George Bush is a liar & will lose

hey genius...looks like the lesson wasn't taught so well...or don't those 190 dead Spaniards count as facts in your perverse world view?
ever notice that libya rhymes with 'dubya'? maybe i am a rapper
i like the dead man walking thing...i knew you were a closet sean penn fan
hey do us all a favor & get your name calling all in one post, it'll be more amusing
you just don't hear 'pie hole' enough in political discussion...thanks for setting the tone jon
Originally posted by boss
hey genius...looks like the lesson wasn't taught so well...or don't those 190 dead Spaniards count as facts in your perverse world view?

Hey genius - those dead Spaniards are just the latest victims in the war declared up Western Civilization by radical Islamic fundamentalists.

It would be perverted if we just ignored them and hoped they would go away.
glad you can sum up today's geopolitical landscape and all the world's ills in one sentence...

ignoring fundamentalists won't make them go away, but neither did invading iraq...i guess most of you would say the solution is keep invading countries...fine with me as long as you all enlist yourselves

have your crusade, i'll pass
Hello? They attacked the West. Bush successfully moved the front line of the war back to the Middle East. The Jihadist are now trying to push onto coalition territory.

I'd rather see the Bush Doctrine in practise than the dismal Clinton policy of treating terrorism as a crime. All that did was embolden terrorists to attack U.S. targets.
they did & obviously continue to...check your atlas...Spain's not in the middle east....and neither is the front line

i didn't defend any clinton policy...but one could point out that the only domestic terrorism that occurred on his watch was in OK City...and committed by a right wing American...but it would be unfair & rather Republican to imply that all right wing Americans are like McVeigh...

hey this has been guys almost convinced me Bush isn't a useless waste of a person, but not really...

i'll check back in here at the loony bin again before November so we can have some more laughs before Crawford gets its village idiot back...
Read it again. I wrote that the Jihadists are trying to move the front line into coalition terroritory. Spain is part of the coalition.

The frontline is currently in Iraq and Afghanistan, btw.

Enjoy your next few months hiding in your bunker! Do you need any donations of canned goods?
Originally posted by wonderwench
Read it again. I wrote that the Jihadists are trying to move the front line into coalition terroritory. Spain is part of the coalition.

The frontline is currently in Iraq and Afghanistan, btw.

Enjoy your next few months hiding in your bunker! Do you need any donations of canned goods?

:clap: :clap: :clap: cant even read proper!! hope his hidey hole is better then saddam
64 replies in here and NOT ONE LIE by Bush has been posted. Now wasn't that the point of this thread?

What's wrong, Boss? You can't even find ONE?

How can he be a liar when he never lied?

You've failed miserably.
Did I miss something? I read the quotes to and couldn't find the "lie". I guess if you liberalize Pres. Bush's words, sorry, twist Pres. Bush's words enough you can make him look like a liar.
Then compared to our last President and the next Dem. "hopeful", President Bush should stand out like a Saint. I guess that's what upsets the Democrats so much. This is all they have to offer, pity!!
The fact that they cant give one sticken lie is so amazing. I just cant understand being a liberal.

George Bush is a liar despite the fact that they cant find one lie that he supposedly said.

President Clinton lied about just about everything he did and was proven to in a court of law, but its some vast right wing conspiracy to actually point that out.

Yet President Clinton was one of the greatest presidents of our day and age. Ive been waiting 12 years on some answers why he is so great. Ill probably never know. I know I could list about 10 things great about Bush in about 30 seconds.

I dont get liberals.
Originally posted by boss
i didn't defend any clinton policy...but one could point out that the only domestic terrorism that occurred on his watch was in OK City...

No one couldn't. Or rather one shouldn't lest they be thought a fool.

Do you remember the first WTC bombing? Was the WTC tower in Mexico back then?

How about the embassies in Africa? A U.S. embassy is sovereign U.S. soil.

How about the USS Cole? A U.S. ship-of-war is sovereign U.S. soil.

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