How Can Anybody Support Hamas?

It is a poll about the Palestinians by the Palestinians. There is no rational basis for dismissing its results; certainly not if you want to be a truth seeker. The fact is you are a true believer, not a truth seeker.

Keep believing what the controlled MSM and think tanks associated with the CFR tell you. :itsok: Keep cheerleading for war (mass slaughter, to be more accurate.) You're doing precisely what they want you to do. In fact, I'm sure they love people like you, who react in the exact way they manipulated you to react... like a good marionette.

No, they would probably kill it for the other legitimate reasons for killing it.

Well...if they took their roles seriously.

Titles and Opening Posts:

Content in opening posts must be 2 sentences or more and must contain the opinion of the member starting the thread. "Get a load of this" is not sufficient topical content. Summarize the topic to be discussed and why you think it needs discussion.

Right, AyeCantSeeYou ?
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Thankfully for your thread, they're rather selective and arbitrary in the enforcement of the rules.

So, then, your thread lives on...
So a Washington DC-based neocon Israel lobby funded by billionaires closely aligned with said foreign country came up with a "poll" that just so happens to justify what Israel is doing in Gaza?

I mean, whoda thunk it?!? :lol:

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What justifies getting Hamas and liquidating them is that they attacked Israel thus declaring war. Who dies in this conflict is on them.

Keep believing what the controlled MSM and think tanks associated with the CFR tell you. :itsok: Keep cheerleading for war (mass slaughter, to be more accurate.) You're doing precisely what they want you to do. In fact, I'm sure they love people like you, who react in the exact way they manipulated you to react... like a good marionette.
I understand how frightened you are of learning something new, but while being such a true believer may give you some comfort, it also locks your mind away into a prison in your own mind.
Keep believing what the controlled MSM and think tanks associated with the CFR tell you. :itsok: Keep cheerleading for war (mass slaughter, to be more accurate.) You're doing precisely what they want you to do. In fact, I'm sure they love people like you, who react in the exact way they manipulated you to react... like a good marionette.
I'm sorry but you speak like a caricature of a conspiracy nut. Almost as if you're poking fun at them. But, sadly, I know you're not
What "facts" are you talking about? A poll conducted by a group who is aligned with the CFR, the very people behind all these wars in the first place?

You do realize that whenever anyone wants to justify slaughtering non-combatant individuals (women, children, babies, elderly, etc) those individuals must ALWAYS be demonized and dehumanized first? This is not rocket science. And it's nothing new. Turn off the idiot box.
So the peace loving Gazans have turned in the kidnappers? They've provided information leading to the rescue of these women and children?
I'm sorry but you speak like a caricature of a conspiracy nut. Almost as if you're poking fun at them. But, sadly, I know you're not

Nothing I said in that post you replied to was unreasonable. If saying that people shouldn't automatically trust the MSM is crazy to you, then you are even more brainwashed and mainstream than I thought... if that is possible.

TBH it blows my mind how naive you are when it comes to this world overall. As a Christian, you should know who the lowercase "god of this world" is, but it seems you don't believe that. You put so much trust in all the wrong places. In fact, there's so much I could say here, but I started researching this sort of thing (the way the world actually works) 30 years ago.... there's far too much stuff you need to learn, so obviously there's no way I can catch you up to 30 years of learning in one or two paragraphs. :rolleyes:

You need to do your own seeking and learning. Here's a hint, though. Turn off the damn TV.
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Nothing I said in that post you replied to was unreasonable. If saying that people shouldn't automatically trust the MSM is crazy to you, then you are even more brainwashed and mainstream than I thought... if that is possible.

TBH it blows my mind how naive you are when it comes to this world overall. As a Christian, you should know who the lowercase "god of this world" is, but it seems you don't believe that. You put so much trust in all the wrong places. In fact, there's so much I could say here, but I started researching this sort of thing (the way the world actually works) 30 years ago.... there's far too much stuff you need to learn, so obviously there's no way I can catch you up to 30 years of learning in one or two paragraphs. :rolleyes:

You need to do your own seeking and learning. Here's a hint, though. Turn off the damn TV.
I never said people should trust the MSM. But I've looked at the sources you trust. They throw out theories, not facts. You seem eager to believe any off the wall theory you hear. You seem eager to promote them at any opportunity.
Antisemitic thug “KOK” Ken O’Keefe is currently in the UK, where he attended Saturday’s “Nakba 76” rally in London.

His appearance and videos broadcast from there says it all about the true nature of these protests. To put it bluntly: they are for the most part full of Jew-hatred and support for terrorism.

The only real “Nakba” at this rally for their “movement” should be KOK and those like him showing the world what they are truly about.

Which should mean Corbyn’s mood is currently more this:


You're wrong. They do support Hamas' goals

They wish death to Israel. They have not condemned the October massacre.
They do not demand Gaza turn in the terrorists, or demand Gaza turn over the kidnap victims

Oh my gosh seriously!? I thought that they were both Trump supporters.


It’s not because or if they are Muslims.

They just hate Jews, and Israel. As simple as that.

I thought that only Muslims hated the Jews.

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