Chicago Police violated Iowa man 14th amendment right

The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Iowa man should have known Illinois’ firearm laws – ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Indeed, the FOID is infamous among the gun-owning right.
The founders understood the idea of the people being armed allowed them equal power over the government

The Founders ‘understood’ no such thing.

There is nothing in the history, text, or Second Amendment case law that supports the notion of insurrectionist dogma or the Second Amendment right guarding against ‘tyranny.’

The Heller Court codified the Second Amendment right as an individual right to possess a firearm for lawful self-defense, unconnected with militia service, having nothing to do with ‘opposing tyranny.’

It’s also a right that’s not ‘unlimited,’ subject to regulations and restrictions, such as requiring a license to possess a firearm.
I`m surprised that pk bought into that NRA nonsense that we have guns to shoot our elected officials when we think they`re being tyrannical. Our Founders believed in voting, but only for white males.

The Founders clearly believed in arms. Were you not taught about the Revolutionary War? It's a fairly important event in the history of the country. I'm surprised you are unaware of it.
They believed in arms because we had no army. A well regulated militia they called it.
So, it must also be perfectly legal and Constitutional to require a license to vote in Illinois. When we start requiring the licensing of a right, it becomes a privilege, not a right.
This both idiotic and a lie.

Citizens are required to register to vote, permits are required to exercise certain First Amendment rights, licensing requirements to possess a firearm are perfectly lawful and Constitutional, having never been invalidated by the Supreme Court.


Perhaps we need to require permits, licensing, background checks, and courses, for a person to be eligible to vote.


The founders understood the idea of the people being armed allowed them equal power over the government

The Founders ‘understood’ no such thing.

There is nothing in the history, text, or Second Amendment case law that supports the notion of insurrectionist dogma or the Second Amendment right guarding against ‘tyranny.’

The Heller Court codified the Second Amendment right as an individual right to possess a firearm for lawful self-defense, unconnected with militia service, having nothing to do with ‘opposing tyranny.’

It’s also a right that’s not ‘unlimited,’ subject to regulations and restrictions, such as requiring a license to possess a firearm.
I`m surprised that pk bought into that NRA nonsense that we have guns to shoot our elected officials when we think they`re being tyrannical. Our Founders believed in voting, but only for white males.

The Founders clearly believed in arms. Were you not taught about the Revolutionary War? It's a fairly important event in the history of the country. I'm surprised you are unaware of it.
They believed in arms because we had no army. A well regulated militia they called it.

The people they called it. The government runs the military.
taking your firearm into a place that restricts them is not a felony if you don't leave when asked it's trespassing at best.
No one claims otherwise – but that’s not the issue.

In fact, there is no ‘issue.’

Casteel was lawfully arrested for being in violation of Illinois state firearm law, a law perfectly consistent with the Second Amendment; no Second Amendment rights ‘violated,’ no 14th Amendment rights ‘violated,’ no civil rights ‘violated.’
the man just was charged with two felonies you lying sack of shit.
No, as not everyone can qualify for a license.
True – but everyone has a right to apply for a license.

There is no ‘right’ to be granted a license, the civil rights violation occurs when the state refuses to allow a resident to apply for a license for no other reason than who he is.

For example, Illinois residents have the right to apply for a firearm license, but no right to be granted the license because they’re not eligible – such as being a convicted felon.

With regard to voting, there is no ‘right’ to be registered to vote, one must meet the qualifications first, such as being a US citizen.
show me in the second amendment where you are required to have a license
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
So, you are all for the punishment of a possible crime committed sometime in the future. Got it.
If that means confiscating a rifle with 5 fully loaded magazines in a window above a crowded beach by a man with OBVIOUS mental issues.
Then absolutely.
There is no law that exist anywhere that is totally black or white.
You have to use common sense.
Again your taking the word of the anti gun media
Again, are you assigning extremes to anyone who doesn't 100% agree with you?
no, I'm not it's media playing the gun bad theme
A fully semiautomatic firearm the Ghost gun lol it's bad because it looks like a weapon of war. And the ever tried and worn out assault weapon lol
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
he has a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear his firearm
The rest you're just doing a minority report on
That system has not been set up yet and we still have Constitutionally protected rights
Your claim that he had a constitutional right to do that is too absurd to deserve more than a simple

It's like they were hoping for the worst here.

