Zone1 Have you ever heard anyone call Jesus an Idiot and say that He is going to Hell?


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I have. You see them here at the forum all the time.

Jesus said that Whatever you do to the least of His people, you do to HIM.

So if you call a Christian an idiot, you are calling Jesus an idiot. If you say that a certain group of Christians are headed to Hell (because they don't believe exactly as you do vis a vis the Lord), you are saying that Jesus is on His way to Hell.

Or maybe not all of you have read Mt 25:31-46?
I have. You see them here at the forum all the time.

Jesus said that Whatever you do to the least of His people, you do to HIM.

So if you call a Christian an idiot, you are calling Jesus an idiot. If you say that a certain group of Christians are headed to Hell (because they don't believe exactly as you do vis a vis the Lord), you are saying that Jesus is on His way to Hell.

Or maybe not all of you have read Mt 25:31-46?
Is it worse to call them a hypocrite or an idiot?

Matthew 23?13 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

This is why they nailed him to the cross

The truth hurts.
Is it worse to call them a hypocrite or an idiot?

Matthew 23?13 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

This is why they nailed him to the cross

The truth hurts.
I don't get why you are bringing up hypocrisy?

isn't that kind of off topic? your comment seems like a non sequitor, not sure why u make it (which is not to say hypocrisy is not important)
I call the dimrats names all the time

But they are FAR from being "the least of" Christ's people.

That said, however, it is true that the Bible does not interpret itself. Some would say that leftists are indeed included in that "least of" His people...

I say NOT

not even close
Is it worse to call them a hypocrite or an idiot?

Matthew 23?13 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

This is why they nailed him to the cross

The truth hurts.
They crucified Him because He claimed to be God... then there was that violating theSabbath thing (He healed on the Sabbath) but that kind of has to do with Him being God...
They crucified Him because He claimed to be God... then there was that violating theSabbath thing (He healed on the Sabbath) but that kind of has to do with Him being God...
Which was part of the greater truth.

But yea, they did not like being called hypocrites and vipers, which they were.
I don't get why you are bringing up hypocrisy?

isn't that kind of off topic? your comment seems like a non sequitor, not sure why u make it (which is not to say hypocrisy is not important)
Some would say that was name calling.

No, it's just the truth, just like someone can be an idiot.
Which was part of the greater truth.

But yea, they did not like being called hypocrites and vipers, which they were.
Ok, now I get what you were saying. Matthew 23 is the hypocrite psg, as I call it

LOL... where Jesus calls them the H word many times..

It's amazing how human beings despise those who call them what they really are... As you say, they cannot abide the truth

which explains... totally explains why Trump is being attacked maliciously ( by the truth despising leftists)
Some would say that was name calling.

No, it's just the truth, just like someone can be an idiot.
Well, the thing is, Jesus said that if you call someone a fool.. and "idiot" is pretty much a synonym for Fool, you are in danger of Hellfire.

One time I called someone this but not to the person's face. I asked Jesus: "But Lord.. What if the person really is a big fool [someone who rejects Christ, knowing He is the savior]?"

I didn't get a tangible answer... Maybe Jesus just rolled HIs eyes... LOL
Well, the thing is, Jesus said that if you call someone a fool.. and "idiot" is pretty much a synonym for Fool, you are in danger of Hellfire.

One time I called someone this but not to the person's face. I asked Jesus: "But Lord.. What if the person really is a big fool [someone who rejects Christ, knowing He is the savior]?"

I didn't get a tangible answer... Maybe Jesus just rolled HIs eyes... LOL
Not the same thing

What is a fool? A fool is someone who does not believe there is a God, and as such, has no fear of sin.

An idiot is someone who does stupid things, and as humans, we all do, like trying to fix some plumbing with a knife, not that I have ever done that, just seen it done is all.

Thanks for playing.

And yes, the plumbing job did not go so well.
Not the same thing

What is a fool? A fool is someone who does not believe there is a God, and as such, has no fear of sin.

An idiot is someone who does stupid things, and as humans, we all do, like trying to fix some plumbing with a knife, not that I have ever done that, just seen it done is all.

Thanks for playing.

And yes, the plumbing job did not go so well.
LOL... Yeh, I've tried to fix things myself many times. Sometimes it actually worked. I have figured out what was wrong w/ my vehicle many times, when mechanics wouldn't./couldn't... and then there was this vacuum cleaner years ago that I figured out--saved me buying another one... But then there were other times-- :eek:
LOL... Yeh, I've tried to fix things myself many times. Sometimes it actually worked. I have figured out what was wrong w/ my vehicle many times, when mechanics wouldn't./couldn't... and then there was this vacuum cleaner years ago that I figured out--saved me buying another one... But then there were other times-- :eek:
Let me put it another way





I'll take the idiots any day of the week over the fool.
But why would Jesus say not to call fools Fool?

Does he mean don't call them that to their faces, or at all, ever?

Well, in any case, it doesn't matter much (if we do it behind their backs).... IMO
If you make the charge incorrectly it is the highest of insults, but if it is true it is not an insult, it's just the truth.

You have a better chance reaching an idiot than a fool.

If you make the charge incorrectly it is the highest of insults, but if it is true it is not an insult, it's just the truth.

You have a better chance reaching an idiot than a fool.

which were the 3 stooges?

both? Never mind... Thankfully, it is just a dumb TV show.. never a fave w/ me
which were the 3 stooges?

both? Never mind... Thankfully, it is just a dumb TV show.. never a fave w/ me


The Stooges rule.

The inability to laugh at the Stooges indicate an inability to laugh at the stupidity of man, which is ever abundant.

I feel sorry for such people.


"Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe,"
When I see someone like Richard Dawkins write a book on Christian theology in which he is completely ignorant about as he wrote the God Delusion, I get about the same reaction as when I see Christians build the Creation museum as they insist that the world is only 6000 years old or you are not a Christian.

Both are idiots but only one is a fool.
When I see someone like Richard Dawkins write a book on Christian theology in which he is completely ignorant about as he wrote the God Delusion, I get about the same reaction as when I see Christians build the Creation museum as they insist that the world is only 6000 years old or you are not a Christian.

Both are idiots but only one is a fool.
Why is one an idiot for saying the earth is only 6000 years old?

It is not bright IMO to say with CERTAINTY that it is (or isn't). But to speculate on such is not idiocy
Diddums .
If you want to believe Fairy stories so be it .But stop repeat preaching like a cracked gramphone record.

I don't see balanced people constantly churning out random pronouncements that are inflammatory as well as irritating -- -- compulsive and obsessional people have that effect on those in fine mental health .
I don't read your weird, illogical, incomprehensible posts

so there's that

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