How not to act when approached by a mountain lion.


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Libs, be sure to always carry your Cougar Free Zone signs with you.
Whilst wearing a meat suit. ;)

Make it think your the aggressor. Loud voice and movements in its direction. everything opposite of what prey would do . Treat it like your neighbors annoying house cat.
Hardly. She’s six years younger than me, and she looks at least ten years younger than she is. Very petite as well. When we first got married I got dirty looks all the time from people who thought I was some pervert walking around with a teenager.
If being approached, you should appear intimidating and it is said it's a good idea to make yourself appear larger, whether by raising arms over your head or holding something up. If he didn't have his Glock he was screwed slowly backing away.

gun sales not allowed.jpg
If being approached, you should appear intimidating and it is said it's a good idea to make yourself appear larger, whether by raising arms over your head or holding something up. If he didn't have his Glock he was screwed slowly backing away.

I ran smack into a Bobcat while elk hunting in AZ. No handgun, just my rifle and pack. I was cresting a hill and it was at the bottom, so, I must have looked 10 feet tall to it, because fortunately, it turned tail and ran in the other direction. :dunno:
I ran smack into a Bobcat while elk hunting in AZ. No handgun, just my rifle and pack. I was cresting a hill and it was at the bottom, so, I must have looked 10 feet tall to it, because fortunately, it turned tail and ran in the other direction. :dunno:
Bobcats ain’t nothing to worry about though, a few years back they were made legal to hunt in Illinois again. Not sure why people would want to kill one though, other than to have it stuffed and displayed.
If being approached, you should appear intimidating and it is said it's a good idea to make yourself appear larger, whether by raising arms over your head or holding something up. If he didn't have his Glock he was screwed slowly backing away.

Why not just pet it? Cougars are super nice. :dunno:

I live in cougar country ... the Conventional Wisdom is to make yourself large and loud ... ready to fight to the death, make like Tarzan or Ape ... they won't be hungry in the urban environment ... and adult humans are way too much trouble to mess with ... almost always these encounters are just mistaken identity ... the cat's thinking fawn, show 'em wraith of God ...

In general ...

... or plug it with a .45 ... too many cats around anyway ...

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