What is Apache against the Russian Night Hunter?


Senior Member
Feb 6, 2010
Such a question has arisen once in the dispute over the status of Russia's army. Putin's critics are so fond, that it is flatly deny the obvious successes, including the latest achievements of the Military Industrial Complex.




Armament the Mi-28N: One 30 mm 2A42 cannon with 300 rounds. Combat load - 1605 kg at 4 knots suspensions: 4x4 PTUR assault or attack-B and 2 PU HC-20-57 20h55-mm or HC-20-80 20h80-mm or 2 NUR PU with 130-mm NUR. Upgradeable 2x2 SD air-to-air R-60 containers with 23-mm guns or 30-mm grenade launchers or 12.7-mm or 7.62-mm machine guns, 500-pound bombs, or directors min. Under the wings - 16 ATGM Whirlwind.

Armament for AH-64D: A 30-mm gun M230 Chain Gun with 1200 rounds. The combat load - 771 kg for 4 nodes suspensions: 16 (4x4) antitank guided missile AGM-114D Longbow Hellfire, or 4 PU M260 or LAU-61 / A c 19h70-mm NUR CRV7 or Hydra70, 4 SD air-AIM-92 Stinger or AIM -9 Sidewinder, Mistral and Sidearm, possible to install SD Starstreak.

While Apache will run on a collision course with any Russian attack helicopters Mi-28N Night Hunter will have time to shoot him four times before Apache will enter a zone of acceptable fire in which he would have at least some chance of hitting the target, but if you have to take into account almost twice the velocity of the projectile 2A42 (980 against 550) and 30mm. Caliber is ... Apache's fate becomes very sad ...
The key difference is that the Apache will be piloted by Americans; that clearly tips the balance in our favor

When the Americans there is an abnormal situation they immediately need toilet paper and shouting remove us from here.
Russian has one working Tank Army and they beat up the Georgians with it.

We could teach the NY Yankee infield to handle anti-tank weapons and Derek Jeter and A-Rod would stop the Russian 37th Army dead in their tracks
Russian has one working Tank Army and they beat up the Georgians with it.

We could teach the NY Yankee infield to handle anti-tank weapons and Derek Jeter and A-Rod would stop the Russian 37th Army dead in their tracks

This is very funny.
Do you even know that Russia has nuclear weapons, cruise missiles with nuclear warheads? Do you think that Russia is Iraq, so you're very mistaken.
Hardware and technology is nice, but it all comes down to pilot skills.

When I was a young captain attending my advanced course, I heard a story from a crusty old warrant officer instructor that went something like this:

Back during the Cold War, an American Cobra pilot was flying patrol along the inter-German border. A Soviet MI-24 Hind appeared and flew parallel to the Cobra on the East German side of the border. The way this instructor told it, all aviators have three things in common: sunglasses, big wristwatches, and huge, huge, huge egos. So it was a matter of time before they started to one-up each other. The American started first by performing some simple aerial maneuver. The Soviet repeated it. Then the Cobra executed another more complicated maneuver, and the Soviet duplicated the feat. Then the American did some fancy maneuver, and the Soviet crashed and burned. Then, to emphasize his point, the instructor clicked to the next slide and we saw a picture of a crashed helicopter. It was your typical classified photo with white captions and arrows identifying various parts of the aircraft. On the foreground were three Soviet officers. The warrant officer said they hadn't identified them yet.

One of the students then piped up, "I know who they are." The instructor, amused by this, then asked him to share with the class. The student, pointing to the officer closest to the wreckage, said, "that's the Report of Survey Officer, the one next to him is the Squadron Commander, and the one behind him is the poor son of a bitch who's signed for all that stuff."
Unfortunately for the Russians wars are not fought pitting night hunters against apaches. First we would clearly go for air supremacy, taking out all airstrips and hangars, this is usually done by fighters and bombers and UAV's and even missle batteries of which the United states has multiple of these from the airforce and navy, So unless russians hide their night hunters in churches, schools, and hospitals, or paint cresent moons and crosses on the Night hunters, I do not see a night hunter even getting close to any troops let alone other helicopters. Perhaps they could sell em to the taliban and see how well they would perform. Second right now the USA forces are very experienced because of the wars in Iraq and Afganistan, so unless that georgia invasion was a master plan to get their troops experienced, I really do not think any Russian pilot/troop would even want to take on the USA. I could be wrong but it would be curious to ask some Russian troops if they would even want to do that.
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