Chicago Police violated Iowa man 14th amendment right

The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
So, you are all for the punishment of a possible crime committed sometime in the future. Got it.

Care to show us where in the Constitution that the government, any government, can take your rights away based upon a threat of future crimes?
The SC`s Heller decision affirmed our right to regulate guns. Try taking your gun into a school or a MLB, NFL, etc. game and let us know how that works for you.
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
he has a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear his firearm
The rest you're just doing a minority report on
That system has not been set up yet and we still have Constitutionally protected rights
He has a responsibilty to store them safely while he is not around. Were all this stuff locked up in cases there would have been no cause for concern. It almost looks like this guy wanted to be stopped.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
seems you are out of your fucking wacko leftist were you there? Some weak-kneed antigun leftists at a motel saw a gun and got wet weak-kneed

Here's what I see happened
He had his rifle in a tactical case and the maid saw it and got wet. You're out of your mind if you believe that shit he left his room with a firearm out in the open when things are easily stolen in a motel room.
The 14th does indeed place all Constitutional restrictions placed upon the Federal government on the state also.
Not exactly.

After the passage of the 14th Amendment, pursuant to substantive due process, the Supreme Court began to incorporate portions of the Bill of Rights to the states and local jurisdictions.

Although not overturned, Barron v. Baltimore (1833) has essentially been nullified by Incorporation Doctrine.

The Third Amendment, for example, has not been incorporated to the states and local jurisdictions; the Second Amendment wasn’t incorporated until 2010.

Indeed, prior to McDonald v. Chicago, the states – in theory – could have banned all firearms altogether.

Care to show us where in the Constitution that the government, any government, can take your rights away based upon a threat of future crimes?
Most of our laws are not specifically mentioned in the constitution, but they must be constitutionally allowed. You won't find speed limits specifically mentioned in the constitution either, but they are constitutionally allowed. Every state has laws allowing arrest for credible threats. His snipers nest was considered a credible threat.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
So, you are all for the punishment of a possible crime committed sometime in the future. Got it.
If that means confiscating a rifle with 5 fully loaded magazines in a window above a crowded beach by a man with OBVIOUS mental issues.
Then absolutely.
There is no law that exist anywhere that is totally black or white.
You have to use common sense.
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
he has a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear his firearm
The rest you're just doing a minority report on
That system has not been set up yet and we still have Constitutionally protected rights
He has a responsibilty to store them safely while he is not around. Were all this stuff locked up in cases there would have been no cause for concern. It almost looks like this guy wanted to be stopped.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens

There are no civil rights ‘violations’ here – 14th Amendment or otherwise.

From your own linked article:

“Prosecutors said Casteel admitted owning the guns, but he does not have a Firearm Owners Identification card, which is required to legally possess a gun in Illinois.”

The requirement of a license or permit to possess a firearm is perfectly lawful and Constitutional, in no manner in ‘violation’ of the Second Amendment.

The 14th Amendment doesn’t require all state laws to be ‘equal’ or ‘the same,’ it requires the states and local jurisdictions to afford all persons residing in the states equal protection of state laws and due process of the law.

An example of a 14th Amendment violation would be if the state refused to allow someone to apply for a FOID because of his race, religion, or national origin.

But that’s not the case here – Casteel wasn’t denied a FOID because of who he is, he was lawfully arrested because he didn’t have the document at all.
So, it must also be perfectly legal and Constitutional to require a license to vote in Illinois. When we start requiring the licensing of a right, it becomes a privilege, not a right.

No, as not everyone can qualify for a license. Now if you mean an I.D.. that is already gave to you when you register.
If you must apply for a specific license to own a firearm, then the same standard can be applied to voting.

Both are rights as defined by the Constitution and its Amendments.

and I've argued a license is a violation of your second amendment rights. The Constitution allows each person the right to one vote. Registering only makes sure they vote once. You do not have to get permission to vote. There are no such requirements in owning a weapon so there are no valid reasons to force people to get an OK from the state. It goes against the very idea they 2nd was created to start with.

The founders understood the idea of the people being armed allowed them equal power over the government but if the government has a list of gun owners that waters it down.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
So, you are all for the punishment of a possible crime committed sometime in the future. Got it.
If that means confiscating a rifle with 5 fully loaded magazines in a window above a crowded beach by a man with OBVIOUS mental issues.
Then absolutely.
There is no law that exist anywhere that is totally black or white.
You have to use common sense.
Again your taking the word of the anti gun media
The 14th does indeed place all Constitutional restrictions placed upon the Federal government on the state also.
Not exactly.

After the passage of the 14th Amendment, pursuant to substantive due process, the Supreme Court began to incorporate portions of the Bill of Rights to the states and local jurisdictions.

Although not overturned, Barron v. Baltimore (1833) has essentially been nullified by Incorporation Doctrine.

