democrats in Colorado want to get rid of armed school staff.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Nothing helps the gun control agenda as much as dead school children. This is why democrats fight so hard to keep schools gun free zones....they need dead children, in schools, so they can drag them in front of democrat party media in order to stampede uninformed Americans into giving them power and gun control.

Colorado has had an armed school staff law in effect for 20 years. They implemented it after Columbine and there hasn't been a problem in the schools that actually adopted it.....

But......the democrats now want to end the program......

For the past 20 years, Colorado’s K-12 schools have had an affordable option to protect their children. School boards have been able to authorize selected employees as an armed security team. These security team members have had background checks, been vetted, been trained, have passed qualification tests on par with those tests given to law enforcement, and have been on campuses throughout the state with zero problems since their inception.
On Friday, House Bill 24-1310 was introduced. The key feature of this bill is the complete elimination of the current armed school staff protocols that have been operating safely in Colorado for 20 years, and the elimination of the ability to carry on campuses of higher education.
The K-12 schools in Colorado that have armed security teams represent schools in 41 of Colorado’s school districts. They have had armed security teams under the existing 20-year-old law with no negative issues.
The armed school employees who have been through FASTER Colorado training number around 400, and we know of many more who get their training elsewhere. So, what is this law attempting to improve?
In addition to operating with no negative issues, there have been a handful of reports from FASTER-trained schools through the years that led to the conclusion having armed staff has been a deterrent to violence on campus. In fact, according to the Crime Prevention Research Center, schools that allow armed staff haven’t seen any school shootings during school hours, further reinforcing the deterrent effect.

As for the contrast to that, look again at Columbine.

This was before FASTER-trained staff even existed in the state. No one was carrying a firearm on a school campus and how did that work out? There was no one in that school who could meet the two violent dipsticks on equal footing. Instead, people hid and waited to die.

Nothing helps the gun control agenda as much as dead school children. This is why democrats fight so hard to keep schools gun free zones....they need dead children, in schools, so they can drag them in front of democrat party media in order to stampede uninformed Americans into giving them power and gun control.

Colorado has had an armed school staff law in effect for 20 years. They implemented it after Columbine and there hasn't been a problem in the schools that actually adopted it.....

But......the democrats now want to end the program......

For the past 20 years, Colorado’s K-12 schools have had an affordable option to protect their children. School boards have been able to authorize selected employees as an armed security team. These security team members have had background checks, been vetted, been trained, have passed qualification tests on par with those tests given to law enforcement, and have been on campuses throughout the state with zero problems since their inception.
On Friday, House Bill 24-1310 was introduced. The key feature of this bill is the complete elimination of the current armed school staff protocols that have been operating safely in Colorado for 20 years, and the elimination of the ability to carry on campuses of higher education.
The K-12 schools in Colorado that have armed security teams represent schools in 41 of Colorado’s school districts. They have had armed security teams under the existing 20-year-old law with no negative issues.

The armed school employees who have been through FASTER Colorado training number around 400, and we know of many more who get their training elsewhere. So, what is this law attempting to improve?
In addition to operating with no negative issues, there have been a handful of reports from FASTER-trained schools through the years that led to the conclusion having armed staff has been a deterrent to violence on campus. In fact, according to the Crime Prevention Research Center, schools that allow armed staff haven’t seen any school shootings during school hours, further reinforcing the deterrent effect.

As for the contrast to that, look again at Columbine.

This was before FASTER-trained staff even existed in the state. No one was carrying a firearm on a school campus and how did that work out? There was no one in that school who could meet the two violent dipsticks on equal footing. Instead, people hid and waited to die.

Nothing helps the gun control agenda as much as dead school children. This is why democrats fight so hard to keep schools gun free zones....they need dead children, in schools, so they can drag them in front of democrat party media in order to stampede uninformed Americans into giving them power and gun control.

Colorado has had an armed school staff law in effect for 20 years. They implemented it after Columbine and there hasn't been a problem in the schools that actually adopted it.....

But......the democrats now want to end the program......

For the past 20 years, Colorado’s K-12 schools have had an affordable option to protect their children. School boards have been able to authorize selected employees as an armed security team. These security team members have had background checks, been vetted, been trained, have passed qualification tests on par with those tests given to law enforcement, and have been on campuses throughout the state with zero problems since their inception.
On Friday, House Bill 24-1310 was introduced. The key feature of this bill is the complete elimination of the current armed school staff protocols that have been operating safely in Colorado for 20 years, and the elimination of the ability to carry on campuses of higher education.
The K-12 schools in Colorado that have armed security teams represent schools in 41 of Colorado’s school districts. They have had armed security teams under the existing 20-year-old law with no negative issues.

