This is written for history.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
How much of what we see is real and how much is a distorted public perception advanced by government in order to maintain control of the masses and preserve a status quo? Many today are filled with nagging consternation that something is not quite right. A great deal of effort has been put forth to convince us that we live in a free society. Yet speech is increasingly under attack not as a fundamental tenet of freedom but as a threat to freedom itself that needs to be protected from dangerous thinking.

Donald Trumpā€™s election in 2016 was a manifestation among the American people that the government is not regarded as all-knowing or all good or necessarily acting in the best interests of the citizens. This triggered a reaction in Washington that perverted and corrupted intelligence agencies turning them on the newly elected president with concocted false crimes manufactured in a show trial atmosphere aided by a mass media acting as propaganda bureaus.

Trumpā€™s surprise election was seen by established government as dangerous thinking by American voters and a real and present danger to permanent Washington. Permanent Washington has been in the business of globally double-dealing away the US standard of living for many years and Trumpā€™s election was a serious upset to the timetable for plans long in the works. Moreover, Trump pried open a can of worms that needed to stay sealed lest the status quo was in danger of replacement.

Washington had relented to the Chinese model, but the Peopleā€™s republic of China was taking no chances. With the aid of funds and expertise provided by US experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chinese released a global virus into the human mainstream and the rest is history. Washington then crafted a fraudulent election in America to seal the deal and rid the elites of the Trump threat.

This all happened right before your eyes and all you have is the assurance of Washington that they are not like all those other evil leaders that sold out their own people for power and wealth. Listening to Anthony Fauci say that an attack on him is an attack on science would be like Joseph Mengele saying an attack on him was an attack on medical research or Bernie Madoff complaining that an attack on him was an attack on capitalism.

If you think something is not quite right with Twitter banning Trump until 2023 you are not alone.
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How much of what we see is real and how much is a distorted public perception advanced by government in order to maintain control of the masses and preserve a status quo? Many today are filled with nagging consternation that something is not quite right. A great deal of effort has been put forth to convince us that we live in a free society. Yet speech is increasingly under attack not as a fundamental tenet of freedom but as a threat to freedom itself that needs to be protected from dangerous thinking.

Donald Trumpā€™s election in 2016 was a manifestation among the American people that the government is not regarded as all-knowing or all good or necessarily acting in the best interests of the citizens. This triggered a reaction in Washington that perverted and corrupted intelligence agencies turning them on the newly elected president with concocted false crimes manufactured in a show trial atmosphere aided by a mass media acting as propaganda bureaus.

Trumpā€™s surprise election was seen by established government as dangerous thinking by American voters and a real and present danger to permanent Washington. Permanent Washington has been in the business of globally double-dealing away the US standard of living for many years and Trumpā€™s election was a serious upset to the timetable for plans long in the works. Moreover, Trump pried open a can of worms that needed to stay sealed lest the status quo was in danger of replacement.

Washington had relented to the Chinese model, but the Peopleā€™s republic of China was taking no chances. With the aid of funds and expertise provided by US experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chinese released a global virus into the human mainstream and the rest is history. Washington then crafted a fraudulent election in America to seal the deal and rid the elites of the Trump threat.

This all happened right before your eyes and all you have is the assurance of Washington that they are not like all those other evil leaders that sold out their own people for power and wealth. Listening to Anthony Fauci say that an attack on him is an attack on science would be like Joseph Mengele saying an attack on him was an attack on medical research or Bernie Madoff complaining that an attack on him was an attack on capitalism.

If you think something is not quite right with Twitter banning Trump until 2023 you are not alone.
Let me put it another way: If it looks like duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, it is probably a duck. Occam's Razor says it is a grape, naked and smooth not an onion with lots of layers that must be peeled to reveal a complex, calibrated truth that suits the culprits.
How much of what we see is real and how much is a distorted public perception advanced by government in order to maintain control of the masses and preserve a status quo? Many today are filled with nagging consternation that something is not quite right. A great deal of effort has been put forth to convince us that we live in a free society. Yet speech is increasingly under attack not as a fundamental tenet of freedom but as a threat to freedom itself that needs to be protected from dangerous thinking.

Donald Trumpā€™s election in 2016 was a manifestation among the American people that the government is not regarded as all-knowing or all good or necessarily acting in the best interests of the citizens. This triggered a reaction in Washington that perverted and corrupted intelligence agencies turning them on the newly elected president with concocted false crimes manufactured in a show trial atmosphere aided by a mass media acting as propaganda bureaus.

Trumpā€™s surprise election was seen by established government as dangerous thinking by American voters and a real and present danger to permanent Washington. Permanent Washington has been in the business of globally double-dealing away the US standard of living for many years and Trumpā€™s election was a serious upset to the timetable for plans long in the works. Moreover, Trump pried open a can of worms that needed to stay sealed lest the status quo was in danger of replacement.

Washington had relented to the Chinese model, but the Peopleā€™s republic of China was taking no chances. With the aid of funds and expertise provided by US experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chinese released a global virus into the human mainstream and the rest is history. Washington then crafted a fraudulent election in America to seal the deal and rid the elites of the Trump threat.

This all happened right before your eyes and all you have is the assurance of Washington that they are not like all those other evil leaders that sold out their own people for power and wealth. Listening to Anthony Fauci say that an attack on him is an attack on science would be like Joseph Mengele saying an attack on him was an attack on medical research or Bernie Madoff complaining that an attack on him was an attack on capitalism.

If you think something is not quite right with Twitter banning Trump until 2023 you are not alone.

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