If Biden Blew Up Nord Stream 2, Should He Be Impeached for Committing an Act of War Against a Nuclear Power without Congressional Consent?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

If Biden Blew Up Nord Stream 2, Should He Be Impeached for Committing an Act of War Against a Nuclear Power without Congressional Consent?

Did Biden just commit an act of war against a nuclear power? If so this is certainly impeachable.
12 Feb 2023 ~~ By Joe Hoft

On Friday TGP opined that Biden should be impeached if he blew up our allies energy pipeline.
Thatā€™s where we are right now. Like in World War I, that event started alliances to fall in place that hadnā€™t even been solidified previously. If this Nordstream 2 event gets further investigated, and proven true that the U.S. was behind it ā€“ itā€™s as if we shot Archduke Ferdinand.
Many nations that we may have assumed would rally to our side, may rally to Russiaā€™s side instead. Itā€™s that significant, which is why you have to look at pre-WW1 to see how such an event can change things quickly, and cause a World War to ramp up as a result.
I may be ā€œearlyā€ on this ā€“ because it could be 2-3 years before definitive proof comes out (what if ā€“ a Republican becomes President in 2024 and releases/declassifies information to the public about Nordstream 2?).
Europe wonā€™t like us. Germans wonā€™t like us if weā€™re the ones to blame for causing Germany to dig new coal mines, no matter that theyā€™re unprepared and they should have done better for themselves, but still ā€“ Europe relations will suffer from this, no matter how we spin it.
  1. Biden committed an Act of War against a Nuclear-capable nation as if a pre-emptive strike on a Nuclear Power, something we have never done before.
  2. An Act of War against a Nuclear Power, preemptively conducted, should 100% of the time come after a formal Declaration of War from the US Congress because you donā€™t sign up 100 Million (or more) Americans to die in a Nuclear War without their Representatives committing the nation to that fight.
And Joe, 2 more points of importance:
  1. Nordstream 2 as an asset/physical pipeline, is owned by Gazprom, a Russian company HQd in Switzerland.
  2. Shell Oil and some other companies as a group had put together $10 Million to help with Construction costs, but they retained no ownership rights of the pipeline itself.
  3. Think of this just like a Russian-owned Oil Tanker that shows up in New York harbor. The transportation asset is Russian-owned the entire time, but the oil delivered is then the property of the receiving customer (Germany may have laws or some arrangement to begin ownership of pipeline on their own soil that may not be as transparent to the public, but this portion of pipeline in the ocean was certainly Russian owned).
This Impeachable Offense by President Biden is a big deal, and our Founders would probably find it to be one of the most egregious offenses by a US President in our entire nationā€™s history. A preemptive strike on a Nuclear Power puts at least 1/3 of our nation in danger, perhaps more. There is nothing more dangerous ā€“ COVID Shots, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ā€“ add up any problem issues of the last 20 years, add up all the lives at stake, and it will be a minuscule risk in contrast to the potential deaths of 100+ Million Americans in a Nuclear War.
Also, based on warheads alone, the US is at a disadvantage against Russia.
This was a very dangerous move by Biden. It is certainly impeachable.
This event is compared to the event that triggered WW1, and this one triggered WWIII.... So far it hasn't occurred.
The American people have effectively lost control of the Presidency and the Senate due to vote fraud in state-wide elections and I see absolutely no sign that that is ever going to change short of kinetic action against the current political class.
Just one of several impeachable acts
Unfortunately, The Senate is packed with members controlled by PAC money from private and corporate donors. It take a two thirds majority of the Senate to pronounce Biden impeached.
America and the lives of it's citizens are in danger. Joseph Robinette Biden is a current and real danger to of National Security.

Bombshell leaked docs suggest Putin is mobilizing UK army of ā€˜kamikazeā€™ spies to wreak havoc in Britain
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Two more defect pipelines - who cares? Germany for sure doesn't care about this pipelines. That's past of the 19th or 16th century BC under your fake-president Donald - the superidiot and Putins very best friend - Trump.

The Democrat Party Cult is dependent upon ignorant fanatical crackpots to keep them in power.
Biden is dangerous.
He is going to start a war.
He should be impeached to prevent WWIII.
The Democrat Party Cult is dependent upon ignorant fanatical crackpots to keep them in power.
Biden is dangerous.
He is going to start a war.
He should be impeached to prevent WWIII.

