CNN analyst: "I've never seen a witness who's lied to Congress, who's lied to court, who's lied to the IRS, who's lied to the Southern District ...

Even after the ability to enact racist laws had become illegal, the old guard dems in the south remained loyal Democrats all their lives. The younger voters in the South started to vote Republican, because the Democratic Party was seen as steadily lurching to the left, and now look at it.

I gave you the example of Robert Byrd, the man was a racist SOB his entire life, and yet the dems made him their Senate leader from 1977 to 1989. If the dems were magically no longer racists, why did the entire old guard remain, except Strom? Why why did the Senate dems keep electing a flaming racist Byrd as their leader? the racist old guard were losing elections to Republicans, and it was not because these Republicans were more bigoted than the old guard racial bigots.

It's just silly to try and make the argument that the racists suddenly decided that the only political party they could use as their vehicle to enact their racist laws thru, was the very political party that has always fought against their racist laws.
Nobody has to make that argument. The facts show it is true, plain as day. So all you have accomplished is to confuse yourself.
Yes, it's amazing how many of you guys don't watch Faux News and don't listen to Hate Radio, but repeat their arguments verbatim.
Just because someone disagrees with you, or has a different opinion than yours, does not mean they must belong to some grand cabal to bring you down.

I don't know you. I seldom post on this forum. But if you think there is some orchestrated group of people with a plot designed to repeat a set of talking points, just to disagree with you, then you may have some mental issues or a chemical imbalance.

I have no clue what they are saying on talk radio or FNC, because and I never listen to or watch either one.
Just because someone disagrees with you, or has a different opinion than yours, does not mean they must belong to some grand cabal to bring you down.
Naw, I don't give you that much credit for intelligence. YOu just repeat whatever you hear on Hate Radio and think you had an original idea.

I don't know you. I seldom post on this forum. But if you think there is some orchestrated group of people with a plot designed to repeat a set of talking points, just to disagree with you, then you may have some mental issues or a chemical imbalance.

Again, you give yourself too much credit for your not very original ideas.


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