Don't you have a dead child grave to piss on?
Care to show us where in the Constitution that the government, any government, can take your rights away based upon a threat of future crimes?
This is a lie – that’s not what happened.

No rights were ‘taken away’; indeed, rights cannot be ‘taken away.’

And yet again – Casteel was arrested for being in violation of the state’s firearm law.

Had Casteel possessed a FOID, there’d be no arrest.

He might have been trespassed from the hotel, but nothing more.

Casteel has only himself to blame.
you are a lying sack of shit, no one has been ever charged with a crime they have not committed yet.
And the FOID card have been ruled unconstitutional
man with OBVIOUS mental issues
You just cut off a little bit too much hair there.
You asserting that a man who travels to another state, places a rifle, loaded, with serial numbers removed, next to a window along side 5 loaded magazines - a day before a holiday where right below his perch the streets will be crowded is perfectly normal behavior??
And to those here saying he broke no law... yes he did. It is a felony to posses a gun with serial #'s removed.

I am a proponent of gun rights.
I am not, however, stupid. What this man was doing is highly-highly suspect and it is not only possible, but plausible he was prepared to attempt a mass shooting.
It would be unbelievably irresponsible for law enforcement to do nothing in this case.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
seems you are out of your fucking wacko leftist were you there? Some weak-kneed antigun leftists at a motel saw a gun and got wet weak-kneed

Here's what I see happened
He had his rifle in a tactical case and the maid saw it and got wet. You're out of your mind if you believe that shit he left his room with a firearm out in the open when things are easily stolen in a motel room.
Obviously he wanted to get caught.
What sane person places a scoped rifle beside a window with 5 fully loaded magazines literally sitting on a window sill in a hotel room?
What fucked up mind thinks that is normal behavior?
I have a loaded 12 ga. beside our bed. No shell is in the chamber, but the safety is off so all I have to do is pump and shoot.
I also have a tactical .22 in the closet beside my wifes bedside. Also with a loaded magazine. We have meth heads that walk down the street here, the neighborhood i am in is fine, but two blocks down it isn't.
So I 100% support owing a gun for personal security.
A scoped rifle with 5 magazines in a room above a crowded beach is not normal behavior. It's fucking insane. There is no logical explanation for that PERIOD.
Here's a question only you can answer to yourself
What sane person is going to believe anything the media reports when it comes to the firearms issues?
man with OBVIOUS mental issues
You just cut off a little bit too much hair there.
You asserting that a man who travels to another state, places a rifle, loaded, with serial numbers removed, next to a window along side 5 loaded magazines - a day before a holiday where right below his perch the streets will be crowded is perfectly normal behavior??
And to those here saying he broke no law... yes he did. It is a felony to posses a gun with serial #'s removed.

I am a proponent of gun rights.
I am not, however, stupid. What this man was doing is highly-highly suspect and it is not only possible, but plausible he was prepared to attempt a mass shooting.
It would be unbelievably irresponsible for law enforcement to do nothing in this case.
What is the deal with a firearm that doesn't have a serial number? does it stop any crimes?
80% are legal and do not have serial numbers

Care to show us where in the Constitution that the government, any government, can take your rights away based upon a threat of future crimes?
Most of our laws are not specifically mentioned in the constitution, but they must be constitutionally allowed. You won't find speed limits specifically mentioned in the constitution either, but they are constitutionally allowed. Every state has laws allowing arrest for credible threats. His snipers nest was considered a credible threat.
and the 14th amendment specially dictates to the states they cannot create laws that deprive U.S. Citizens of their rights that citizens in other states have that is protected by the U.S. Constitution
How else did we get rid of those jim crow anti-gun laws?
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
seems you are out of your fucking wacko leftist were you there? Some weak-kneed antigun leftists at a motel saw a gun and got wet weak-kneed

