Biden hails ‘America’s comeback’ as 303,000 new jobs in March beat forecast

"303,000 new jobs in March beat forecast"

1. Beating a forecast is irrelevant to real economic growth.
2. How many of these are full-time private sector jobs?
3. How many of these public sector jobs are financed by additional public debt?
4. How many people entered the US illegally in March?

Do the arithmetic.

“Three years ago, I inherited an economy on the brink. With today’s report of 303,000 new jobs in March, we have passed the milestone of 15m jobs created since I took office. That’s 15 million more people who have the dignity and respect that comes with a paycheck,” he said.

Thats a mighty achievment by Prez Joe. He came in to an economy coming to the end of the Obama boom and pulled it up by its bootstraps.

Meanwhile trump was charged with rape and fraud and stealing nuclear secrets and trying to steal an election and conspiracy and sedition. So he was busy..

I dont have much time for Joe given his cowardice in Gaza but he has rebuilt the US after the clown show of Stormys friend.

Nearly 25% of the total were government jobs. More overhead to be dumped on taxpayers.
Anerica needs to employ more people. Corporations are running wild due to lack of enforcement.

Running wild?

Yowza. You should write a strongly worded email to those offending corporations and tell them to stop their wilding.
So you want socialism to make these jobs ?
No. In fact I don’t believe any public sector jobs should even be counted. However, I’m also not terribly interested in the creation of jobs that are not CAREER-ORIENTED. The part time junk jobs shouldn’t be counted either.

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