UFO's - Underground Tesla Society

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
I've been fascinated by all types of UFO stories and articles. I've been watching all the documentaries and historical data series that I can, since I was a teenager.........long, long ago.......in a past time, far, far away.

I've come to realize that 99% of these sightings have been INSIDE our atmosphere, NOT from outside the earth's atmosphere, not from outer space. None of the super sensitive, sophisticated gadgets that NASA, the gov't military, the CIA, or any private organizations have ever had warnings or sightings from the outside of our atmosphere, much less space itself......less than 1% that I've seen anyway.

They fly off and disappear, but many of them disappear above ground level, passing tree lines and mountain tops. It's rare that any of these objects fling themselves straight up into space. This could be attributed to hidden underground entrances all over the planet.

So this got me thinking about the UFO's themselves, as machines and how they work. Most of them seem to work via electromagnetism and/or massive static electricity. Both of which were a part of Tesla's engineering plans that he was developing. And this got me thinking..............

What if some military engineer, scientist, or private organizations scientists discovered Tesla's "magic"? Discovering how he created what he did, and understand the machines he planned to create.

Using Tesla's engineering capabilities and domesticating them to earth computer technologies............it's not much of a leap to see that these kinds of flying machines are literally something than can be built using Tesla/computer technology.

It's not far fetched either, to think that these scientists, once they understood Tesla's work, went underground to build their own high tech world. This would explain these objects appearing and disappearing so low to the earth, instead of being seen coming from outer space and disappearing into outer space.

It makes a lot more sense than "little green men" coming all this way in flying saucers just to get their jollies scaring some farmers and rubes.

Makes sense. Everybody knows Tessla lives on that space ship with Elvis that is docked on the far side of the moon.
Makes sense. Everybody knows Tessla lives on that space ship with Elvis that is docked on the far side of the moon.

Isn’t it easier to just not reply?

You gotta go out of your way just to be a smart ass?

At least be funny, troll.
Isn’t it easier to just not reply?

You gotta go out of your way just to be a smart ass?

At least be funny, troll.
I thought it was pretty funny. Probably not as funny as the OP, but still kinda funny.
I thought it was pretty funny. Probably not as funny as the OP, but still kinda funny.
There has been many a true word spoken in jest, BigD,, Id put money on it there are believers out there lol
There has been many a true word spoken in jest, BigD,, Id put money on it there are believers out there lol
Of course there are believers out there. Where else do you think trump could have recruted his base?

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