Pro Hamas Crazies in Portland Just Torched 15 Cop Cars

Good news for Portland, it will given the city a chance to replace the Internal Combustion fueled cop cars with green friendly EV's or, even better, bicycles for the fuzz to park in front of Dunkin Donuts.
You called it pretty close!

"...That includes using $25 million in PCEF dollars to transition the city’s vehicle fleet from gas to electric, and $1 million to lease a new building for city vehicle maintenance, replacing the city’s current, structurally unsafe maintenance shop in North Portland.
And he proposed using $42 million to replace a streetcar, maintain bike lanes, replace street lights with LED bulbs and other programs in the Portland Bureau of Transportation."

But I think they torched the Dunkin Donuts back in 2020... :laugh:
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I wonder if the Biden Justice Dept. will now finally consider these people a security threat?

Or if they won't, because -as we all know - it's been totally and utterly politicized beyond all recognition.

Too busy trying to jail Orange Man Rad to fix up crime-ridden hell hole cities, or reign in the Leftist Frankenstein monster they've released on the normie populace.

I mean, who in the hell could possibly defend this?

Will the national alphabet news letter agencies even cover it?



Have I missed something or has the word “democrats” been absent from all the news media of these pro Hamas protests? I mean, you hear them mentioning the “rise in anti semitism” but you never hear them say “democrat protesters” or such.

If this had been a Republican protest, that would be the buzz all over the news…”anti semitism on the rise in the REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!”…but because this is democrats…like, that whole context is left out.

Also, what do you want to bet this will all, eventually, be blamed on republicans, or at least pointed at them. The lack of calling out democrats for this will help facilitate this. Imagine if you will, say…6 weeks from now, some Republican does something against Jewish people…the news media will shift to “anti semitism, in the Republican Party is on the rise. This is especially bad due to the recent bouts of anti Jewish protests we’ve witnessed in the last few weeks…”…and just like that, they’ll try and shift the entire narrative, especially to those who may not really be paying attention, toward republicans, because some people will view the recent incident with the Republican against Jewish people, and the anti Jewish protests happening now, as being tied together….

Media are some shifty people..I wouldn’t put it past them
portland? patriot front is known for this kind of shit, and false flag is just about their speed.

Patriot Front impersonates Right Wing radicals, dope.

They don't need to do it when it comes to the Left, because your crazies actually exist and aren't the concocted fever dream of a TDS riddled Democrat Party.
I wonder if the Biden Justice Dept. will now finally consider these people a security threat?

Or if they won't, because -as we all know - it's been totally and utterly politicized beyond all recognition.

Too busy trying to jail Orange Man Rad to fix up crime-ridden hell hole cities, or reign in the Leftist Frankenstein monster they've released on the normie populace.

I mean, who in the hell could possibly defend this?

Will the national alphabet news letter agencies even cover it?



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