The armed school employees who have been through FASTER Colorado training number around 400, and we know of many more who get their training elsewhere. So, what is this law attempting to improve?
In addition to operating with no negative issues, there have been a handful of reports from FASTER-trained schools through the years that led to the conclusion having armed staff has been a deterrent to violence on campus. In fact, according to the Crime Prevention Research Center, schools that allow armed staff haven’t seen any school shootings during school hours, further reinforcing the deterrent effect.

As for the contrast to that, look again at Columbine.

This was before FASTER-trained staff even existed in the state. No one was carrying a firearm on a school campus and how did that work out? There was no one in that school who could meet the two violent dipsticks on equal footing. Instead, people hid and waited to die.

Nothing helps the gun control agenda as much as dead school children. This is why democrats fight so hard to keep schools gun free zones....they need dead children, in schools, so they can drag them in front of democrat party media in order to stampede uninformed Americans into giving them power and gun control.

Colorado has had an armed school staff law in effect for 20 years. They implemented it after Columbine and there hasn't been a problem in the schools that actually adopted it.....

But......the democrats now want to end the program......

For the past 20 years, Colorado’s K-12 schools have had an affordable option to protect their children. School boards have been able to authorize selected employees as an armed security team. These security team members have had background checks, been vetted, been trained, have passed qualification tests on par with those tests given to law enforcement, and have been on campuses throughout the state with zero problems since their inception.
On Friday, House Bill 24-1310 was introduced. The key feature of this bill is the complete elimination of the current armed school staff protocols that have been operating safely in Colorado for 20 years, and the elimination of the ability to carry on campuses of higher education.
The K-12 schools in Colorado that have armed security teams represent schools in 41 of Colorado’s school districts. They have had armed security teams under the existing 20-year-old law with no negative issues.

The armed school employees who have been through FASTER Colorado training number around 400, and we know of many more who get their training elsewhere. So, what is this law attempting to improve?
In addition to operating with no negative issues, there have been a handful of reports from FASTER-trained schools through the years that led to the conclusion having armed staff has been a deterrent to violence on campus. In fact, according to the Crime Prevention Research Center, schools that allow armed staff haven’t seen any school shootings during school hours, further reinforcing the deterrent effect.

As for the contrast to that, look again at Columbine.

This was before FASTER-trained staff even existed in the state. No one was carrying a firearm on a school campus and how did that work out? There was no one in that school who could meet the two violent dipsticks on equal footing. Instead, people hid and waited to die.

It's a sorry thing that guns are needed to protect children in schools. But the fact is that only guns will take down or deter the mass shooter determined to murder as many as he can. And mass shooters don't attack people in places where guns are known to be at the ready, especially when those who have them are trained to use them. I won't agree that Democrats want dead children. But they sure as hell promote policies that encourage dead children.
Nothing helps the gun control agenda as much as dead school children. This is why democrats fight so hard to keep schools gun free zones....they need dead children, in schools, so they can drag them in front of democrat party media in order to stampede uninformed Americans into giving them power and gun control.

Colorado has had an armed school staff law in effect for 20 years. They implemented it after Columbine and there hasn't been a problem in the schools that actually adopted it.....

But......the democrats now want to end the program......

For the past 20 years, Colorado’s K-12 schools have had an affordable option to protect their children. School boards have been able to authorize selected employees as an armed security team. These security team members have had background checks, been vetted, been trained, have passed qualification tests on par with those tests given to law enforcement, and have been on campuses throughout the state with zero problems since their inception.
On Friday, House Bill 24-1310 was introduced. The key feature of this bill is the complete elimination of the current armed school staff protocols that have been operating safely in Colorado for 20 years, and the elimination of the ability to carry on campuses of higher education.
The K-12 schools in Colorado that have armed security teams represent schools in 41 of Colorado’s school districts. They have had armed security teams under the existing 20-year-old law with no negative issues.

The armed school employees who have been through FASTER Colorado training number around 400, and we know of many more who get their training elsewhere. So, what is this law attempting to improve?
In addition to operating with no negative issues, there have been a handful of reports from FASTER-trained schools through the years that led to the conclusion having armed staff has been a deterrent to violence on campus. In fact, according to the Crime Prevention Research Center, schools that allow armed staff haven’t seen any school shootings during school hours, further reinforcing the deterrent effect.

As for the contrast to that, look again at Columbine.