It's totally absurde what you say here.

Mr. president Joe Biden not threatens the peace in the world. It's Putin and his criminal gang who are doing a totally stupid, senseless and criminal war against Europe and their own roots in the Ukraine.

But you are right: It is important and difficult to keep the balance. So that's not a job for Donald Trump.
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It's totally absurd what you say here, loyalist of the fake-royal billionaire-king Donald Trump, the tax-free founder of a political party without republicans.
Mr. president Joe Biden not threatens the peace in the world. It's Putin and his criminal s gang who are doing a totally stupid. senseless and criminal war against Europe in the Ukraine.
1. You keep focusing on Trump, who has no political base, and no donors. Trump is done.
2. Joe Biden is the criminal. An asset of China. Owned by the Liberal World Order. Biden probably blew up the NordStream pipelines. How does that affect your energy costs?
3. We agree that Putin is a war criminal and needs to go.

Here in the US the coming 2024 election will have 82 year old Joe Biden against a young Republican.

If Biden Blew Up Nord Stream 2, Should He Be Impeached for Committing an Act of War Against a Nuclear Power without Congressional Consent?

Did Biden just commit an act of war against a nuclear power? If so this is certainly impeachable.
12 Feb 2023 ~~ By Joe Hoft

On Friday TGP opined that Biden should be impeached if he blew up our allies energy pipeline.
Thatā€™s where we are right now. Like in World War I, that event started alliances to fall in place that hadnā€™t even been solidified previously. If this Nordstream 2 event gets further investigated, and proven true that the U.S. was behind it ā€“ itā€™s as if we shot Archduke Ferdinand.
Many nations that we may have assumed would rally to our side, may rally to Russiaā€™s side instead. Itā€™s that significant, which is why you have to look at pre-WW1 to see how such an event can change things quickly, and cause a World War to ramp up as a result.
I may be ā€œearlyā€ on this ā€“ because it could be 2-3 years before definitive proof comes out (what if ā€“ a Republican becomes President in 2024 and releases/declassifies information to the public about Nordstream 2?).
Europe wonā€™t like us. Germans wonā€™t like us if weā€™re the ones to blame for causing Germany to dig new coal mines, no matter that theyā€™re unprepared and they should have done better for themselves, but still ā€“ Europe relations will suffer from this, no matter how we spin it.
  1. Biden committed an Act of War against a Nuclear-capable nation as if a pre-emptive strike on a Nuclear Power, something we have never done before.
  2. An Act of War against a Nuclear Power, preemptively conducted, should 100% of the time come after a formal Declaration of War from the US Congress because you donā€™t sign up 100 Million (or more) Americans to die in a Nuclear War without their Representatives committing the nation to that fight.
And Joe, 2 more points of importance:
  1. Nordstream 2 as an asset/physical pipeline, is owned by Gazprom, a Russian company HQd in Switzerland.
  2. Shell Oil and some other companies as a group had put together $10 Million to help with Construction costs, but they retained no ownership rights of the pipeline itself.
  3. Think of this just like a Russian-owned Oil Tanker that shows up in New York harbor. The transportation asset is Russian-owned the entire time, but the oil delivered is then the property of the receiving customer (Germany may have laws or some arrangement to begin ownership of pipeline on their own soil that may not be as transparent to the public, but this portion of pipeline in the ocean was certainly Russian owned).
This Impeachable Offense by President Biden is a big deal, and our Founders would probably find it to be one of the most egregious offenses by a US President in our entire nationā€™s history. A preemptive strike on a Nuclear Power puts at least 1/3 of our nation in danger, perhaps more. There is nothing more dangerous ā€“ COVID Shots, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ā€“ add up any problem issues of the last 20 years, add up all the lives at stake, and it will be a minuscule risk in contrast to the potential deaths of 100+ Million Americans in a Nuclear War.
Also, based on warheads alone, the US is at a disadvantage against Russia.
This was a very dangerous move by Biden. It is certainly impeachable.
This event is compared to the event that triggered WW1, and this one triggered WWIII.... So far it hasn't occurred.
The American people have effectively lost control of the Presidency and the Senate due to vote fraud in state-wide elections and I see absolutely no sign that that is ever going to change short of kinetic action against the current political class.
Just one of several impeachable acts
Unfortunately, The Senate is packed with members controlled by PAC money from private and corporate donors. It take a two thirds majority of the Senate to pronounce Biden impeached.
America and the lives of it's citizens are in danger. Joseph Robinette Biden is a current and real danger to of National Security.

