Audit: Biden funneled $1.3 million to the Taliban.

When Biden goes idiot he goes all the way. Speaking of Biden disasters...will Biden run for a 2nd term in 2028 after he loses to Trump?
The Dimwinger Party is the party of terrorism.
When Biden goes idiot he goes all the way. Speaking of Biden disasters...will Biden run for a 2nd term in 2028 after he loses to Trump?
Well, anything is possible.

I guess the $65 BILLION in hi-tech arme he gave them wasn’t enough.
Not even close to the value of the arms we gave to the Afghan Army, who abandoned them. They were abandoned mostly because Benedict Donald refused to enforce nearly all of the Doha Accords conditions on the Taliban while demanding our generals comply with all of our conditions. Not much of a conditional withdrawal like Benedict claimed, Doha was more like Trumps Skedaddle Agreement.
Not even close to the value of the arms we gave to the Afghan Army, who abandoned them. They were abandoned mostly because Benedict Donald refused to enforce nearly all of the Doha Accords conditions on the Taliban while demanding our generals comply with all of our conditions. Not much of a conditional withdrawal like Benedict claimed, Doha was more like Trumps Skedaddle Agreement.
Not a single thing was abandoned under Trump, Simp

Tater’s disaster of a bug out caused it.
Not a single thing was abandoned under Trump, Simp
Benedict Donald abandoned most all of the Doha Accord Conditions for our withdrawing over 10 thousand troops, which Benedict did before President Biden took office. The troops Benedict withdrew before Biden took office were the leverage needed to force the Taliban's compliance. Granted, President Biden decided not to redeploy 10's of thousands fresh US troop to correct Benedicts backstabbing which would have caused thousands of more casualties.
The botched withdraw started before Biden took office with Trump's administration agreeing to release 5,000 Taliban troops from prisons. To excuse Biden or Trump for how things ended is having one's head so far up their posterior that their view of the world is through their navel.
The botched withdraw started before Biden took office with Trump's administration agreeing to release 5,000 Taliban troops from prisons. To excuse Biden or Trump for how things ended is having one's head so far up their posterior that their view of the world is through their navel.
BTW, the 5 to 1 prisoner swap was just one of our conditions in the Doha Accords, which the Afghan government and Army were excluded from.
Benedict Donald abandoned most all of the Doha Accord Conditions for our withdrawing over 10 thousand troops, which Benedict did before President Biden took office. The troops Benedict withdrew before Biden took office were the leverage needed to force the Taliban's compliance. Granted, President Biden decided not to redeploy 10's of thousands fresh US troop to correct Benedicts backstabbing which would have caused thousands of more casualties.
Biden owns the Afghanistan disaster himself, he scraped Trump's plan.
Biden owns the Afghanistan disaster himself, he scraped Trump's plan.
There was hardly anything left of Benedict Donald's so called plan by the time Biden took office. Benedict Donald was proud of how he stabbed us, the Afghans, our military, and the incoming administration in the back. Here's Benedict bragging about it during his first rally after losing the 2020 election.

"How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."
Donald Trump: (22:53)

There was hardly anything left of Benedict Donald's so called plan by the time Biden took office. Benedict Donald was proud of how he stabbed us, the Afghans, our military, and the incoming administration in the back. Here's Benedict bragging about it during his first rally after losing the 2020 election.

"How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."
Donald Trump: (22:53)

Biden had plenty of time to make a plan and everyone benefitted. Except for America, just like everything else he supports.
Benedict Donald abandoned most all of the Doha Accord Conditions for our withdrawing over 10 thousand troops, which Benedict did before President Biden took office. The troops Benedict withdrew before Biden took office were the leverage needed to force the Taliban's compliance. Granted, President Biden decided not to redeploy 10's of thousands fresh US troop to correct Benedicts backstabbing which would have caused thousands of more casualties.
Whatever happened it is evident we are throwing good money after bad. Trillions of dollars. And dead soldiers. And soldiers coming home with less parts then when they left. And soldiers coming home psychologically screwed up. Ukraine is going to be a vacuum cleaner sucking up hundreds of billions of dollars and perhaps trillions for nothing.
Biden had plenty of time to make a plan and everyone benefitted. Except for America, just like everything else he supports.
Biden made his decision by mid April and the military planned the final withdrawal of the skeleton crew Benedict Donald left behind.
The botched withdraw started before Biden took office with Trump's administration agreeing to release 5,000 Taliban troops from prisons. To excuse Biden or Trump for how things ended is having one's head so far up their posterior that their view of the world is through their navel.
Tater withdrew us from Afghanistan, Simp. Just ask him.

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