Impact Of Illegal Immigration An “exaggeration”

China is not and has never been a communist country, and has lost even its authoritarian socialist nature since the reign of Deng Xiaopang.
They practically have their people sequestered away from the rest of the world in an 'insular' environment of total information censorship right now, where the rest of us are open to limitless possibility. They have their internet under lock n' key and their people brainwashed into appreciating the service, like good little Stepford Wives/worker-bees.:lol:
The illegal immigration argument is a diversion. This nation is suffering just as much from ill-advised legal immigration levels as it is from illegal immigration. I don't condone a centrally planned economy, but since we have one, we need to take into account the legal immigration also, and it's a killer when one region has a bunch of russians, and nigerians, and poles, and germans, and arabs dumped on it. I know that some parts of the country have a lot of illegals there, but when we talk about immigration, lets not forget the legal immigrants who are also here screwing up the labor pool for the rest of us. And by the way, I didn't pull those nationalities out of a hat, that's what I have to deal with every time I go on a job interview.
I know that some parts of the country have a lot of illegals there, but when we talk about immigration, lets not forget the legal immigrants who are also here screwing up the labor pool for the rest of us.
You're talking about work visas, right? The ones that let in people from India to take the Tech jobs.
RoadVirus, actually I'm talking about all of the Eastern Europeans that have been dumped here in Michigan over the last 10 years. No work visas,they have green cards. We just let them in, they live here now, and they are seriously f'ing up the labor pool here.
CNN — LOU DOBBS TONIGHT — Aired January 13, 2009 - 19:00 ET

LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: The ACLU continues to advocate for the rights of illegal immigrants over American citizens. An official may have tried to threaten a Colorado judge. It's a story you'll only see on this broadcast. Casey Wian has our report.


CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Law enforcement officials in Weld County, Colorado, allege 1,300 illegal aliens used stolen identities to receive $2.7 million in improper federal tax refunds. Now the ACLU has taken up the case of the tax preparer who filed all of the returns. She has not been accused of wrongdoing, but the ACLU says she want her client's tax forms back and is planning to sue for invasion of privacy, this after a Colorado judge threw out criminal charges against one of the defendants and ordered arrests halted. He said local authorities appeared to be intruding on a federal issue, because their evidence is mostly based on federal tax returns, and he raised privacy concerns. County Prosecutor Ken Buck who is leading the investigation, dubbed operation numbers games, has filed 130 criminal charges so far. He's been frustrated by the judicial delays.

KEN BUCK, WELD COUNTY, COLO. DA: Any time you're dealing with illegal immigration cases or illegal immigrants having committed crimes, there is a concern about individuals leaving the jurisdiction. These particular defendants are highly qualified at assuming other identities, and so I think it's easier for them to pick up and move.

WIAN: Last week, an existing grand jury indicted five new defendants, clearing they way for arrest warrants in those cases. Prosecutors then requested a separate grand jury to investigate all the cases. Grand juries have a different standard for prosecution, one Buck believes would allow the disputed tax returns. But Mark Silverstein, the Colorado ACLU's legal director, wrote the judge who was considering appointing the grand jury. The letter warns of the tax preparer's planned lawsuit and then says to the judge, "It is unusual for me to write a letter like this but I wanted to provide you with a heads up in case it may inform your decision about whether to convene a grand jury or when to schedule it." Legal experts agree it is unusual, but not necessarily improper.


WIAN: We called Silverstein to ask if the letter was an attempt to persuade the judge not to convene the grand jury if that was the intent, it failed. He agreed not to seat just one, but two grand juries to investigate all 1,300 I.D. theft cases — Lou?

DOBBS: He can say whatever he wants to. I can't imagine what it would be if it were not an attempt to intimidate the judge with the possibility of legal action.

WIAN: What was really surprising to me, Lou, when I first read this letter, I thought this was outrageous. But the legal experts I spoke with says it's not necessarily improper. It's just attorneys advocating for their client and this kind of stuff goes on more than we know.

