Gov. Abbott Pardons Sgt. Perry After Killing BLMer with an AK-47

So, your position is that an armed person who walks to somebody who's concealing a weapon, that concealment allows for broader self-defense rights? How do you square that?
open-carry or conceal, and one’s life is threatened, I am for self defense.
open-carry or conceal, and one’s life is threatened, I am for self defense.
Not an answer to anything. How do you justify a definition of self-defense that wouldn't even have been accepted in the Wild West? Since you seem to believe an armed man walking towards someone else is enough of a justification for that someone else to respond with deadly force. This despite it not even being accepted in Texas?
Interesting. So the claims from early in this thread that video showed that it was self defense and witnesses proved it. Now that we get into the details, we find that it doesn’t really matter. The absence of video means we have nothing but eyewitness testimony. We don’t like the story they tell and declare them not credible. Because we want to believe our hero did the right thing, the outcome is what matters, not the sequence of events.

So the evidence is. Well what we say it is.

Now. For the record. Let me say this. As far as I am concerned the man was Pardoned. That ends it in my mind unless the victim wants to sue. This is the system we have, and until something better is proposed I will support it.

I noticed one thing though. There was no talk of appeals. No claim of misconduct by the prosecution. Nothing like that. It was always a political effort. The demand of a pardon. From when the good Sergeant was charged. From that moment they demanded a Pardon.

As has been stated, I do not believe there was video of the shooting. However, there was video, early in the evening where Mr. AK threatened to attack any right wingers he came across.

So, no peaceful protest, he attacked an Uber driver, and got aired out for it.

The Uber driver defended himself from a looney.
Do you have a link to that video?
Look up TimcastIRL, they showed it on one of their podcasts
So, your position is that an armed person who walks to somebody who's concealing a weapon, that concealment allows for broader self-defense rights? How do you square that?
Who made that claim? Carrying your gun either holstered, or slung and no one cares. Brandish it and you will find out what fuck around and find out means.
Not an answer to anything. How do you justify a definition of self-defense that wouldn't even have been accepted in the Wild West? Since you seem to believe an armed man walking towards someone else is enough of a justification for that someone else to respond with deadly force. This despite it not even being accepted in Texas?
If someone is walking towards me armed with a mob full of people behind him, I hope I have a gun for defense. The fact you don’t find that a life threatening situation speaks to your own partisanship.
If someone is walking towards me armed with a mob full of people behind him, I hope I have a gun for defense. The fact you don’t find that a life threatening situation speaks to your own partisanship.
NOT ANSWERING THE VERY SIMPLE QUESTION. The Law in Texas is specific, both in terms of how and when a person can carry guns and what constitutes self-defense. Your definition of self-defense is not that.

How do you justify a definition of self-defense that wouldn't even have been accepted in the Wild West?

My partisanship has absolutely NOTHING to do with that. Nothing.

It as the right thing to do after a far left prosecutor, in a far left city prosecuted him. 🤔 Sounds familiar.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Thursday issued a pardon for Daniel Perry, an Army sergeant who was convicted of murder for fatally shooting a Black Lives Matter (BLM) protester in 2020.
In April, a jury found Perry guilty of murdering Garrett Foster during a July 2020 protest in Austin, Texas. The jury did not find him guilty of an aggravated assault charge.
Perry was sentenced to 25 years in prison, and Abbott asked the state’s parole board to review the case expeditiously. Perry’s conviction and sentencing have angered conservatives, who say he was acting out of self-defense.
The board, appointed by the governor, announced its unanimous recommendation to pardon Perry, and Abbott’s proclamation followed, The Associated Press reported.
In a statement Thursday, the governor said Texas has one of the strongest “Stand Your Ground” laws of self-defense.
The proclamation grants Perry a full pardon and “restoration of full civil rights of citizenship.” Abbott thanked the review board for its unanimous decision.

Didn't Daniel Perry drive his car into a crowd of BLM protesters in a threatening way? And he saw Mr Foster with a gun, so he automatically thought he was in danger even when he wasn't?
He couldn't claim stand your ground since he was the one who created the ugly situation. Gov Abbott is showing his true hateful, racist colors isn't he?
I posted yesterday that pissant Perry was locked up for 4 years. I read this morning that it was only for one year. I guess he made bail and his lawyers delayed the trial for three years. One year is not enough. I will find him. He's not too far from me.
NOT ANSWERING THE VERY SIMPLE QUESTION. The Law in Texas is specific, both in terms of how and when a person can carry guns and what constitutes self-defense. Your definition of self-defense is not that.

How do you justify a definition of self-defense that wouldn't even have been accepted in the Wild West?

