If 280PPM of CO2 causes Earth to be 59F Warmer, how much warmer should an extra 120PPM of CO2 make it?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
If there is no greenhouse warming, the SB equation tells us that the Earth should be 59F or 33C degrees COLDER than it is.

The world would be covered with ice. It's not, well except at the South Pole

So, if 280PPM of CO2 causes 59F warming, then 400PPM should cause 70, 80, 90F? What?

What is the relationship between CO2 and warming, if any?
If there is no greenhouse warming, the SB equation tells us that the Earth should be 59F or 33C degrees COLDER than it is.

The world would be covered with ice. It's not, well except at the South Pole

So, if 280PPM of CO2 causes 59F warming, then 400PPM should cause 70, 80, 90F? What?

What is the relationship between CO2 and warming, if any?
Lefty hates mathematical relationships
I’ve noticed

The lack of replies by the Cult is telling
The problem with a little bit of knowledge that they have Is that it falsely empowers them to project into areas that can never really be totally established.

Having said that it's no surprise that they select a preference instead of a scientifically proven result as the direction that they want to go in.
The problem with a little bit of knowledge that they have Is that it falsely empowers them to project into areas that can never really be totally established.

Having said that it's no surprise that they select a preference instead of a scientifically proven result as the direction that they want to go in.
It’s as if they’re saying if you take 2 identical clear tubes on the Space Station: one with Earth atmosphere, the second Earth atmosphere with no CO2, the first will be 58F warmer

This new learning amazes me!
It’s as if they’re saying if you take 2 identical clear tubes on the Space Station: one with Earth atmosphere, the second Earth atmosphere with no CO2, the first will be 58F warmer

This new learning amazes me!
They start with the preferred answer and then trying to build the question back to its origin.
It's a sure way to get lost in the woods.
[Yawn] ... geez ... give me a chance to get some coffee in my belly ... fucking 6am here on The West Coast ...

The answer is 61ºF ... assuming the CO2 levels were minimal on January 1st, 1901 ... all the carbon we've belched over the past 200 beer-drinking years has amounted to a single degree Celsius increase ... and that's due to ALL causes, not just CO2 alone ...

Statistical models run on super duper high speed computers (exoscale is real) give us an additional single degree warming over the next 100 beer-drinking years ...

T^4 = ( S x ( 1 - a )) / 4eo [where T=temperature,s=solar constant,a=albedo,e=emissivity,and o=SB constant]

As a liberal I can assure everyone that "math is difficult" for everyone, but "especially for liberals" ... this means we have to increase carbon dioxide A LOT to increase temperature a little, just the nature of fourth-root relationships ... and 1ºC is tiny ...
It's amazing how they insist that they have "Science" to back up their absurd claims
They have SOME science.

There are some scientists who post here. They know their equations and formulas....they like to capitalize on scientific jargon that dazzles and befuddles and then pronounce everyone ignorant and uneducated who disagrees with their conclusions.

It reminds me of two different ways to look at a flat tire. The technician can show you all the calculus involved in the modulus of elasticity that had to be overcome to puncture the tire wall. The guy driving the car is just as accurate when he says:

" Yeah....no shit....so I ran over a fucking nail ".

Both of them are correct.

The technician is not MORE correct...but he thinks he is.
[Yawn] ... geez ... give me a chance to get some coffee in my belly ... fucking 6am here on The West Coast ...

The answer is 61ºF ... assuming the CO2 levels were minimal on January 1st, 1901 ... all the carbon we've belched over the past 200 beer-drinking years has amounted to a single degree Celsius increase ... and that's due to ALL causes, not just CO2 alone ...

Statistical models run on super duper high speed computers (exoscale is real) give us an additional single degree warming over the next 100 beer-drinking years ...

T^4 = ( S x ( 1 - a )) / 4eo [where T=temperature,s=solar constant,a=albedo,e=emissivity,and o=SB constant]

As a liberal I can assure everyone that "math is difficult" for everyone, but "especially for liberals" ... this means we have to increase carbon dioxide A LOT to increase temperature a little, just the nature of fourth-root relationships ... and 1ºC is tiny ...
Beer drinking and bean eating years at that!
Beer drinking and bean eating years at that!

It's easy ... and informative ... to caste the all of human development over these past 50,000 years in terms of ... brewing beer ...

Civilization - we were wonderers, brewing beer takes time ... thus the original human settlements ...
Agriculture - once settled, we could domesticate and improve the beer brewing ingredients ... like barley ...
Industry - the steam engine replaced twenty horses at Whitbread Brewery ...

How the ugly reproduce ... if you believe all that evolution stuff ...
We actually have REAL DATA on this subject, right here....

, satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

TRANSLATION - for THREE PLUS DECADES the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed PRECISELY NO WARMING in the atmosphere during a period of rising Co2

before getting FUDGED in 2005 with complete bullshit crock and others cannot debate...

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