Bombshell leaked docs suggest Putin is mobilizing UK army of ā€˜kamikazeā€™ spies to wreak havoc in Britain
The problem you have impeaching Joe over his act of war in blowing up the pipelines, is the R Party wonā€™t do it. They like the Ds in Congress fully support his actions.

Nothing is more bipartisan than war to the duopoly.
It's not Biden................its his puppetmasters.
Exterminate his puppetmasters, and he will just be a bag of pedophile shit sitting in a chair.



I read that Gateway Pundit piece.
It is silly, non-sensical, RWNJobbery oh-so-typical of the fringie-side of today's MAGA/GOP/QAnon crackpottery.

Of course, it is fare like that which brings me to this particular site fairly often with my morning coffee. It is an amusement. A snicker-fest.

Let's do a drive-by shooting of that article by 'Joe Hoft' (son? brother? father? nephew? of Gateway's owner, Jim Hoft?).

Anyway the piece had the hard-hitting, fact-based, vetted reliability of....of.....of maybe my Cream-O-Wheat breakfast mush.

In just this short piece, Mr. Hoft employed all of the speculation, 'back-doors', 'escape hatches', blinds, hidey holes and magic-tricks one can find to not really say anything that could be relied upon.

But, admittedly, in the end he does get very specific with his intoning of: 'this was a very dangerous move by Biden'......as if, as if, Hoft had proved Biden did it.

The whole thing is ripe for Saturday Night Live. Or South Park.


"If Biden Blew Up" (And that's the headline! It starts out with an "if"!)

  • TGP opined that Biden
  • If this Nordstream
  • itā€™s as if
  • we may have
  • may rally to
  • I may be ā€œearlyā€ on
  • it could be 2-3 years
  • what if ā€“ a Republican
  • if weā€™re the ones
  • as if a pre-emptive
  • should 100% of the time
  • Think of this just like
  • may not be
  • would probably find it to be
  • perhaps more.
  • "This was a very dangerous move by Biden."

  • "The American people have effectively lost control of the Presidency and the Senate due to vote fraud in state-wide elections and I see absolutely no sign that that is ever going to change short of kinetic action against the current political class."
Well, let's bring on your "kinetic action", Joe Hoft.
Put away your word-processor and strap on your Kevlar, re-stock your Bear Spray, get out your scary black Ninja rifle, join your MealTeam-6 militia team, and go break a window at the US Capitol.
Attaboy! Go sic 'em, Joe Hoft.

I love this bar.
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"On Friday TGP opined that Biden should be impeached if he blew up our allies energy pipeline."

Nordstream 2 as an asset/physical pipeline, is owned by Gazprom, a Russian company HQd in Switzerland.

Does Gateway Pundits think Russia is one of our allies?
I read that Gateway Pundit piece.
It is silly, non-sensical, RWNJobbery oh-so-typical of the fringie-side of today's MAGA/GOP/QAnon crackpottery.

Of course, it is fare like that which brings me to this particular site fairly often with my morning coffee. It is an amusement. A snicker-fest.

Let's do a drive-by shooting of that article by 'Joe Hoft' (son? brother? father? nephew? of Gateway's owner, Jim Hoft?).

Anyway the piece had the hard-hitting, fact-based, vetted reliability of....of.....of maybe my Cream-O-Wheat breakfast mush.

In just this short piece, Mr. Hoft employed all of the speculation, 'back-doors', 'escape hatches', blinds, hidey holes and magic-tricks one can find to not really say anything that could be relied upon.

But, admittedly, in the end he does get very specific with his intoning of: 'this was a very dangerous move by Biden'......as if, as if, Hoft had proved Biden did it.

The whole thing is ripe for Saturday Night Live. Or South Park.


"If Biden Blew Up" (And that's the headline! It starts out with an "if"!)

Well, let's bring on your "kinetic action", Joe Hoft.
Put away your word-processor and strap on your Kevlar, re-stock your Bear Spray, get out your scary black Ninja rifle, join your MealTeam-6 militia team, and go break a window at the US Capitol.
Attaboy! Go sic 'em, Joe Hoft.

I love this bar.
you crazy left wingers love wars don't you

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