The Third Amendment, for example, has not been incorporated to the states and local jurisdictions; the Second Amendment wasn’t incorporated until 2010.

Indeed, prior to McDonald v. Chicago, the states – in theory – could have banned all firearms altogether.

I'm not so interested in "theory".
taking your firearm into a place that restricts them is not a felony if you don't leave when asked it's trespassing at best.
No one claims otherwise – but that’s not the issue.

In fact, there is no ‘issue.’

Casteel was lawfully arrested for being in violation of Illinois state firearm law, a law perfectly consistent with the Second Amendment; no Second Amendment rights ‘violated,’ no 14th Amendment rights ‘violated,’ no civil rights ‘violated.’
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
seems you are out of your fucking wacko leftist were you there? Some weak-kneed antigun leftists at a motel saw a gun and got wet weak-kneed

Here's what I see happened
He had his rifle in a tactical case and the maid saw it and got wet. You're out of your mind if you believe that shit he left his room with a firearm out in the open when things are easily stolen in a motel room.
Obviously he wanted to get caught.
What sane person places a scoped rifle beside a window with 5 fully loaded magazines literally sitting on a window sill in a hotel room?
What fucked up mind thinks that is normal behavior?
I have a loaded 12 ga. beside our bed. No shell is in the chamber, but the safety is off so all I have to do is pump and shoot.
I also have a tactical .22 in the closet beside my wifes bedside. Also with a loaded magazine. We have meth heads that walk down the street here, the neighborhood i am in is fine, but two blocks down it isn't.
So I 100% support owing a gun for personal security.
A scoped rifle with 5 magazines in a room above a crowded beach is not normal behavior. It's fucking insane. There is no logical explanation for that PERIOD.
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
he has a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear his firearm
The rest you're just doing a minority report on
That system has not been set up yet and we still have Constitutionally protected rights
He has a responsibilty to store them safely while he is not around. Were all this stuff locked up in cases there would have been no cause for concern. It almost looks like this guy wanted to be stopped.
The guy in the story you posted.
Care to show us where in the Constitution that the government, any government, can take your rights away based upon a threat of future crimes?
This is a lie – that’s not what happened.

No rights were ‘taken away’; indeed, rights cannot be ‘taken away.’

And yet again – Casteel was arrested for being in violation of the state’s firearm law.

Had Casteel possessed a FOID, there’d be no arrest.

He might have been trespassed from the hotel, but nothing more.

Casteel has only himself to blame.
The guy had a sniper nest set up in a window overlooking a crowded beach. I already knew you were nuts, but trying to say he had a constitutional right to do that is even nuttier than I expected from you. Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?
he has a Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear his firearm
The rest you're just doing a minority report on
That system has not been set up yet and we still have Constitutionally protected rights
Your claim that he had a constitutional right to do that is too absurd to deserve more than a simple

It's like they were hoping for the worst here.
The 14th amendment makes sure states cannot create unequal laws that all U.S Citizens enjoy. What is legal in one state when it's a protected right in the U.S Constitution must be legal in all 50 states or those laws are not equal laws and infringe on the rights of certain citizens
Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am as conservative as it comes, and I fully support the right to own guns. I have several.
But I am am not an imbecile.
I do not support the "right" to set up a snipers nest in a hotel room above a crowded beach.
Are you on drugs? He had 5 fully loaded magazines sitting in the window sill, with the rifle set up by the window.
There is no planet where that is ok.
So, you are all for the punishment of a possible crime committed sometime in the future. Got it.
If that means confiscating a rifle with 5 fully loaded magazines in a window above a crowded beach by a man with OBVIOUS mental issues.
Then absolutely.
There is no law that exist anywhere that is totally black or white.
You have to use common sense.
Again your taking the word of the anti gun media
Again, are you assigning extremes to anyone who doesn't 100% agree with you?
So, it must also be perfectly legal and Constitutional to require a license to vote in Illinois. When we start requiring the licensing of a right, it becomes a privilege, not a right.
This both idiotic and a lie.

Citizens are required to register to vote, permits are required to exercise certain First Amendment rights, licensing requirements to possess a firearm are perfectly lawful and Constitutional, having never been invalidated by the Supreme Court.
Which states do you think a sniper's nest, complete with weapons and ammo, are legal in?

All of them ...

No, as not everyone can qualify for a license.
True – but everyone has a right to apply for a license.

There is no ‘right’ to be granted a license, the civil rights violation occurs when the state refuses to allow a resident to apply for a license for no other reason than who he is.

For example, Illinois residents have the right to apply for a firearm license, but no right to be granted the license because they’re not eligible – such as being a convicted felon.

With regard to voting, there is no ‘right’ to be registered to vote, one must meet the qualifications first, such as being a US citizen.

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