DOBBS: Well, the fact that he convened not one, but two grand juries tells you why it is unusual, but it obviously backfired in this case. Casey, thank you very much. Casey Wian.
CNN — LOU DOBBS TONIGHT — Aired January 13, 2009 - 19:00 ET

LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: The ACLU continues to advocate for the rights of illegal immigrants over American citizens. An official may have tried to threaten a Colorado judge. It's a story you'll only see on this broadcast. Casey Wian has our report.


CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Law enforcement officials in Weld County, Colorado, allege 1,300 illegal aliens used stolen identities to receive $2.7 million in improper federal tax refunds. Now the ACLU has taken up the case of the tax preparer who filed all of the returns. She has not been accused of wrongdoing, but the ACLU says she want her client's tax forms back and is planning to sue for invasion of privacy, this after a Colorado judge threw out criminal charges against one of the defendants and ordered arrests halted. He said local authorities appeared to be intruding on a federal issue, because their evidence is mostly based on federal tax returns, and he raised privacy concerns. County Prosecutor Ken Buck who is leading the investigation, dubbed operation numbers games, has filed 130 criminal charges so far. He's been frustrated by the judicial delays.

KEN BUCK, WELD COUNTY, COLO. DA: Any time you're dealing with illegal immigration cases or illegal immigrants having committed crimes, there is a concern about individuals leaving the jurisdiction. These particular defendants are highly qualified at assuming other identities, and so I think it's easier for them to pick up and move.

WIAN: Last week, an existing grand jury indicted five new defendants, clearing they way for arrest warrants in those cases. Prosecutors then requested a separate grand jury to investigate all the cases. Grand juries have a different standard for prosecution, one Buck believes would allow the disputed tax returns. But Mark Silverstein, the Colorado ACLU's legal director, wrote the judge who was considering appointing the grand jury. The letter warns of the tax preparer's planned lawsuit and then says to the judge, "It is unusual for me to write a letter like this but I wanted to provide you with a heads up in case it may inform your decision about whether to convene a grand jury or when to schedule it." Legal experts agree it is unusual, but not necessarily improper.


WIAN: We called Silverstein to ask if the letter was an attempt to persuade the judge not to convene the grand jury if that was the intent, it failed. He agreed not to seat just one, but two grand juries to investigate all 1,300 I.D. theft cases — Lou?

DOBBS: He can say whatever he wants to. I can't imagine what it would be if it were not an attempt to intimidate the judge with the possibility of legal action.

WIAN: What was really surprising to me, Lou, when I first read this letter, I thought this was outrageous. But the legal experts I spoke with says it's not necessarily improper. It's just attorneys advocating for their client and this kind of stuff goes on more than we know.

DOBBS: Well, the fact that he convened not one, but two grand juries tells you why it is unusual, but it obviously backfired in this case. Casey, thank you very much. Casey Wian.

I'm kind of surprised that the USAO in this area didn't take this case federally.
There's the truth, then there's "statistics". Ravi. I don't think you want the truth. I'm here to tell ya. You already seem to have your mind made up. That sarcasm and inquisitiveness of yours, quite a mix. I live with these " exaggerations" , and they...are quite real. You should try it. You won't like it. Screw statistics. Live the dream, sweetheart.

