections So Far​

More than two-thirds of their donations have flowed to Republican candidates or causes.

So this troubles you huh?

More than two-thirds, or 69%, of their donations flowed to Republican candidates or causes, including the super PAC supporting former President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, and Americans for Prosperity Action, a super PAC affiliated with the Koch family that supports conservative candidates. Only 23% went to groups supporting Democrats
So this troubles you huh?

More than two-thirds, or 69%, of their donations flowed to Republican candidates or causes, including the super PAC supporting former President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, and Americans for Prosperity Action, a super PAC affiliated with the Koch family that supports conservative candidates. Only 23% went to groups supporting Democrats
That’s just Julia Roberts / George Clooney / Rob Reiner / Barbara Streisand $$
So this troubles you huh?

More than two-thirds, or 69%, of their donations flowed to Republican candidates or causes, including the super PAC supporting former President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, and Americans for Prosperity Action, a super PAC affiliated with the Koch family that supports conservative candidates. Only 23% went to groups supporting Democrats

Kock Brother(s) never supported Conservatives
AFP does not support Conservatives.

They were/are libertarians.

Just 50 Families Have Spent $600 Million On The 2024 Elections So Far​

More than two-thirds of their donations have flowed to Republican candidates or causes.

Because they know that Republicans make the country better.
Appreciate you pointing that out.
That's what happens when you have ivy league leftists formulating your policy for you.

I guess you forgot who Trump picked for his cabinet. People like Mnuchin, DeVoss & Tillerson who came directly from Wall St & corporate America.

Kock Brother(s) never supported Conservatives
AFP does not support Conservatives.

They were/are libertarians.
Are you kidding me? I spent the entire 2000's arguing against all the GOP bad shit the Koch's were doing. They are the GOP version of Soros.

Now they like prison reform because it will save tax dollars. Saving tax dollars means giving them more tax cuts.

They just don't support Trump.
Kock Brother(s) never supported Conservatives
AFP does not support Conservatives.

They were/are libertarians.

They have never supported Trump and won't be doing so this election either. But they will be supporting down ballot senate candidates.
Are you kidding me? I spent the entire 2000's arguing against all the GOP bad shit the Koch's were doing. They are the GOP version of Soros.

Now they like prison reform because it will save tax dollars. Saving tax dollars means giving them more tax cuts.

They just don't support Trump.

That just shows how far to the lunatic left you are.
No conservative believes that the Kochs were Conservative.
You mean Ivy League authoritarians like Tucker Carlson, Ron DeSantis, Josh Hawley?
I'll just use the dem line.

that was different.jpg

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