This was before FASTER-trained staff even existed in the state. No one was carrying a firearm on a school campus and how did that work out? There was no one in that school who could meet the two violent dipsticks on equal footing. Instead, people hid and waited to die.

They need another big school shooting to help move their anti-civil rights agenda forward.
They need another big school shooting to help move their anti-civil rights agenda forward. shootings never help the 2nd Amendment side of the argument......dead children are the absolute best tools that the anti-gun movement they have to make sure they keep the supply of dead children up.... shootings never help the 2nd Amendment side of the argument......dead children are the absolute best tools that the anti-gun movement they have to make sure they keep the supply of dead children up....
How disgusting. Find a normal person and say this to them. What happens next for you will be good for you.
How disgusting. Find a normal person and say this to them. What happens next for you will be good for you.

Anti-gun extremists are not normal people....they are control freaks...fascists.......and yes, dead children are great for their anti-gun extremist beliefs.......
what will happen now..?
There are no armed schools in Europe, all public places are safe spaces and Europeans have guns. If you compare a weekend of American gun incidents v European incidents in a year, America's is still greater.

The proof is in the pudding.
There are no armed schools in Europe, all public places are safe spaces and Europeans have guns. If you compare a weekend of American gun incidents v European incidents in a year, America's is still greater.

The proof is in the pudding.

Wrong.....Jewish schools have armed secuity because of the threat of muslim attack
There are no armed schools in Europe, all public places are safe spaces and Europeans have guns. If you compare a weekend of American gun incidents v European incidents in a year, America's is still greater.

The proof is in the pudding.

Dipshit....your gun crime rates are
going up.... you arecatching up to us because your welfare states have funally wrecked your families

France, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands are all seeing increasing gun crime and violence including merry old england....
If we treated criminals, dopeheads and crazy people like what they we wouldn't need armed school staff. The fact a school has a gun is a clear sign our society is fucked up because we let it get to that point.

We didn't worry about school shootings when most politicians ran on slogans like "tough on crime" and we even had mcgruff the crime dog that told kids crime doesn't pay. We also had fewer gun restrictions.

If politicians won't be tough on crime then everyday people have to carry guns, that includes schools. Hell I never used to carry a gun on my body hardly ever, now I do everytime I go somewhere.

I wish I lived in a society again when I never felt I needed a gun. But as long as keep breeding crazy people and criminals and not removing them from society then I'll feel I need to.
It's a sorry thing that guns are needed to protect children in schools. But the fact is that only guns will take down or deter the mass shooter determined to murder as many as he can. And mass shooters don't attack people in places where guns are known to be at the ready, especially when those who have them are trained to use them. I won't agree that Democrats want dead children. But they sure as hell promote policies that encourage dead children.
Guns aren't necessarily needed. Hardened security in the form of bullet resistant glass, bullet resistant doors, CCTV, interior locked doors, etc can stop an active shooter.

Instead of spending hundreds-of-millions of dollars on bullshit foreign aid, we could spend that money on securing school houses.
Guns aren't necessarily needed. Hardened security in the form of bullet resistant glass, bullet resistant doors, CCTV, interior locked doors, etc can stop an active shooter.

Instead of spending hundreds-of-millions of dollars on bullshit foreign aid, we could spend that money on securing school houses.
We should be doing a lot of things for American citizens that we don't do while we waste trillions on things that most Americans don't want or do not benefit from in any way.
Anti-gun extremists are not normal people....they are control freaks...fascists.......and yes, dead children are great for their anti-gun extremist beliefs.......
I am not interested in the paranoid delusions of freakish gunhumpers.

What kind of squealing little freak thinks it is extreme not to want guns in schools? Fucken weirdos.
Guns aren't necessarily needed. Hardened security in the form of bullet resistant glass, bullet resistant doors, CCTV, interior locked doors, etc can stop an active shooter.

Instead of spending hundreds-of-millions of dollars on bullshit foreign aid, we could spend that money on securing school houses.

And these attackers can plan their attacks up to 2 years in having armed staff.....whose identity and actual number is not known to the the last line of defense....and it actually is the best deterrent to these attacks...because the mass public shooters we have captured alive, or whose writings they have analyzed pointed out they choose gun free zones to attack...
And these attackers can plan their attacks up to 2 years in having armed staff.....whose identity and actual number is not known to the the last line of defense....and it actually is the best deterrent to these attacks...because the mass public shooters we have captured alive, or whose writings they have analyzed pointed out they choose gun free zones to attack...
Right. In military terms called a "defense in depth".

Hardened facilities and armed faculty are needed. Proper physical security would lower the odds of the faculty having to use their weapons.

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