To anyone who uses the "if you're against socialism you can't support the stimulus" response to those of us who believe in capitalism...

In short, the social harm done to [by?] expansive, unaccountable government is WORSE than the state interference and ownership of state means of production, as bad as that is.

Agreed. But expansive, unaccountable government isn't socialism. You might argue, and I'd agree, that socialism tends to produce expansive, unaccountable government. But so can any social theory that advocates for more state power (eg nationalism).

We just need to be more accurate with our terms if we're to have any hope of making intelligent decisions as a society.
The libs are backed into a corner of disinformation....its all they have....lies....
If this pandemic has taught us one thing is how pathetically broke the American middle class is. Can’t even go a month without a paycheck.

how is this possible if America was great again? So many of you all are one month from trouble? Sad.
meanwhile the rich are ok. They’ll survive this.
We went from a save and pay as you go to a credit driven nation many decades ago.
...please stop with it. It's simply not accurate. I wouldn't be so rigid as to suggest that anyone who isn't a libertarian is somehow a socialist. There are degrees of government necessity, and we know the alt-left socialists from the classical liberals and Neo-cons. Many of us "capitalists" just believe the proper amount to function as a society is whichever amount is needed, not one person more if possible.

It's dishonest to say "you must love socialism now because you agree with a government payout to families in need". No, I don't, because this was ordered by government for the health of society. It's in fact why people like me despise government waste, abuse and crony capitalism because when the emergencies like this inevitably hit, we want to be sure we have liquidity to weather the storm. Canada is giving $100B as a first step. We will expect probably at least another equal amount in a 2nd, or even 3rd injection. This, in an already struggling economy. We simply had no choice, people can't afford to live.

Crony capitalism is socialism to me. Often the worst kind. So is excessive covert police in an economy and in the lives of citizens as we have in Canada. You can be sure it hurts societies and every oppressive nation in history employed it, from the Germans, to Russia, China and all their satellites.

I care a great deal about the human condition and about my fellow man. I believe staunchly in the Rule of Law, Due Process, principles and values of fairness. I believe in capitalism. I believe those who succeed as capitalists owe it to themselves and those who made it possible for their successes to give back.

One of my goals in life was to one day have a great amount so I could help others because I know abject poverty. I know what kids who are living in it are going through and it hurts me. My opportunities have been stolen by the lying, low performing creeps in my country, but it won't stop me fighting so that their ilk are exposed and hopefully erased from our history. I've become more and more bold about talking about it, after an initial long period of being almost ashamed to do so. I can't anymore, we all reach that point of "acceptance" of ones reality at some point. Some of us just refuse to break. I warn Americans what awaits you if you let your nation become like ours.

Let's be clear. You will have MANY more abusers as the ones I described above, if you embrace socialism. Dealing with emergencies is not socialism. In fact, it was a socialist nation that created this global pandemic.

Thank you for your time. God Bless, and Happy Capitalism!
Overall, a very good post. I was right with you until the next to last paragraph. For a capitalist favoring citizen of this country, putting up with some degrees of creeping socialism, can be an irritant. But, nobody stole my opportunities. I am the captain of my ship and always have been and will be. I have navigated the waters of mixed economic realities as best I could, and am satisfied. Not rich, but comfortable, through my own efforts, good judgement, and perseverance and always conservative management.

Well, the idea that "America is a country of individualists" is also the result of mass processing of public consciousness by corrupt media. HOW can you be a "captain" of a ship if it does not belong to YOU? This is not a question PERSONALLY to YOU, but to MOST (90 percent of the population) ...

America, which was before 1971, by the way, that was America of a collective, not an individual social contract, with the "compressed wealth", no longer exists. THAT America ... has been stealthily replaced with the CASTE society, with the shift of wealth from the middle class to the shareholders and CEO.

15 years ago, every American family on average owned 7-8 credit cards. Today - 14 - 15 !!! "Revolving" payment debt.

Do not hurry. Wait for the THIRD part of my article "Academic Ignorance, Malice or Primitive, but Contagious Chutzpah in Ideological Struggle" шт the Political part of the Forum, which I hope to finish and publish today



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The libs are backed into a corner of disinformation....its all they have....lies....
If this pandemic has taught us one thing is how pathetically broke the American middle class is. Can’t even go a month without a paycheck.

how is this possible if America was great again? So many of you all are one month from trouble? Sad.
meanwhile the rich are ok. They’ll survive this.
We went from a save and pay as you go to a credit driven nation many decades ago.
Not me. I’ve got $19k liquid and a $20k cd due in may.

this is another great reason why people need to stop having more kids than they can afford. Now I have to pay taxes to bail out all you excuse makers in debt voting gop?
The libs are backed into a corner of disinformation....its all they have....lies....
If this pandemic has taught us one thing is how pathetically broke the American middle class is. Can’t even go a month without a paycheck.

how is this possible if America was great again? So many of you all are one month from trouble? Sad.
meanwhile the rich are ok. They’ll survive this.
We went from a save and pay as you go to a credit driven nation many decades ago.
Not me. I’ve got $19k liquid and a $20k cd due in may.

this is another great reason why people need to stop having more kids than they can afford. Now I have to pay taxes to bail out all you excuse makers in debt voting gop?
H-m... The whites are already in minority... Is diversity no longer the humans' value?
So, let us kill infants, if they are born, right? As Spartans did... with the ill ones...


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