Black drivers receive less respect from police officers, study says

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Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.
'Cars into caskets': New study confirms police bias towards Black drivers
Black drivers were 61 percent more likely to hear words such as “dude” and “bro” and “hands on the wheel” during traffic stops.​
U.S. Army Lieutenant Caron Nazario was driving his newly-purchased Chevy Tahoe home when two police officers pulled him over in Windsor, Va., on Dec. 5, 2020.
U.S. Army Lieutenant Caron Nazario was driving his newly-purchased Chevy Tahoe home when two police officers pulled him over in Windsor, Va., on Dec. 5, 2020.Windsor Police Department
July 30, 2021, 3:01 AM PDT​
By Maya Brown​
A recent American Psychological Association study revealed that police officers speak to Black drivers in a more disrespectful tone during traffic stops than the way they speak to white drivers.​
The study analyzed body camera footage from more than 100 police officers and used 250 audio clips from an unnamed mid-sized U.S. city and revealed that officers spoke to Black men in a tone of voice that conveyed less warmth, respect and ease in comparison to white men.​
“We were analyzing this footage both to identify challenges with police-community relations and to try to offer some suggestions,” said Nicholas Camp, an assistant professor of organizational studies at the University of Michigan and the lead author of the study.​
Lt. Diane Goldstein, executive director of Law Enforcement Action Partnership, stressed the importance that research plays in transforming policing so police officers can understand the needs of communities they serve.​
“It’s really important to have this very difficult conversation around the issue of race,” Goldstein, a retired police officer, said. “I know it makes law enforcement uncomfortable, but if we don’t squarely face it, we are not going to be able to transform police in the fashion that we should and we aren’t going to be able to protect our communities.”​

April 10, 202105:08
In a previous study focused on the Oakland, California, area, Camp and other researchers found that compared with white residents, Black community members were 61 percent more likely to hear words such as “dude” and “bro” and “hands on the wheel” during traffic stops.​
Another purpose of the study was to show that body camera footage provides essential information about police stops and potential evidence of misconduct.​
Body camera footage has played an essential role in U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Caron Nazario’s lawsuit, which is set to go to trial in March 2022. Nazario was driving in uniform toward Petersburg, Virginia, when he saw police officers signaling for him to pull over for having tinted windows and no rear license plate. Trying to find an area with light, the Black and Latino soldier continued driving until he found a well-lit BP gas station.​
Soon after he parked, the officers pulled their guns and began shouting commands. Nazario responded with, “What’s going on?”​
"What's going on? You're fixin' to ride the lightning, son," Officer Joe Gutierrez said, according to the body camera video. The officers then pepper-sprayed Nazario and knocked him to the ground.​
Image: Juanisha Brooks
Juanisha Brooks was pulled over and arrested by Virginia State Troopers.Virginia State Police​
Jonathan Arthur, Nazario’s lawyer, said Gutierrez “obviously understood the double entendre” of the words “ride the lightning,” as it can mean to deploy a stun gun on an individual or to be executed by electrocution.​
“Everything I saw was like watching a train wreck and it just got worse and worse,” he said. “The fact that these guys were willing to behave like this knowing that they were going to be recorded is mind-boggling.” Three videos of body camera footage are included as official filings in Nazario’s case.​
Juanisha Brooks, who is Black, was pulled over by a Virginia state trooper in March. The reason the officer cited: a broken taillight. He then accused her of drinking and driving, which was later dispelled by a 0.0 result on a toxicology test.​


Body camera footage was released in May and showed that Brooks repeatedly asked why she was being pulled over and was ultimately dragged out of her car by the trooper.​
Minnesota state Rep. John Thompson was pulled over July 4 for not having a front license plate and for the way he had pulled off from a light. In body camera footage released July 13, Thompson can be heard accusing the police officer of looking him right in the face and giving him a ticket “for driving while Black.”​
“These interactions are becoming very scary, and our perception of racial profiling means nothing until somebody gets killed,” Thompson told NBC News last week. “These traffic stops are turning cars into caskets for young Black men.”​
Image: Juanisha Brooks
Juanisha Brooks in her office on May 5, 2021 in Fairfax, Va.Katherine Frey / The Washington Post via Getty Images​
Repeated incidents like these also contribute to an increasing distrust in law enforcement. Two-thirds of Black Americans don’t trust the police to treat Black and white people equally, according to an NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll taken shortly after George Floyd’s death was captured on video.​
Anand Subramanian, the managing director at PolicyLink, said this distrust stems from the “deeply anti-Black” system that is law enforcement, mentioning that some of the first police departments evolved directly from slave patrols.​
“It starts with the idea that Black folks are inherently violent, that intercommunal violence in Black communities is worse than police violence against Black folks and that Black folks should be viewed with suspicion,” he said.​
Due to the rising distrust, Arthur said that whenever a Black client comes to him with a new incident involving police officers, they tend to be angry, but never surprised.​
“The distrust that we’ve started sowing in our police departments are going to have some pretty damning consequences because the police need the trust of the community to do their job, and when the community turns on them, it just makes it more dangerous for everyone,” he said.​
Arthur also said Black people have been victimized.​
“They've come to me and they've been attacked by law enforcement already and they're still willing to put themselves out there and risk further retaliation and further hate,” he said. “And that's an exceptionally heroic thing for these men and women to be doing, and I am grateful to them.”​
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.

