Elon says 2024 my be last election decided by American citizens


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Business magnate Elon Musk has suggested that because the U.S. is being inundated by illegal aliens, the 2024 election will likley be the last in which the results are determined by American citizens.

"Given the massive influx of illegals from every country on Earth, 2024 will probably be the last election actually decided by US citizens," Musk tweeted.

The House of Representatives passed a measure that would require the nation's decennial census count to include a component for respondents to indicate whether they and those in their household are U.S. citizens. The measure would require the exclusion of noncitizens from the figures used in determining each state's number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. The number of House seats in a state also impacts how much influence that state will have on the outcome of presidential elections.

The vote was 206-202, strictly along party lines, with Republicans supporting passage and Democrats voting against the measure.

"Unanimous Democrat opposition to requiring citizenship for apportionment of House seats and Presidential electoral college votes says it all," Musk tweeted. "The Democratic Party goal is to disenfranchise US citizens by importing as many illegal immigrants as possible," he added.

It's not rocket science

The interesting question will be, will the DNC form a slave block of voters with Hispanics like they did with Blacks? The assumption is they will. it would be hilarious if the opposite happened, however.
Correction: 2016 was the last election that was moderately clean. While it still had WI MI PHI etc. with more than 100% turnout in many disctricts.....it fell far short of the 30million bogus 2020 votes the Criminals dumped into the count to rid President Trump.
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Correction: 2016 was the last election that was moderately clean. While it still had WI MI PH etc. with more than 100% turnout in many disctricts.....it fell far short of the 30million bogus 2020 votes the Criminals dumped into the count to rid President Trump.
The Left has dominated the media and academia for a very long time now. Any journal article you look up will tell you this, really no controversy on this topic.

But as the saying goes, you cannot have democracy without a free press, and I would add, a press that is biased to vote only one way for whatever reasons.
Only elections where Republicans win are fair ... and Republicans won BIG TIME in 2020 ... reapportionment has been a strictly Republican affair .. again ... just like 2010 ...

The House in Republican hands is a direct result of Republican gains in Statehouses across the nation ... what a joke ... leadership handing the gavel to Democrats ... too funny ...
Elon is an illegal alien.

Just one w/a ton of money.
Elon Musk is a naturalized citizen of the USA using the legal process to come here. And he is a far better citizen than those who think the Democrats are being honorable with their vote re the census and who should be counted for allocation of electoral college votes.

Elon actually cares about his adopted country. Those who are methodically destroying it with votes like the Democrats just made are destroying it.

People. At this point anybody who does not vote straight GOP in December has to hate America. There really is no other honorable option for American citizens.
The Left has dominated the media and academia for a very long time now. Any journal article you look up will tell you this, really no controversy on this topic.

But as the saying goes, you cannot have democracy without a free press, and I would add, a press that is biased to vote only one way for whatever reasons.


"Intelligent People have dominated the media and academia for a very long time now."
Democracy has come to mean vote democrat.

Only a one-party rule now represents democracy.

Well, yes, the MAGA idiots have destroyed the GOP, so now there's only one viable party that supports Democracy.

The MAGA Idiots have made it clear that they will not accept the results of a free and fair election.
he may have bought a visa, but i guarantee he didn't wait in line at the embassy for it.
If the poor can cross the border and do anything they want without being legal, then rich folk obviously can as well.

Laws are now used to only target those who oppose DNC power.
It's not rocket science

Correct, and yet you retards keep falling for it over and over. Illegals cannot vote nor will they be legally doing so. It's unconstitutional and there is no evidence whatsoever that they have been doing this in numbers with any significance to sway an election.
Correct, and yet you retards keep falling for it over and over. Illegals cannot vote nor will they be legally doing so. It's unconstitutional and there is no evidence whatsoever that they have been doing this in numbers with any significance to sway an election.
For now, but the powers that be, will say that they pay taxes and s/s, etc. and should have a say in the elections at some point.
change my mind
So, you are saying that only intelligent people vote democrat?

Are you really this stupid?

No. Learn to read, dumbo.

I said:

"Intelligent People have dominated the media and academia for a very long time now."

Are you really that stupid?

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