Here's what I see happened
He had his rifle in a tactical case and the maid saw it and got wet. You're out of your mind if you believe that shit he left his room with a firearm out in the open when things are easily stolen in a motel room.
Obviously he wanted to get caught.
What sane person places a scoped rifle beside a window with 5 fully loaded magazines literally sitting on a window sill in a hotel room?
What fucked up mind thinks that is normal behavior?
I have a loaded 12 ga. beside our bed. No shell is in the chamber, but the safety is off so all I have to do is pump and shoot.
I also have a tactical .22 in the closet beside my wifes bedside. Also with a loaded magazine. We have meth heads that walk down the street here, the neighborhood i am in is fine, but two blocks down it isn't.
So I 100% support owing a gun for personal security.
A scoped rifle with 5 magazines in a room above a crowded beach is not normal behavior. It's fucking insane. There is no logical explanation for that PERIOD.
Here's a question only you can answer to yourself
What sane person is going to believe anything the media reports when it comes to the firearms issues?
I don't care what the media says, they have as much validity as politicians these days... which is none.
What I care about is what is on public record.
And what is on public record is these facts...
1) The man traveled to Chicago one day before a holiday without his family.
2) He brought with him a loaded .45 with extra rounds, and an a loaded rifle with 5 loaded magazines sitting immediately next to the guns on a windowsill overlooking the crowded Pier.
3) He has no permits
4) The rifle has had the serial #s removed

All of these FACTS point to one helluva eye brow raising suspicious behavior. It is absolutely plausible he was planning to commit a mass shooting. I am not saying he was, only that it certainly looks like it.
And in those circumstances law enforcement would be unbelievably irresponsible to simply do nothing. Unconscionable.

There is no reasonable explanation to have those guns, with that much ammo, where they were and where he was at. NONE.

If you have to play dumb in order to support a narrative, it is time to rethink how you form opinions.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Iowa man should have known Illinois’ firearm laws – ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Indeed, the FOID is infamous among the gun-owning right.
talk about ignorance YOU ARE THE GO TO FOR THAT.
It is a felony to posses a gun with serial #'s removed
Get the fuck off my property you stupid ass democrat gun grabbing cop. Removing the serial number at worst invalidates the manufacturer's warranty, and otherwise it isn't a damn cop's business.
It is a felony.
It is against state law in Illinois to cross state borders with that weapon without a permit.
It was very much the police business.

I am a life long Republican.
I am probably more conservative than you are.
I own several guns, indeed it was an awesome day when I turned 18 years old and my father took me to a gun store and I bought my first gun. A 20 ga. mossberg.

Try again
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
seems you are out of your fucking wacko leftist were you there? Some weak-kneed antigun leftists at a motel saw a gun and got wet weak-kneed

Here's what I see happened
He had his rifle in a tactical case and the maid saw it and got wet. You're out of your mind if you believe that shit he left his room with a firearm out in the open when things are easily stolen in a motel room.
Obviously he wanted to get caught.
What sane person places a scoped rifle beside a window with 5 fully loaded magazines literally sitting on a window sill in a hotel room?
What fucked up mind thinks that is normal behavior?
I have a loaded 12 ga. beside our bed. No shell is in the chamber, but the safety is off so all I have to do is pump and shoot.
I also have a tactical .22 in the closet beside my wifes bedside. Also with a loaded magazine. We have meth heads that walk down the street here, the neighborhood i am in is fine, but two blocks down it isn't.
So I 100% support owing a gun for personal security.
A scoped rifle with 5 magazines in a room above a crowded beach is not normal behavior. It's fucking insane. There is no logical explanation for that PERIOD.
Here's a question only you can answer to yourself
What sane person is going to believe anything the media reports when it comes to the firearms issues?
I don't care what the media says, they have as much validity as politicians these days... which is none.
What I care about is what is on public record.
And what is on public record is these facts...
1) The man traveled to Chicago one day before a holiday without his family.
2) He brought with him a loaded .45 with extra rounds, and an a loaded rifle with 5 loaded magazines sitting immediately next to the guns on a windowsill overlooking the crowded Pier.
3) He has no permits
4) The rifle has had the serial #s removed

All of these FACTS point to one helluva eye brow raising suspicious behavior. It is absolutely plausible he was planning to commit a mass shooting. I am not saying he was, only that it certainly looks like it.
And in those circumstances law enforcement would be unbelievably irresponsible to simply do nothing. Unconscionable.

There is no reasonable explanation to have those guns, with that much ammo, where they were and where he was at. NONE.

If you have to play dumb in order to support a narrative, it is time to rethink how you form opinions.
Were you there and saw what you said happen? no one is going to leave their firearm out in the open in a motel room and not be in that room. It just ain't happening
Iowa is a permitless carry state
You don't have a serial number on an 80% firearm
You have shown no facts

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