*De Niro, The Head Nazi*

Oh does he now? You have proof of that, or are you just throwing that word around casually, in the same way you pass out the race card every time someone says something you don't agree with?

And you can stick your race card where the sun don't shine, Bigot.
Sorry bout that,

1. Worry not, you'll come down in a few hours from you acid high, it will wear off.
2. I am trying to help you Crepitus, it will wear off!

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Lets face this, why is, Robert De Niro, trying so hard to paint Trump as a Nazi?
Because he's a useful idiot, and it's a required element in Norm Eisen's Color Revolution playbook, which is what the democrats have been executing in the US for 8 years.

If you want to overthrow an elected president, you have to portray him as a dictator who is controlled by a hostile foreign power.

It's a basic element of any successful color revolution.

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Deniro probably doesn't even know what a nazi is or how to define it. It has just become another word to describe something or someone you don't like.

DeNiro needs to shut the phuk up. His worse demented movie characters are like old Saturday Morning TV lovable ones compared to his personal demeanor in recent years.
DeNiro needs to shut the phuk up. His worse demented movie characters are like old Saturday Morning TV lovable ones compared to his personal demeanor in recent years.
Deniro only spews subjective things about Trump being "nasty, mean, etc." without providing an objective evidence to back his claims. He just doesn't like him .. and he can't explain why.
Sorry bout that,

1. Lets face this, why is, Robert De Niro, trying so hard to paint Trump as a Nazi?
2. Good topic, to debate.
3. Where is the truth?

I'm gonna have some trouble having a serious discussion about l'il bobby deniro after this photo.


The media likes to say he is between 5'7" and 5'9". I'd be willing to bet he's closer to 5'7". but with those four inch soles....5'11". Red Lobster should name an entre after him...Shrimp De Niro.
Trump had his chance in 2020. Why didn't he do the Nazi thing then? He could have declared martial law. Instead unarmed protestors went to Capitol and got set up by the real Nazis.
the Dems are the ones acting like nazis but one can't expect anti fascists, as Winston Churchill predicted, to see that.

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