Holy, Holy, Holeeeeeeee!

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So much bullshit, so little time.

I've already provided you the data for why prices increased GLOBALLY.

As for "spending trillions", you have GOT to be kidding. Trump added $8 trillion to the debt in HALF the time it took Obama. He took a declining deficit and DOUBLED it, with the cooperation of a Republican Congress.

Here are two more hard facts for you to absorb, dipshit:

Before Covid:
Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

During Covid:

Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

"We were better off with Trump"?!?!

One million dead Americans due to his complete stupidity and incompetence.

Yeah. We were so much better off. :spinner:

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.” - Donald Trump, stable genius.
The mass extinction of millions globally lays right in the lap of Obama. He created the virus in a lab in NCU. with Wuhan scientists there, moved it to Wuhan for gain of function, back to the US to Montana. Bats delivered to Montana from Delaware to infect them for a cover. Didn't work. Back to Wuhan and then Obama gave them millions and millions of our hard earned money for them to release it there, and blame bats, 17 days before Trump took office.
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The mass extinction of millions globally lays right in the lap of Obama. He created the virus in a lab in NCU. with Wuhan scientists there, moved it to Wuhan for gain of function, back to the US to Montana. Bats delivered to Montana to from Delaware to infect them for a cover. Didn't work. Back to Wuhan and then Obama gave them millions and millions of our hard earned money for them to release it there. 17 days before Trump took office.
You need to check yourself into a drug rehab. STAT.
I thought you'd be moping about Cohen blowing up Bragg's case against Trump??
There are many pols interested in becoming Trump's VP and getting a seat at the adult table.
Because the gov. says so... and you think I am the retard? Your government lies to you, dumb ass. We are the only country on earth that can't use it's own oil. I lease land to an oil company. The more gov. regulations, the smaller my royalty checks become. It is time to drill baby drill again, and send our GDP up and our gas prices down.
You can't recognize the global impact on inflation? No, you obstreperous know nothing, we can't refine our own oil.
Who is telling you poor saps these things? Seriously.
Cohen is Bragg's only "witness" linking Trump to the bookkeeping misdemeanors, since no one is calling Weisselberg in to testify.
Cohen's claim of Trump personally giving him the go-ahead was just proven to be a LIE.
Bragg's case is DEAD. The judge should give a directed verdict since the state did NOT prove their case.

You can't recognize the global impact on inflation? No, you obstreperous know nothing, we can't refine our own oil.
We could until Biden shut down our refineries.

On President Biden’s first day in office, he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and eliminated 11,000 good paying American jobs with the stroke of a pen.

This sent a signal—the wrong signal—that the Biden administration would make it harder for American energy producers, refiners, and workers to unleash domestic production.
You can't recognize the global impact on inflation? No, you obstreperous know nothing, we can't refine our own oil.

We can and do refine our own oil. In fact, we refine our own and other countries oil too. Mexico and Canada's. The oil refineries that have been shut down in the last 5 years, were shut down at the decision of the corporate CEO's that run them. We had too much refining capacity. After shutting those down, we still have more than enough.

Because the gov. says so... and you think I am the retard? Your government lies to you, dumb ass. We are the only country on earth that can't use it's own oil. I lease land to an oil company. The more gov. regulations, the smaller my royalty checks become. It is time to drill baby drill again, and send our GDP up and our gas prices down.

We can use our own oil. But citizens in this country have mineral rights. Apparently you're one of them. If you're royalty checks are getting smaller, it's because you made a bad deal with the oil companies and/or the price per barrel is falling. The next time the contract is up, then you should negotiate a better deal.
You don't honestly think the oil companies are going to give you the best deal possible, do you?
We could until Biden shut down our refineries.

On President Biden’s first day in office, he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and eliminated 11,000 good paying American jobs with the stroke of a pen.
You do KNOW that the Keystone XL Pipeline wasn't hauling Oil......Right.
We could until Biden shut down our refineries.

Biden didn't shut down refineries. Where did you hear that non sense. Biden is just the president. He doesn't control the oil companies.
On President Biden’s first day in office, he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and eliminated 11,000 good paying American jobs with the stroke of a pen.

More BS. The Keystone wasn't creating 11,000 jobs. 99% of those who were working on that project, drug up from another pipeline company to work there. When the job got shut down, they simply went back to where they come from or found a different pipeline.

I know pipeline work. And pipeliners will drag up from a job for the slightest reasons or switch companies for $1 raise.

This sent a signal—the wrong signal—that the Biden administration would make it harder for American energy producers, refiners, and workers to unleash domestic production.

If Biden was so bad to the oil companies, then how did they get record high profits, with record low production? And by 2022, receiving record high government subsidies? And why are our oil companies now producing record high production?

Regardless of the rhetoric, Biden simply played his part. All roads lead to oil companies making billions.
BTW, I'm not anti oil. Oil companies are the biggest reason why life is so convenient. It's one reason our economy has been, and will be great again.
But every so often, we have to pay extra for it. It's called a bust cycle. This is when the price of oil goes up, the oil investors, CEO's and other top oil people get to reap the benefits of oil profits.
Cohen is Bragg's only "witness" linking Trump to the bookkeeping misdemeanors, since no one is calling Weisselberg in to testify.
Cohen's claim of Trump personally giving him the go-ahead was just proven to be a LIE.
Bragg's case is DEAD. The judge should give a directed verdict since the state did NOT prove their case.

Nothing of the sort was proven.

I'm sorry. The fact that he might have talked to a bodyguard about an unrelated matter has nothing to do with the fact that Trump was knee-deep in the cover.

Trump is perfectly free to call Weasleberg or testify himself.
You do KNOW that the Keystone XL Pipeline wasn't hauling Oil......Right.

And was never going to haul oil that would show up at our gas pumps. All that crap they were going to send down, was shit oil, own by the Chinese and Canadians.
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