Al Gore's Book - Earth in the Balance


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Leftists always defend their own no matter how clearly their own are shown to be dead wrong. First Isaac Asimov, then Carl Sagan, now Al Gore.

P 19: “I was standing in the sun on a hot steel deck. We were anchored…”

[Not exactly. For as Gore said a sentence later, there was nothing but hot dry sand in all directions. The Aral Sea had long since receded from this place, and a stranded boat is not said to be anchored. One anchors only in water. Nobody has a boat anchored in his back yard. Incidentally, Gore discusses his travels to Russia, Antarctica, the Arctic Ocean, the Amazon Rain Forest, equatorial Africa, the Caribbean, and many other places while advising the rest of the world to burn less fossil fuel. Do as Gore says, not as he does.]

P 47 “Aficionados of the symphony, for example, recognize a crescendo as the point of maximum instability in a piece of music”

[ I happen to be an aficionado of the symphony, and I know that crescendo means the gradual increase in volume. Nor is a crescendo a point but rather can cover quite a wide range. Maurice Ravel wrote an entire piece in crescendo, called Bolero.]

P 76 Gore shows a graph without attribution, and cites percentile although what it means is unclear.

P 94 & 96 Two more graphs without attribution.

P 111 “…many large dams have had perverse effects.”

[But elsewhere Gore extols the virtue of electric vehicles as non-polluting. To environmentalist extremists, every aspect of progress is BAD.]

P 119 "A ravenous civilization” [Three yew trees must be cut down to save a woman's life. Are we wrong to do so? No, Al. Let her die. Three trees mean much more than a woman's life to Al Gore and people like him.]

P 146 “Each person in the U.S. produces an average of twenty tons of CO2 each year.”

[Al produces far more than this with his globetrotting to Russia, Antarctica, the Arctic Ocean, Amazon Rain Forest, Equatorial Africa, Caribbean, Kenya, Louisiana, Atlanta, and even Mount Rainier where he flew his son on Air Force 2 for his birthday.]

P 151 “…we are running out of places to put it (our garbage).”

[Al, drive from Los Angeles to Phoenix or Las Vegas, look out both sides, and stop spouting this nonsense.]

P 155 “…one African leader recently denounced garbage imperialism…”

[America should listen to those socialist leaders of Africa. Lovely continent to live on, n'est-ce pas?Environmentalists like to quote corrupt socialist thugs, and vice versa. Obviously both of them have a great deal in common.]

P 185 What a striking contrast between the awesome power and efficiency of our economic system displayed in its philosophical rout of Marxism-Leninism, the abject failure of which continues to poison air and water, the fouling of our air, the destruction of tens of thousands of living species every year.

[First we practice "garbage imperialism" Gore says. Then it's "awesome power and efficiency of our economic system" which is SO POLLUTING, he goes on to say, globe-trotting around the world in his private jet.]

P 162 “Throwing away children: nothing could better illustrate my strong belief that the worst of all forms of pollution is wasted lives!”

[This from a Baptist hypocrite who preaches the Bible to us and who has always supported abortion. Thirty-five million babies murdered based on a lie to the Supreme Court. Norma McCorvey claimed that she was raped. She lied.]

P 171 “The Constitution is still universally recognized as the world’s most forward-looking charter for self-government.”

[When it suits them, liberals make such grand statements as this. Other times, they hatefully attack the free market system which is the product of our Constitution.]

P 193 “…the president (G.H.W. Bush) and his staff seemed wholly oblivious of the absurdity of their willingness to place the entire earth in the balance.”

[Gore soundly condemns the illustration of cost/benefit analysis, shown with earth on one side of a balance, and money on the other side of the balance.

At the conclusion of this book, Gore’s final sentence ends with “the earth is in the balance.” What is truly absurd is pretending that no price is to great to clean up a final trace of whatever it is Gore believes is a pollutant. He never understands or admits that there is not an infinite amount of resources to carry out his grandiose plans.]

P 273 “…today a different form of dysfunction takes the form of ravenous, insatiable consumption”
[Gore lives in a mansion, like the Obamas, near the coast he swears will soon flood, like the Obamas.]

P 298 “…the resounding philosophical defeat of communism has left an ideological vacuum”

[Has communism been "resoundingly defeated" when Black Lives Matter leaders boast that they are communists? Like Barack Obama? Like Bernie Sanders and so many college professors and their brainwashed students?]

P 348 “What if we lowered the tax rate on work and simultaneously raised it on the burning of fossil fuels?”

[1. My a "tax cut for the rich"? Democrats universally denounce that.
2. Higher carbon taxes will hurt the poor people the most – the very ones liberals pretend to protect at all costs.
3. Higher carbon taxes won't bother Gore and his fat cat rich liberal friends, flying in their private jets, and taking (wink, wink) Eco-Tours. It won't dent their travels one bit.]
Actually, the Aral Sea dried up due to the Soviet Union's agricultural practices...

What happened to the Aral Sea, what is the future of the Aral Sea (

Maybe we should learn something from this, and protect our water resources across the west by refusing to let California divert the water for irrigation (or dumping it into the ocean to keep the fish from getting thirsty)...

It was their sea to dry up as they wished. Moreover, the cost of a commodity, such as water, invariably reflects its disruption to all of society, does it not? My tap water costs one penny for six gallons.
Do you know how much yours costs? It's so cheap we water our grass with it. Wash our cars and hose our driveways down. So don't get so concerned about water.
Y2K scare - WOOOO
Alar scare - WOOOO
Global Warming scare - WOOOO
Water shortage scare - WOOOO
Wear your mask and socially distance scare - WOOOO
Leftists thrive on fear and ignorance. Emotion is their sine qua non.

My point was the ignorance of Al Gore calling a ship in the desert "anchored."
The Unabomber purchased a copy of this trash book and reviewed it often. Birds of a feather.

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