CO2 helping to feed the planet

Define denialists?
One good example is Ding not accepting established science on account of his Christian hocus-pocus beliefs conflict. Ask him about why he's forced to believe in Darwinian evolution but needs to quality those beliefs to satisfy the demands of the Catholic church.
Hint, Climate takes 30 or more years. This tells me they have had many decades of warning if what you claim is actually true. If they still are there when the Sea rises 3 feet, they should be called mentally ill.
Sea rise has tripled in just the last decade. Can you help by contributing your own research?

Please read carefully and attempt to understand!
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Sea rise has tripled in just the last decade. Can you help by contributing your own research?

Please read carefully and attempt to understand!
You must mean tiny increases. The Sea is a fraction of climate.
One good example is Ding not accepting established science on account of his Christian hocus-pocus beliefs conflict. Ask him about why he's forced to believe in Darwinian evolution but needs to quality those beliefs to satisfy the demands of the Catholic church.

Darwinian Evolution is totally outdated ... and was never considered to have passed any peer-review process ... mainly Darwin took a few extra logical steps that the science of the time didn't support ... and unfortunately still doesn't ...

ToE is chemistry ... and the Vatican rarely comments on chemistry ...

Sea rise has tripled in just the last decade. Can you help by contributing your own research?

Please read carefully and attempt to understand!

Your citation says "double" ... "... and it has the potential to double the total sea level rise projected by 2100" ... perhaps it is you who should be more careful with your reading ... "If things continue to change at the observed pace, sea level will rise 65 centimeters (26 inches) by 2100" ... 2 feet ... that leaves Miami International Airport at 5 feet above mean sea level ... I don't think that's catastrophic, but I'm not a pilot to say, are you? ...

This article is in reference to this scientific paper: Nerem et al; "Climate Change Driven Acceleration Sea Level Rise Detected in the Altimeter Era"; PNAS; 2018 ... from which we extract the quadratic:

Rise = (0.042 (±0.025) mm/yr/yr) t^2 + (3.0 (±0.4) mm/yr) t [where t=time in years] ... [smile] ... the algebra from here is pretty easy ...

We can build a beach house right now at 2 feet above sea level ... the foundation is placed on sand, and will not last ... the house will be more than ready to be torn down ... 2 feet of sand hauled in ... and completely rebuilt ... long before sea level reaches it ... (engineers recommend building on stilts) ...

2 feet in 80 years is funny ... Seattle will be 20 feet closer to Tokyo in that time ... Sydney Australia will be 50 feet closer to the equator ... and at the current rate, human population will be north of 25 billion ...
Sea rise has tripled in just the last decade. Can you help by contributing your own research?

Please read carefully and attempt to understand!
The seas are rising at 1/8th of an inch per year. Plenty of time to mitigate any consequences of that and is reassuring that if we develop desalination processes to end water shortages where they exist, it won't harm the ocean by taking water from it.
Those lesson are for 16-year-old children ... really? ...

You said you listen to scientists, but you didn't say what kind of scientist ... what do you mean "experience climate"? ... climate is statistics, something calculated ... how does one experience a 100-year average? ...

The climate system is Navier/Stokes ... and thermodynamics ... follow the energy ...
Scientists I listen to actually have a lot of peer reviewed papers to their credit. They were paid by universities to study climate. Climate is not actually math as you say. It is climate and to define it, check this out. I will illustrate my remark this way. We know about eggs. A dozen of them are in ordinary packages. Knowing there are a dozen does not hint that eggs are math. It explains nothing at all about how many eggs are packed in crates at the farms. It does not tell us the size of boxes at the store. Math is numbers.

I would suggest you obtain an open mind and not act as if you are the scientist in my videos.

Scientists I listen to actually have a lot of peer reviewed papers to their credit. They were paid by universities to study climate. Climate is not actually math as you say. It is climate and to define it, check this out. I will illustrate my remark this way. We know about eggs. A dozen of them are in ordinary packages. Knowing there are a dozen does not hint that eggs are math. It explains nothing at all about how many eggs are packed in crates at the farms. It does not tell us the size of boxes at the store. Math is numbers.

I would suggest you obtain an open mind and not act as if you are the scientist in my videos.

If you agree your math is wrong ... then your physics is wrong ...

For example ... Newton's 2nd Law of Motion is stated the "net force is equal to mass times acceleration" ... we can also write a mathematical expression ... F = ma ... both these are exactly the same ...

You just count eggs .. that's not math ... I'm counting cartons and use math to multiply by 12 to get eggs ... the eggs aren't math, we use math as a tool to more quickly count them ...

Force isn't math ... we use math as a tool to determine HOW MUCH force is acting in the system ... by measuring acceleration and mass and, you know, mathing the answer ... we can also use math as a tool to calculate how much force we need to move an object beforehand ... and this saves time and trouble ... this is what engineers do ... they use math to calculate loads and prescribe appropriate structural elements to protect the public or whatever ...

UCLA requires two years of college calculus before the student is allowed to take a climate science class ... ever wonder why? ... because Atmospheric Science uses F = m dv/dt ... so the student needs to understand that form ...
No! You don't understand what sea level is.

Mean sea level ... my bad ... as in a house in Stockton, California, is ten feet below mean sea level ...

NO ... whimmper whimmper ... you don't understand what "triple" is ... try reading your article with comprehension ... yes, all coastal communities between Nicaragua and Newfoundland are subject to 10 foot storm surges ... so the 1/8 inch per year is meaningless over the life of a beach house ... a hurricane will sweep it into the ocean long before mean sea level catches it ...