I get that this is a comedy routine but it also is 100% absolutely true and it goes for everyone, not just blacks. It should be mandatory for every black person.

I also bet 80% of black drivers also dont show any respect to a police officer, even professional curtesy, and I would argue 80% of them have nothing but contempt for cops in general. When a cop pulls you over you shut your mouth, be calm, do as your told and everything will be fine.

Look at every "police brutality" case, almost every single time its a black person committing a crime and when the cops show up they resist arrest, yell, scream "this racist fucking pig is arresting me because I stole stuff help!" and have an extremely shitty attitude about not only laws but law enforcement.

If most cops are biased against blacks then I will bet an entire years worth of my paychecks those blacks earned every single ounce of biased directed at them.
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.
I respectfully disagree with the thread title.

But I do agree that cops approach drivers of the ethnicity under discussion differently from the way they approach other drivers.

I feel that cops are afraid of drivers of the ethnicity under discussion. Those cops have either experienced some unpleasant encounters or heard about such things from colleagues.

Those cops are expecting some defiance or outright violence. So they are very wary. This could be misconstrued as "disrespect."

No doubt some cops nowadays simply turn a blind eye to the violations of drivers of the ethnicity under discussion in order to avoid any grief, such as being accused of racist behavior.
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.
I'm just curious. IF this is true then how do you see BLM changing it for the better?
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.

Yeah some of the police are just plain stupid, as shown when they badly mishandled a non dangerous compliant Lieutenant Nazario who didn't have any actual violations for the police to stop him over.

It ended up that the vehicles papers are easy to see in the back window and his questions were not properly addressed.

Now the police are going to get a beating in the lawsuit that Nazario filed against them.
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.
NBC News .......

Home of Docugate and the edited George Zimmerman 9/11 tapes ......

LMAO @ how gullible you Leftist are for the Marxist Fake News.
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.
If you break this into crime or fatherlessness instead of race you’ll get the same result.
You’re a bigot.
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.
there is something awful about the words "dude" and "bro"??? how about
"collard greens"? -------"hands on the wheel" ??? cops like to SEE what hands are
doing. Seems reasonable to me. I admit that I do not call people "dude" or "bro" --but
both words are COMMONLY heard in my culturally diverse neighborhood.
Not that we didn't already know this but it's nice to have concrete data to back up the claims. The way black people are routinely treated by the police, for no reason other than those who believe that badge allows them this type of outlet for their aggression and hostility is disgraceful and should be unacceptable to even those who back the blue.

Black drivers give cops no respect, so why would you expect cops to treat them equal to everyone else? Sorry, but when you give cops an attitude right from the start, its going to be a rough night for you. Respect is EARNED. When are you lowlifes going to learn that?

Black drivers give cops no respect, so why would you expect cops to treat them equal to everyone else? Sorry, but when you give cops an attitude right from the start, its going to be a rough night for you. Respect is EARNED. When are you lowlifes going to learn that?
the cited PROOF of disrespect is the use of the words "dude" and "bro" and the
directive "keep you hands on the wheel" The words "dude" and "bro" seem
INDISPENSIBLE in standard conversation in my town. Should they be outlawed?
"Keep your hands on the wheel" seems to me to be a good policy
lol. Ours racial profile. As soon as they see a car with Chicago plates, and blacks in it, they're on it. And those of us that live here are happy for it. We have a steady stream of blacks from Chicago making the 8 hour drive, bearing gifts of fentanyl, meth, and a variety of other goodies for our kids...
I'm just curious. IF this is true then how do you see BLM changing it for the better?
In my opinion, the purpose of Black Lives Matter and the protests are to shed light on the matter. And to the surprise of many people, myself included, shedding light on an issue of this nature oftentimes brings only retaliation and more hostility, but at that point, it's done in the light instead of it being hidden as it often was previously.

Black people were rarely believed when they made allegations against the police, "No photograph, no video? Didn't happen". Now things are changing and of course the bad cops don't like it.

As I indicated in my OP there is nothing like being able to get your hands on concrete evidence that proves your claim, and in the cases cited in the article, that evidence was generally bodycam video footage.
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