Ravi: Wussy? My dear, I expected better of you than that kind junk. You and Mr. Agnost hide a host of Anglo guilt trips by casting aspersions. You don't answer my posts anymore, not that it matters, but I am still here. I still live in the United States of Shitland, ie, a Barrio . You people mythologize these forced ethnic ghettos as if they are natural part of America, like they always existed or are perfectly normal. Except none of you heroes actual have to surfer the humiliation of dealing with even a bare smidgen of a tiny bit of all those 12 million plus illegal aliens . Or do ya, pray tell? NO? How curious. Me thinks thou protest too much. But that's what pro- illegal folks do so well, bitch, whine and give lectures about intolerance. Just as long as you don't feel the pain and that suffering. Pedantic little lectures from pseudo intellectuals that don't know their arse from a hole in the ground. Valuable information, indeed.
Before I sign off, I will say this: With all these illegal aliens putting bullets in my humble casa, with all the crime I've witnessed, the best solution I get from these folks (illegal alien supporters) is....MOVE. Now, that's subtle. It avoids the subject totally, right, Ravi? Get away from the dysfunction, flee, move to the inner sanctum of the fu*king elitist and buy into their delusional propaganda. Sorry, no can do, sweat heart. I have scruples and all that. Perhaps, ya all should simply move into a Barrio and see how well all that diversity shit is working. There's an alternative for ya. Then feel free to criticize me on those grounds, that would be challenging. Please. Move into a barrio, live there for ten years, then report back. Si habla Epanol? I hope so, because in this diverse world, they don't need to speak English or follow simple laws. Like, Speed limits, or how many people can live in two bedroom apartment, or the legality of murder or rape. All laws go out the window if you can ignore immigration law, and that is constant in the barrio. It's just a fact with illegal aliens. I am long past being shocked by their attitude, but the rest of you better not be, if you value American freedom, that is. That isn't hyperbole, either. Illegal aliens aren't here celebrating FREEDOM, they could care less. $, that's what they seem to want.
Squishi, I asked you a question way back up the thread and you have made no serious attempt to answer it. Until you do there is no point in continuing this discussion.
Squishi? That sounds little condescending. Ravi, If I am not mistaken, I asked you one, too. " Do you live in a Barrio" ? That one, you never responded too. You know my answer. All those Anglo loaded questions of yours, I would love to respond too. I wasn't evading anything, as you seem to imply. Ask again. I will do my best to answer.
Squishi? That sounds little condescending. Ravi, If I am not mistaken, I asked you one, too. " Do you live in a Barrio" ? That one, you never responded too. You know my answer. All those Anglo loaded questions of yours, I would love to respond too. I wasn't evading anything, as you seem to imply. Ask again. I will do my best to answer.

Here you go. I can't see why you characterize it as an anglo loaded question, lol.

Prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they contribute less than they take and that it would be cost effective to put the country in a bubble.
Ravi: My proof is this: You won't dare to even live in a Barrio. These folks we call "illegal", you call immigrants. Euphemisms aside. You won't. Not in a million years, because, you don't have the balls or the commitment. I think, you are afraid of more than the facts. You live within you own comfort zone, that's a bubble you don't dare burst. Yes? If you want enlightenment, you won't find it on the Internet. It's something YOU find yourself.
Ravi: My proof is this: You won't dare to even live in a Barrio. These folks we call "illegal", you call immigrants. Euphemisms aside. You won't. Not in a million years, because, you don't have the balls or the commitment. I think, you are afraid of more than the facts. You live within you own comfort zone, that's a bubble you don't dare burst. Yes? If you want enlightenment, you won't find it on the Internet. It's something YOU find yourself.
Not sure what you mean by a barrio...but if it is a predominately latin neighborhood I've lived there all my life.

Now, about my question to you...
Ravi: You don't know what a barrio is? The fact that term is ambiguous to you, that means something right there. When you are in one, there is NO DOUBT whatsoever. Recent Mexican "immigrants" don't have room for diversity in their vocabulary. They antagonize, or alienate practically everyone other than their own. Now, if you were really living in one, then perhaps you wouldn't feel so....what? Why are you posting on behalf of illegal aliens, anyway? OK, as far as your question goes, let me see...It's a two way street. "Prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they contribute more than they take." Prove that it is ineffective to enforce immigration laws". You know as well as I how this game works, you cherry pick your "facts" then I contradict you by doing the same. On and on it goes. I hate that game. Here's something else, going back to the "ambiguity" issue. I doubt that the IRS breaks down revenue they gather according to immigration status, race, or wether you right or left handed. Also, I doubt that the government can truly determine how much revenue is generated as opposed to how much is spent on a specific group. And one more rather important point: illegal aliens don't exactly identify themselves to be counted as a group, do they? See, that is sort of the problem, Ravi. They fraudulently present themselves as something they aren't. They hide in groups of people like them, they hide in Barrios, ( like the kind I live in) and pretend to be Americans. That is the ambiguity that muddies up the waters and makes it hard to determine who is who and what is what. That is why some of us don't like illegals. Now riddle me this, riddle me that : Why can't they quit the games and immigrate legally? Wouldn't that be more honest and a lot more straight forward? I asked you that once too, and you never answered THAT either.
Barrio means different things to different people. I merely wanted you to clarify your meaning. Let's start there and move forward.

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