Common sense ...
UCLA requires two years of college calculus before the student is allowed to take a climate science class ... ever wonder why? ... because Atm
I laud UCLA as that being a prerequisite based on your story being true. Calculus is very valuable.
Mean sea level ... my bad ... as in a house in Stockton, California, is ten feet below mean sea level ...

NO ... whimmper whimmper ... you don't understand what "triple" is ... try reading your article with comprehension ... yes, all coastal communities between Nicaragua and Newfoundland are subject to 10 foot storm surges ... so the 1/8 inch per year is meaningless over the life of a beach house ... a hurricane will sweep it into the ocean long before mean sea level catches it ...

The city has an average elevation of 13 feet, approximately four meters, above sea level. However, there are many areas of Stockton than are below this average elevation with a few areas currently below sea level.

Is Stockton, CA below sea level? -​


The city has an average elevation of 13 feet, approximately four meters, above sea level. However, there are many areas of Stockton than are below this average elevation with a few areas currently below sea level.

Is Stockton, CA below sea level? -

View attachment 944805

Lincoln Village / West is out in the Delta ... check a topographic map ... you do know Death Valley is below sea level ... so is New Orleans ... is this a concept you can't understand? ...

Your beach house won't last 80 years ... using math ... I see UCLA has dropped their requirement for climate scientists to take LinAlgebra ... that did seem more of a filter than needed ... the dynamic meteorologist certainly needs to understand translations into the stress tensor, but climatology is more statistically driven ...

You listen to scientists who speak to those with little formal education in Atmospheric Science ... I've been listening to scientists where they speak to one another ... I have a little more formal education in these matters than most ... if you want to argue, make sure your math is right ...
Lincoln Village / West is out in the Delta ... check a topographic map ... you do know Death Valley is below sea level ... so is New Orleans ... is this a concept you can't understand? ...

Your beach house won't last 80 years ... using math ... I see UCLA has dropped their requirement for climate scientists to take LinAlgebra ... that did seem more of a filter than needed ... the dynamic meteorologist certainly needs to understand translations into the stress tensor, but climatology is more statistically driven ...

You listen to scientists who speak to those with little formal education in Atmospheric Science ... I've been listening to scientists where they speak to one another ... I have a little more formal education in these matters than most ... if you want to argue, make sure your math is right ...
While I live now in Idaho, I have been in Stockton so many times I honestly can't say how many times I have been there. It was in 1979 I believe that I put a contract to buy the Stockton Motor Inn and the deal fell through. I drove pilings in Stockton. I took my fast pitch softball team there in tournaments. I will sum up this way. I know that town very well.
Many times I have pointed out that death Valley is below sea level and holds the world record for the hottest times recorded. New Orleans I have been to several times. I am aware of the topography there. What beach house?

You need to have a chat with Obama who has two or more Beach houses. Chat with Biden who I understand is in a danger of being flooded out. Talk to those boys.

The scientists I listened to on Climate were top rated for a very long period of time. Some of them retired as experts. Listen, I am eager to learn from all experts. I have studied climate since 1980 so have some good knowledge too.
Mean sea level ... my bad ... as in a house in Stockton, California, is ten feet below mean sea level ...
No! Not mean sea lever either. You're having some difficulty making your point. I think you may want to forget the 'sea level' idea and address sea level rise that has destroyed homes and threatens many more.

Think in terms of cumulative sea level rise due to climate change. Get that concept and then we can move on to the question of it being Anthropogenic.
No! Not mean sea lever either. You're having some difficulty making your point. I think you may want to forget the 'sea level' idea and address sea level rise that has destroyed homes and threatens many more.

Think in terms of cumulative sea level rise due to climate change. Get that concept and then we can move on to the question of it being Anthropogenic.
Seas were 26 FEET higher during the previous interglacial period. Was that man's fault too?
One good example is Ding not accepting established science on account of his Christian hocus-pocus beliefs conflict. Ask him about why he's forced to believe in Darwinian evolution but needs to quality those beliefs to satisfy the demands of the Catholic church.
Actually its due to the empirical climate evidence from the geologic record. You know... hard data.
Sea rise has tripled in just the last decade. Can you help by contributing your own research?
No, it hasn't. Sea level rise has been 3 to 4 mm per year for the past 6,000 years. If it had tripled as you erroneously claim, it would be 9 to 12 mm per year. But some idiots have PREDICTED it would triple by the end of this decade. A prediction that will easily be proven false in 6 short years because the main driver for the past 6000 years has been thermal expansion, not ice melt from polar regions.
You must mean tiny increases. The Sea is a fraction of climate.
Actually heat transfer from the Atlantic to the Arctic is what has been driving the planet's climate for the past 3 million years. The vast majority of heat is stored in the oceans and not the atmosphere. The landmass configuration in the Arctic coupled with heat transfer from ocean currents is what is driving the glacial cycles.
No! Not mean sea lever either. You're having some difficulty making your point. I think you may want to forget the 'sea level' idea and address sea level rise that has destroyed homes and threatens many more.

Think in terms of cumulative sea level rise due to climate change. Get that concept and then we can move on to the question of it being Anthropogenic.
You are in over your head. You don't know the first thing about what drives the climate of the planet.
Actually its due to the empirical climate evidence from the geologic record. You know... hard data.
When it became accepted that significant temperature rise had happened, the denialists accepted it and then turned against AGW and instead to blaming the god. Hard data!
Seas were 26 FEET higher during the previous interglacial period. Was that man's fault too?
The proof!

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