My Immigration Proposal


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
I say we allow any Mexican or Cuban Citizen to migrate to the United States and become permanent resident aliens with no path to citizenship if they meet the following three criterium:

Clean Criminal Record in Mexico or Cuba whichever is applicable
Clean bill of health from contagious diseases
Pay x amount of pesos to process the paperwork

The money from the processing fees would fund the building of the wall on the United States/Mexico border. This would keep illegals out that come from other countries using Mexico's unenforced immigration laws to gain access to the United States. This would just pertain to Mexican citizens and Cuban citizens not citizens of other countries.

Does anybody see a problem with it?
I say we allow any Mexican or Cuban Citizen to migrate to the United States and become permanent resident aliens with no path to citizenship if they meet the following three criterium:

Clean Criminal Record in Mexico or Cuba whichever is applicable
Clean bill of health from contagious diseases
Pay x amount of pesos to process the paperwork

The money from the processing fees would fund the building of the wall on the United States/Mexico border. This would keep illegals out that come from other countries using Mexico's unenforced immigration laws to gain access to the United States. This would just pertain to Mexican citizens and Cuban citizens not citizens of other countries.

Does anybody see a problem with it?
Can Canada have that offer too? I'd pack my shyte tomorrow, even pay in loonies.
Biden's bill will allow more immigration that we cannot afford. Most are not employable because of mental or physical disabilities. Or they are wearing their pants on their knees. They are not even looking for jobs. Our immigration system is not broken our government is broken. Enforce our immigration laws already in the book. Once they are here it is impossible to find them and deport them. Mass immigration will destroy this country. Already too late. Mass immigration indirectly or directly affects all Americans. I am feeling it when I go to the ER and have to wait because of illegals being treated without insurance. And at Walmart and McDonalds using their government debit cards.
We shouldn't let any in.
The population density of the United States is 91 people per square mile. The population density of India is 435 people per square mile. The population density of China is 187 people per square mile. The population density of Pakistan is 808 people per square mile. The population density of Russia is 22 people per square mile.

These are the countries that are competing with us for world domination. The United States easily has the capacity to increase our population to 1.6 billion people. Why not recruit law-abiding, disease free, hard working persons to expand our capacity to beat China, Russia, India, and Pakistan economically? I did mention that these people would not gain citizenship. They would be permanent resident aliens so that their inferior culture isn't imposed on the United States by means of voting. Why don't you want more good people in the United States? I say we murder all the ones who come here illegally. I'm only talking about making the laws easier for people to come here legally.
Enforce our immigration laws already in the book. Once they are here it is impossible to find them and deport them.
I have never believed this. If an illegal alien commits a crime and is caught then we know where they are. Forgive them of the crime, use the money saved housing them in prison, and ship them back to their country of origin. If they don't commit a crime then who cares. They aren't causing too much of a problem other than inflating the price of real estate. That problem can probably be addressed another way.
The sources for criminal records and medical records is the host countries, which have economic motives for a "clean" reporting. They are only very slightly more corrupt than our own system, and gives false sense of something being done, no matter how senseless it is. If that is what you want, it is already being done.
The population density of the United States is 91 people per square mile. The population density of India is 435 people per square mile. The population density of China is 187 people per square mile. The population density of Pakistan is 808 people per square mile. The population density of Russia is 22 people per square mile.

These are the countries that are competing with us for world domination. The United States easily has the capacity to increase our population to 1.6 billion people. Why not recruit law-abiding, disease free, hard working persons to expand our capacity to beat China, Russia, India, and Pakistan economically? I did mention that these people would not gain citizenship. They would be permanent resident aliens so that their inferior culture isn't imposed on the United States by means of voting. Why don't you want more good people in the United States? I say we murder all the ones who come here illegally. I'm only talking about making the laws easier for people to come here legally.
We don't have any more room for non-Whites. You don't really think that the Great Replacement is about replacing Americans with Democrats, do you?
Then why do so many come in illegally if it is that easy to do legally?
It is faster, as this is the process set up to bring in sheer numbers. We must at least pretend there is a "system" and that it is "broken". You're not sure you've heard this repeatedly the last 20 years? There's a lot of stakeholders in the moving people/drugs/firearms and now terrorist equipment across borders.
I say we allow any Mexican or Cuban Citizen to migrate to the United States and become permanent resident aliens with no path to citizenship if they meet the following three criterium:

Clean Criminal Record in Mexico or Cuba whichever is applicable
Clean bill of health from contagious diseases
Pay x amount of pesos to process the paperwork

The money from the processing fees would fund the building of the wall on the United States/Mexico border. This would keep illegals out that come from other countries using Mexico's unenforced immigration laws to gain access to the United States. This would just pertain to Mexican citizens and Cuban citizens not citizens of other countries.

Does anybody see a problem with it?
It’s all by design. When you realize this, you realize our political system has failed us and needs to be removed.

The Gross Misdiagnosis of the So-Called Border Problem

By Gary D. Barnett
February 9, 2024
The big picture is forgotten or completely unknown to most all of this population, as the masses have fully accepted the State’s narrative, and have fallen in line and bought into exactly what this government designed; that is to cause great fear, extreme hatred, reliance on evil politics, and to demand false ‘solutions’ meant only to destroy all freedom. Many of the plebs, if not most, are screaming for a wall to be built, and those like the vile Trump use this only in an attempt to gain power through fear. Building a wall does not keep anyone out so long as government desires to bring them into this country, but could easily serve to imprison all Americans behind the same walls. Consider Germany, China, Gaza, and many other examples, which only indicate that government walls are meant only to incarcerate, not block entry.

This government is purposely setting up, allowing, facilitating, seducing hordes of fighting age male individuals, supporting them, and ordering this mass immigration; actually willingly and deliberately opening the doors and escorting millions into the U.S. Asking this same evil and corrupt government to rectify the problem it purposely created, begging them to wall you inside a concentration camp, is totally insane, and exposes not only the naivete of most Americans, but the absolute stupidity rampant among the masses today. This is not even hidden, it is happening out in the open, in clear sight of all, and without regard for secrecy or concealment.

Most all this migration propaganda is attempting to hide the big picture and the plotted underbelly of this false flag operation, which is to cause radical and designed chaos. This plot is working, and therefore the big picture is being ignored. The problem has been intentional, the reaction by the people has been exactly as expected by government, and the serf’s desired solution if attained, will cage them in a large concentration camp.

This is not any natural immigration ‘invasion,’ it is not a planned attack by the Middle East, Iran, Russia, or China, it is an attack against all of you by what you (not me) call ‘your own government,’ or ‘your own country.’ To allow this government to continue to guide and mold you, to demand compliance, to cage you inside these borders, can only serve to ‘justify’ lockdowns, economic takeover, controlled currency, and a total chaotic and controlled existence. Concentrating on who is coming in, and how many are coming in, is nothing more than a distraction from the real problem, which is this government, and its intentional design and plotted agenda to destroy and control you.
In 2023, the US reached a new milestone. Its foreign-born population reached 15 per cent, the highest-ever recorded percentage since the nation’s founding. This recent surge is driven primarily by illegal entry via the US-Mexico border, where the number of migrants continues to rise. In December 2023, we saw a new record monthly high in illegal entrants on the south-west border.

Until recently, President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats tried to argue that Republicans were exaggerating the border problem. But as the situation has deteriorated, that line has been harder to maintain.

This is a crisis of Biden’s own making. Biden, along with secretary of homeland security Alejandro Mayorkas and others in the administration, have systematically adopted measures that have encouraged a largely unrestrained inflow of migrants.

American Border Control
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