My partisanship has absolutely NOTHING to do with that. Nothing.
I already answered…. It was a threatening situation. Looks like there are different interpretations of Texas Law. You don’t believe this was a threatening situation.
I posted yesterday that pissant Perry was locked up for 4 years. I read this morning that it was only for one year. I guess he made bail and his lawyers delayed the trial for three years. One year is not enough. I will find him. He's not too far from me.
OOOOOH! Yet another internet tough guy! So nice to see you threaten people!
Republicans love lawlessness, that's why they do not deserve to be in power.
Then there is the case of the cop who murdered Ashli Babbitt. Still roaming free and not even pardoned, but approved by Democrats as a lawful killer.
It makes me feel good.
Just remember, the man you just threatened to murder is apparently good with a gun. Tread lightly. Or are you one of those cowardly bushwhackers? That seems more your style.
NOT ANSWERING THE VERY SIMPLE QUESTION. The Law in Texas is specific, both in terms of how and when a person can carry guns and what constitutes self-defense. Your definition of self-defense is not that.

How do you justify a definition of self-defense that wouldn't even have been accepted in the Wild West?

My partisanship has absolutely NOTHING to do with that. Nothing.
Texas Castle Law Doctrine | Self Defense
Texas Penal Code § 9.31

In the context of self-defense, “habitation” means any structure or vehicle that is adapted for overnight living by a person. However, it only includes structures that are connected to the main habitation. For example, a detached garage that is a separate structure from your house would likely not be considered your habitation. But if the garage was attached to the home, then it would be considered part of your habitation.

As it relates to the Castle-Doctrine, a “vehicle” is any device by which a person or property can be propelled or moved. This includes, but is not limited to, cars, golf carts, ATVs, boats, and airplanes.


There are two major exceptions to the castle doctrine: the person seeking to claim protection under the law cannot have provoked, or started, the incident. This is also known as being the “aggressor,” and it is not permitted under Texas law. The person must also not be engaged in criminal activity at the time the incident takes place. A person that is engaged in criminal activity will not be entitled to a castle doctrine defense, but they may be able to claim self-defense and lessen their punishment depending on the circumstances surrounding the event.
Then there is the case of the cop who murdered Ashli Babbitt. Still roaming free and not even pardoned, but approved by Democrats as a lawful killer.
I'm sorry about what happened to Ashli Babbit. But, have you ever asked President Trump to apoligize for encouraging the Jan 6th Insurrection?
Stand your ground or Castle Doctrine.

Includes your vehicle.

A Mob blocking traffic violating your Civil rights

One approaches you with an AK47.

JUSTIFYABLE to protect you abd your property. Austin is just a Leftist MECCA of escapes of idiots from Cali and NY
Sgt. Perry explained:

Sgt. Daniel Perry said he fired at Garrett Foster out of self-defense after Foster allegedly raised an assault rifle toward Perry, according to a statement from the attorney obtained by The Washington Post.

According to the statement, Perry was driving for a ride-share company in downtown Austin on the night of July 25 when he turned a corner toward a protest he did not know was taking place.

At that point, the attorney says protesters began beating on Perry’s car. Foster then allegedly approached the car window holding an assault rifle.

The attorney said Foster gestured with the gun for the driver to roll down the window, and Perry did so because he “initially believed the person was associated with law enforcement.”

Perry realized Foster was not an officer, after which Foster allegedly raised his rifle at Perry. The attorney said Perry perceived that as “a threat to his life” and fired at Foster using a handgun he kept in his car.
I already answered…. It was a threatening situation. Looks like there are different interpretations of Texas Law. You don’t believe this was a threatening situation.
Nope. A person walking armed BY ITSELF is not a threat. A threatening move needs to be made. Since open carry of long guns IS allowed.

Texas law is specific in this. You have to be able to assert that the assumption of threat was reasonable, AND you can't be the instigator.

In this case, Perry instigated by running a red light with his car turning spinning his wheels and honking into a group of protesters. He admitted that the other guy had his gun pointed at the ground and wasn't aiming at him. On top of the fact that he fantasized online on doing exactly what he did PRIOR him doing it, and the fact that the other guy's weapon wasn't ready to fire in the first place.

Your version of self-defense would basically make it impossible to prosecute anybody who shoots an armed person in Texas since you don't think it necessary that an actual threat needs to be established. Just carrying the gun is enough. Hell: you define threat so loosely that self-defense can be invoked with all shootings.

By the way. Kyle Rittenhouse shot 3 people. Something I see you defended. The first person wasn't armed at all. He had a plastic bag. That's it. So even being armed isn't something you feel necessary for self-defense. You don't care he put himself in that position with the express purpose of confronting protesters armed with a long gun. Why is that?
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I'm sorry about what happened to Ashli Babbit. But, have you ever asked President Trump to apoligize for encouraging the Jan 6th Insurrection?
There was no insurrection. There was a valid protest. Cops messed up. Some say they did it as a plot. I don't go that far. I say no protest should so upset cops that the cops hurl grenades back of protestors that causes the protestors to flee into a building. And cops welcomed them in. Shooting them inside the building is only proper if the party in the building is aiming guns at cops. Trump by the way instructed the protesters to do it peacefully and support the cops.


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