Woman claims to have grown a penis after taking testosterone.

The OP video said it can happen, and it can. It takes added hormones, but that is easily done.
Does this also work to grow gonads?

If so, could we secretly sneak some testosterone into the water supply for the Republicans in Congress?
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They only do that in front of middle school children

Your point?
Are you referring to clitoris enlargement?
You do realize that is not a penis? Right?

The cult mind has completely gone insane

A bunch of liberal incels who can't even define the word "woman", can't even tell the difference between a clit and a dick.

Like I said... the progressive left has gone full cult.

A cult happens when a group of like minded individuals seclude themselves from everyone else and only want to be around like minded others, and shun/ban anyone who doesn't think like them.
Eventually the crazies in the group start getting crazy. The normals refuse to speak out against the crazies for fear of not looking cult enough, so they just get crazier. And crazier. Then the normals start believing the crazies, and they begin to become crazy right along with them.
All leading down a path of absolute insanity.

And we are there.
Sure, men have all the equipment to lactate, but not the right hormones.
yeah... no.
Natural men do not have enough prolactin to produce nearly enough proper milk to sustain an infant. Through deranged, experimental hormone injections, a male can MIMIC a females breast in appearance and even produce some milk.
There are always exceptions, but they are extraordinarily rare.
yeah... no.
Natural men do not have enough prolactin to produce nearly enough proper milk to sustain an infant. Through deranged, experimental hormone injections, a male can MIMIC a females breast in appearance and even produce some milk.
There are always exceptions, but they are extraordinarily rare.
But it can happen, just like the OP video said, right? Nobody said it would happen without hormone therapy.
But it can happen, just like the OP video said, right? Nobody said it would happen without hormone therapy.
Not ethically no.
We have no fucking idea what other side effects can occur messing around with hormones.
Yet, people are so caught up in virtue signaling and a member of the leftist cult - parents send their OWN children to undergo risky, experimental hormone mad science so they can show how dedicated they are to the cult.
In the near future, society will look upon this fad in the same way we look at the madness of lobotomy.
Not ethically no.
We have no fucking idea what other side effects can occur messing around with hormones.
Yet, people are so caught up in virtue signaling and a member of the leftist cult - parents send their OWN children to undergo risky, experimental hormone mad science so they can show how dedicated they are to the cult.
In the near future, society will look upon this fad in the same way we look at the madness of lobotomy.
She didn't mention the ethics of it, and neither did I. I guess you have to change what was said so you don't have to admit you were wrong. Hormone therapy isn't new by any means.
She didn't mention the ethics of it, and neither did I. I guess you have to change what was said so you don't have to admit you were wrong. Hormone therapy isn't new by any means.
That makes no sense.
What makes sense is to not send children to experimental medical malpractice with no regard of what lifelong side effects may occur from it.

Deflect that
They should pass this information on to the J6 investigation panelists, where there is a desperate need to tone down the emotion and bring penile stability to the situation.

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