Biden's chief economic advisor says the government can't go bankrupt bc they can always just print more money

Jobs since January 2023 are part-time, prior to that just jobs returning after COVID.

Crude production is owing to Trump policies, as keeps messing with future production with any number of dumb policies.
When Obama was POTUS and adding jobs, the Hannity Led LYING Misinformation Machine stated.......Most of these jobs are Part-Time Jobs.

Then Trump became POTUS, and had job growth for a while, and the Hannity Lying Machine stopped mentioning Part-Time Jobs.
Then trump recorded the largest Job Loss market in Decades , and all we hear is........It's SOMEONE ELSES FAULT.

Now Biden is POTUS, and the Hannity Lying Machine is back on the talking point of Part-Time Jobs and recovery Jobs from COVID.

Yea, trump mishandled COVID so poorly, he and Hannity had to BLAME it on something else.

So Predictable.
Hmmmm. A music major. Lets see:
Inflation lowered from over 7, two year ago to 3.5. Check
Employment way up and steady adding jobs, 15.2 Million nearly 6 million more than before pandemic. Check
Number of people on food stamp reduced by 1 million. Check
Record GDP, economy expanding every year under this administration. Check
Very low unemployment. Record lower and longer than any other administration. Check
Record set on the New York Stock Exchange. Check
S&P 500 increased 32.9%. Check
Crude oil production up 14.2% setting highest in history. Check

Hmmm. Listen to the music. I am willing to let the beat go on.
Are you personally better off today than 5 years ago? If you say yes, then you are an extreme minority!

Oh this guy sounds great,

Dialogue with MMT​

In 2018, Bernstein opened a public dialogue with the proponents Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a branch of economics that is outside the mainstream.[21] Bill Mitchell, a proponent of MMT, was the first to respond.

Modern monetary theory or modern money theory (MMT) is a macroeconomic theory that describes currency as a public monopoly and unemployment as evidence that a currency monopolist is overly restricting the supply of the financial assets needed to pay taxes and satisfy savings desires.[1][2] MMT is outside the mainstream of economic thought.[3]According to MMT, governments do not need to worry about accumulating debt in and of itself since they create new money by using fiscal policy in order to pay interest. MMT argues that the primary risk once the economy reaches full employment is inflation, which acts as the only constraint on spending. MMT also argues that inflation can be addressed by increasing taxes on everyone to reduce the spending capacity of the private sector.

MMT is how idiots think we are financially stable.
Hmmmm. A music major. Lets see:
Inflation lowered from over 7, two year ago to 3.5. Check
Employment way up and steady adding jobs, 15.2 Million nearly 6 million more than before pandemic. Check
Number of people on food stamp reduced by 1 million. Check
Record GDP, economy expanding every year under this administration. Check
Very low unemployment. Record lower and longer than any other administration. Check
Record set on the New York Stock Exchange. Check
S&P 500 increased 32.9%. Check
Crude oil production up 14.2% setting highest in history. Check

Hmmm. Listen to the music. I am willing to let the beat go on.
All lies. Inflation is 15% and unemployment would be 20% if they counted the people who have made a career of welfare.

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