Debate Now (Invite Only) Alright Slade, I Want To Get To Know You Better

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Alright, so this thread is made is ONLY made for Slade3200 and I hope I'm doing this correctly since I've never done this before yet. I want to know more about you and why you chose to be a democrat and your thoughts about the Biden Harris administration, because after talking to you a bit today,.. I think that we're more than capable of having a civil conversation.

This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

Rule One: Site wide rules apply and threads will be zone 2 moderated.

Rule Two: This debate thread is only for Slade3200 and me to discuss our politics and differences.

Rule Three: This isn't a bull ring and neither was it meant to be one. It's just a friendly discussion/debate so there should be no putdowns between each other and hopefully that will make you feel more comfortable. :)
Alright, so this thread is made is ONLY made for Slade3200 and I hope I'm doing this correctly since I've never done this before yet. I want to know more about you and why you chose to be a democrat and your thoughts about the Biden Harris administration, because after talking to you a bit today,.. I think that we're more than capable of having a civil conversation.

This is an Invite Only thread. If your member name does not appear in the alert call list -- DO NOT POST HERE -- do not even use the rating buttons on posts in this thread.

Rule One: Site wide rules apply and threads will be zone 2 moderated.

Rule Two: This debate thread is only for Slade3200 and me to discuss our politics and differences.

Rule Three: This isn't a bull ring and neither was it meant to be one. It's just a friendly discussion/debate so there should be no putdowns between each other and hopefully that will make you feel more comfortable. :)
Apologies for the late reply, Iā€™m juggling some things at work between my USMB time. Looking forward to a good one on one.

Iā€™ll start by simply saying that I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I think both partyā€™s have become corrupt and engage in dirty tactics which are a big turn off to me. I am harder on the Right because my politics are more aligned with them so I get more frustrated at how they represent themselves and the filth that they allow into their party on the extreme right. The same thing happens on the Left but I just donā€™t take those people as seriously I guess. I expect the Left to push for unrealistic idealistic things and I rely on the right to be the adults in the room and keep operations functioning on a practical and efficient level. I havenā€™t seen the system work like that for a long time though.

Per your question about the Biden admin. Iā€™m not a fan of Harris, never was. Biden seems like a nice guy but he is way past his prime. Iā€™m just hoping for a lowering of the temperature and hoping a more responsible and smarter person runs and wins in 2024. I wonā€™t hold my breath.

How about you? Were you a big Trump fan? If so, did the lies and trolling bother you?
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Per your question about the Biden admin. Iā€™m not a fan of Harris, never was. Biden seems like a nice guy but he is way past his prime.

How about you? Were you a big Trump fan? If so, did the lies and trolling bother you?

Okay first of all I'm sort of wondering what you mean by the fact that you feel Biden's a nice guy when he nor his vice president doesn't seem to care about the safety of our country and won't secure the border and he literally went on vacation when a bunch of lives were already in peril?

As for your questions. I must confess, Trump is an asshole but I believe that he was the best president we ever had because he loves our country and his people and cared about its security. That isn't to say that he's perfect and didn't make mistakes though,.. but which lies are you referring to if I may ask?
Okay first of all I'm sort of wondering what you mean by the fact that you feel Biden's a nice guy when he nor his vice president doesn't seem to care about the safety of our country and won't secure the border and he literally went on vacation when a bunch of lives were already in peril?

As for your questions. I must confess, Trump is an asshole but I believe that he was the best president we ever had because he loves our country and his people and cared about its security. That isn't to say that he's perfect and didn't make mistakes though,.. but which lies are you referring to if I may ask?
This is the tough part, Biden has a very liberal view of the border situation I donā€™t fully agree with it but I certainly donā€™t think that it means he doesnā€™t care about our country. His politics has a focus on the poor and needy who seek opportunity and refuge in this country. I understand that. But we still need to have a functioning border.

I donā€™t think I can get into the Trump lie thing if you donā€™t already know what Iā€™m talking about. In my POV he lied just about every time he spoke. Either through hyperbole, exaggeration or by purely mistating facts. Itā€™s been his MO for decades. I dont see him as somebody who cares about America. He plays that part but he is a selfish greedy egomaniac billionaire who cares only about himself and power IMO
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This is the tough part, Biden has a very liberal view of the border situation I donā€™t fully agree with it but I certainly donā€™t think that it means he doesnā€™t care about our country. His politics has a focus on the poor and needy who seek opportunity and refuge in this country. I understand that. But we still need to have a functioning border.

I donā€™t think I can get into the Trump lie thing if you donā€™t already know what Iā€™m talking about. In my POV he lied just about every time he spoke. Either through hyperbole, exaggeration or by purely mistaking facts. Itā€™s been his MO for decades. I dont see him as somebody who cares about America. He plays that part but he is a selfish greedy egomaniac billionaire who cares only about himself and power IMO

I gave you a like because you received half a point for the first paragraph you said,.. but when it comes right down to it I guess it just comes down to a matter of opinions when we're talking about Trump. Personally though, I don't think Biden cares about this country. At least having the mindset of a leader.

Second of all, I think you're mixing up caring and having a focus on the poor,.. with just handing out money like it's free candy to people. That's the reason that there are many workplaces that are shorthanded right now. Nobody wants to work, because a lot of them are being paid more just by nothing then they would be by actually working for it.

Now, there are some people on here who won't admit to it, but even if you're not a loudmouth arrogant kind,.. democrats want to push for a socialist country and this is a way to do it by having people rely on the government for everything including having the money to live on.

The government only seems to care about one thing and that's control. That's what these mask and or vaccine mandates are about and they should only be personal choices. Which, I do believe was part of their plan by rigging this election and yes I do believe that it was rigged because things just aren't adding up here for me. Especially due to the fact that our current sitting president doesn't know how to run the country let alone speak properly.

If it wasn't for all the things he's done (the most recent thing being abandoning troops in Afghanistan) I'd sort of feel sorry for the man. That, and he wants to try and censor republicans and take away our freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. (Sorry for the delayed response btw, I was on the phone.)
I gave you a like because you received half a point for the first paragraph you said,.. but when it comes right down to it I guess it just comes down to a matter of opinions when we're talking about Trump. Personally though, I don't think Biden cares about this country. At least having the mindset of a leader.

Second of all, I think you're mixing up caring and having a focus on the poor,.. with just handing out money like it's free candy to people. That's the reason that there are many workplaces that are shorthanded right now. Nobody wants to work, because a lot of them are being paid more just by nothing then they would be by actually working for it.

Now, there are some people on here who won't admit to it, but even if you're not a loudmouth arrogant kind,.. democrats want to push for a socialist country and this is a way to do it by having people rely on the government for everything including having the money to live on.

The government only seems to care about one thing and that's control. That's what these mask and or vaccine mandates are about and they should only be personal choices. Which, I do believe was part of their plan by rigging this election and yes I do believe that it was rigged because things just aren't adding up here for me. Especially due to the fact that our current sitting president doesn't know how to run the country let alone speak properly.

If it wasn't for all the things he's done (the most recent thing being abandoning troops in Afghanistan) I'd sort of feel sorry for the man. That, and he wants to try and censor republicans and take away our freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. (Sorry for the delayed response btw, I was on the phone.)
Off to a dinner event but will give a more thoughtful reply later

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