If Trump Gets Re-elected, How Many Terms Can He Serve?

Well The Halfrican is going for his fourth term.....There's a reason he never left DC. ;)
And Ubercunt is pulling the strings of the Bastard Son Of Frank Marshall Davis.

The Clintons have the media connections. The DISGUSTING FILTH is the more powerful half of the criminal enterprise. The DISGUSTING FILTH says 'Shit!' and the politicians say, "What color?" Academia is a big player now, too. But nothing like the DISGUSTING FILTH

The DNC is a Crime Family. It's set up, its structure is just like a Mafia Family because..... That's what it is. The Mafia moved in and took it over.

Nazi Pelousy heads up the Italian side, Chuckie Schemer, heads up the Jewish mob and Biden heads up the Irish side. Combined, they call themselves the DNC. A huge cabal

And Ubercunt is pulling the strings of the Bastard Son Of Frank Marshall Davis.

The Clintons have the media connections. The DISGUSTING FILTH is the more powerful half of the criminal enterprise. The DISGUSTING FILTH says 'Shit!' and the politicians say, "What color?" Academia is a big player now, too. But nothing like the DISGUSTING FILTH

The DNC is a Crime Family. It's set up, its structure is just like a Mafia Family because..... That's what it is. The Mafia moved in and took it over.

Nazi Pelousy heads up the Italian side, Chuckie Schemer, heads up the Jewish mob and Biden heads up the Irish side. Combined, they call themselves the DNC. A huge cabal

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Imagine being this paranoid and insane. Eww.
It happened again today. I find it amusing that even the lamestream media often report in their media that Trump can only serve one more term if he is re-elected. No ifs, ands, or buts, or Trump wants to do this, or will do that. Trump can only serve one more term since he already served one term. But, I don't see how they square that with:

"Trump wants to take democracy away"

"Trump won't leave office"

"Trump wants to be a dictator".

Why does the media admit Trump can only serve one more term if they truly believe Trump will take democracy away and install a dictatorship? Can't they get their stories straight?
Putin blew past term limits years ago

There have been many who did that

Given what he did on Jan 6...you can bet he'd try
It happened again today. I find it amusing that even the lamestream media often report in their media that Trump can only serve one more term if he is re-elected. No ifs, ands, or buts, or Trump wants to do this, or will do that. Trump can only serve one more term since he already served one term. But, I don't see how they square that with:

"Trump wants to take democracy away"

"Trump won't leave office"

"Trump wants to be a dictator".

Why does the media admit Trump can only serve one more term if they truly believe Trump will take democracy away and install a dictatorship? Can't they get their stories straight?

Actually they can't, it's nonstop fear porn, day in day out.

C'mon man.....

Where are the jokes where someone says he can serve 5 terms....concurrently ?
I’m surprised that the Potato has survived in office even this long.

You mean the Celery Stalk ?

He hasn't. His brain is shot all to hell (and it wasn't that big to begin with). My guess is that he's a cyborg at this point.

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