Pro-Palestinian Protesters Are HAMAS


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The protesters on US campuses are not there by accident. They didn't just gradually get interested in protesting. They are a combination of illegal aliens from Gaza, smuggled here by ISIS, who ARE HAMAS (see 4:25 of the video), students here on visas (which should be revoked), and Americans who have been pressured into protesting, while hardly having a clue as to what they're protesting about (aka "useful idiots").

The FBI has acknowledged the smuggling across the open US border, while old Joe sits smugly in th White House with his ice cream cones.

I think that almost the entire world has become Hamas, if only for the sake of registering our sentiments of opposing the Zionists' genocide.

Otherwise, the situation is evolving favourably for the military solution on the side of right.
The protesters on US campuses are not there by accident. They didn't just gradually get interested in protesting. They are a combination of illegal aliens from Gaza, smuggled here by ISIS, who ARE HAMAS (see 4:25 of the video), students here on visas (which should be revoked), and Americans who have been pressured into protesting, while hardly having a clue as to what they're protesting about (aka "useful idiots").

The FBI has acknowledged the smuggling across the open US border, while old Joe sits smugly in th White House with his ice cream cones.

Don't forget the legion of actual Faculty joining the terrorists in their protesting.

Academia is where all the SHIT starts, people. Then it goes to the DISGUSTING FILTH for a Beta Test and if it passes, the dimocrap scum party picks it up and Main Streams it.

Been going on for decades
There is little difference between hamas ind the idf. Both murder innocent people.
Many are saying that the Palestinian people have become willing to pay a high price for a country. They're the same people who are saying that the Zionists' military aren't equal to the task at hand and are being quickly eliminated by the combined enemy.

The only point I'm confident with is that the forces of Zionism have lost the ability to escalate the violence with impunity.. That ability has been transferred over to Iran and their proxies, ever since Iran's demonstration of power.

Is it being discussed in Britain?
Wrong! Hamas targets innocent people while IDF Kills innocent people when Hamas uses them as shields!

There are no innocent Jews in Nazi Israel .
They have become complicit to an insane Hitler Impersonator leader and his few remaining evil cronies .

The list of alleged war crimes carried out by Nazi Israel and the inexperienced IDF is huge .

They are reaping what they have sown .
Many are saying that the Palestinian people have become willing to pay a high price for a country. They're the same people who are saying that the Zionists' military aren't equal to the task at hand and are being quickly eliminated by the combined enemy.

The only point I'm confident with is that the forces of Zionism have lost the ability to escalate the violence with impunity.. That ability has been transferred over to Iran and their proxies, ever since Iran's demonstration of power.

Is it being discussed in Britain?
Most people just want it to stop. Poliicians are behind the curve on this. Both main parties have Friends of Israel sections as cheerleaders. It is raising tensions in the UK and interfering in our public affairs. Not in our name is the main topic over here.
Wrong! Hamas targets innocent people while IDF Kills innocent people when Hamas uses them as shields!
People in terror groups always use civilians as shields. But civilised nations do not just kill the innocent. They find other wasys. Only israel have a kill everyone policy.
We never murdered Irish civilians like kids when we fought the IRA.. Spain never murdered babies when hunting ETA. Neither did Germany murder babies when chasing Baader Meinhof. Why does Israel do so ?
. That ability has been transferred over to Iran and their proxies, ever since Iran's demonstration of power.

Is it being discussed in Britain?

Always was part of the plan which I outlined in detail on October 8 when I explained the Deep State False Flag which Nutty Yahoo had been deputed to carry out .

The only remaining key issue is whether the US can be suckered into the conflict end game and be destroyed -- or at least heavily injured .
If Piss Pot's handlers are playing a genuine Good Cop role they might escape humiliation .
If they drag themselves in , it probably signals the end of their Empire .
We need to halt all immigration and deport illegal aliens and visa students until we go back to assimilating new migrants and upholding immigration standards that show they can add something of value to our nation besides hate....
If you have no skills and no one to sponsor you... you don't get in period....
Always was part of the plan which I outlined in detail on October 8 when I explained the Deep State False Flag which Nutty Yahoo had been deputed to carry out .

The only remaining key issue is whether the US can be suckered into the conflict end game and be destroyed -- or at least heavily injured .
If Piss Pot's handlers are playing a genuine Good Cop role they might escape humiliation .
If they drag themselves in , it probably signals the end of their Empire .
If America gets involved it's most likely going to be world war.
Yes, Biden is playing the good cop and that's obvious now that he's back to sending the bombs again.

More to the point are Ritter's predictions.
The IDF can smash HAMAS , Volley and trade bombardments and thwart frontier incursions with Hezbollah and pin prick strike Iranian Interests In ( Lebanon / Syria / Iran ... all over some weekend
The IDF can smash HAMAS , Volley and trade bombardments and thwart frontier incursions with Hezbollah and pin prick strike Iranian Interests In ( Lebanon / Syria / Iran ... all over some weekend
You've done a good job on stating the talking points for the Zionists' side.
Can we take it to the bank?
I think that almost the entire world has become Hamas, if only for the sake of registering our sentiments of opposing the Zionists' genocide.

Otherwise, the situation is evolving favourably for the military solution on the side of right.
Hamas is the genocide....1400 year and running.
Most people just want it to stop. Poliicians are behind the curve on this. Both main parties have Friends of Israel sections as cheerleaders. It is raising tensions in the UK and interfering in our public affairs. Not in our name is the main topic over here.
If the side against the Zionists has gained power in the ME, it's not going to stop Tommy.

Everybody is waiting for the Zionists' show of strength against any of Iran's assets, to see how Iran responds.

At least there are less people dying as we wait!
There are no innocent Jews in Nazi Israel .
They have become complicit to an insane Hitler Impersonator leader and his few remaining evil cronies .

The list of alleged war crimes carried out by Nazi Israel and the inexperienced IDF is huge .

They are reaping what they have sown .
DUPE talk.

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