the Great Gold Robbery


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I started to put this in the other thread I just started about China- but, it has to do with *an* economy so I put it here.

CiTi Bank

In its promotions in China, Citibank boasts of having been first established in China in 1902, testifying to its devotion to China by displaying a photo of some currency issued in China by the National City Bank of New York. But then from 1902 until Citi’s trepidatious re-entry into the backwater of Shenzhen in China in the late 1980s, there is nothing. Specifically, there is no information on Citi’s activities during this period, other than the names of a dozen cities with branch locations and a muffled statement that Citibank left China “because of the war”. During that period we have only silence. Not only silence, but a strange lack of the written word. In fact, the Internet, at least those parts that can be controlled, have been totally sanitised. According to the entire world’s media and historical archives, Citibank did not exist in China from 1902 to 1949, in other words from the day it arrived to the day it left. We will soon learn why.

But hey! It;s a US owned bank so it's all good- it isn't theft as long as a US entity does it. Right?
There are links at the end of the column. Please address the message. Attacking the messenger is really old.
I started to put this in the other thread I just started about China- but, it has to do with *an* economy so I put it here.

CiTi Bank

In its promotions in China, Citibank boasts of having been first established in China in 1902, testifying to its devotion to China by displaying a photo of some currency issued in China by the National City Bank of New York. But then from 1902 until Citi’s trepidatious re-entry into the backwater of Shenzhen in China in the late 1980s, there is nothing. Specifically, there is no information on Citi’s activities during this period, other than the names of a dozen cities with branch locations and a muffled statement that Citibank left China “because of the war”. During that period we have only silence. Not only silence, but a strange lack of the written word. In fact, the Internet, at least those parts that can be controlled, have been totally sanitised. According to the entire world’s media and historical archives, Citibank did not exist in China from 1902 to 1949, in other words from the day it arrived to the day it left. We will soon learn why.

But hey! It;s a US owned bank so it's all good- it isn't theft as long as a US entity does it. Right?
There are links at the end of the column. Please address the message. Attacking the messenger is really old.

That guy probably needs to adjust his meds.......

I could find no definitive record of the total amount of fake currency Citi issued, but it would certainly have been in the tens of billions of dollars, contributing heavily to China’s inflation and producing massive criminal profits for the bank.

Maybe it was trillions? You know, as long as there is no "definitive record of the total amount of fake currency Citi issued". Why not?

Unfortunately, many Chinese chose to disregard these warnings and trustingly handed over their gold bars to the National City Bank of New York for safekeeping. But then one day when the vaults were full to overflowing and the handwriting on the wall, our bankers had a change of heart. They transferred all that gold from their vaults to US military vessels and sent it all home to New York

Weird, I can't find this "theft" mentioned anywhere else.

You may recall that in the 1970s the FED suddenly and without provocation decided to re-melt all its gold holdings and recast them into bars of different shapes.

I don't recall that. Can find it mentioned anywhere else. Weird.

There are links at the end of the column. Please address the message.

None of the screen shots of the "legal documents" mention gold or back up the claims in the article.
I think this article is fairly well-documented.

Citibank most likely did exactly what is claimed in the article. Especially given the times.

I think this article is fairly well-documented.

Citibank most likely did exactly what is claimed in the article. Especially given the times.

Citibank most likely did exactly what is claimed in the article.

Maybe. It'd be nice to see some real links.
I think this article is fairly well-documented.

Citibank most likely did exactly what is claimed in the article. Especially given the times.

Citibank most likely did exactly what is claimed in the article.

Maybe. It'd be nice to see some real links.
I suggest you search The Wayback Machine for some links from the 1970s then.

Until then, there's these, the author makes a solid case.

[1] *

[2] *

[2] *

[4] Citibank, 1812-1970 (Harvard Studies in Business History): Cleveland, Harold van B., Huertas, Thomas F.: 9780674131750: Books

[5] Citibank, 1812-1970

[6] *

[7] *

[8] *

[9] *

[10] *

[11] *

[12] 中国报道D新书讲述离奇故事:中国人追讨花旗百亿存款

[13] 花旗银行欠我国300多亿民间存款! - 网友杂谈 - 红歌会网
I think this article is fairly well-documented.

Citibank most likely did exactly what is claimed in the article. Especially given the times.

Citibank most likely did exactly what is claimed in the article.

Maybe. It'd be nice to see some real links.
I suggest you search The Wayback Machine for some links from the 1970s then.

Until then, there's these, the author makes a solid case.

[1] *

[2] *

[2] *

[4] Citibank, 1812-1970 (Harvard Studies in Business History): Cleveland, Harold van B., Huertas, Thomas F.: 9780674131750: Books

[5] Citibank, 1812-1970

[6] *

[7] *

[8] *

[9] *

[10] *

[11] *

[12] 中国报道D新书讲述离奇故事:中国人追讨花旗百亿存款

[13] 花旗银行欠我国300多亿民间存款! - 网友杂谈 - 红歌会网

None of those were anything close to a primary source. UNZ stuff is usually (always?) useless.
None of them mentioned gold moved by the US military or gold recast by the Fed.

Pictures of currency and buildings, who cares?
Links to books without the relevant excerpt, who cares?
Pictures of court documents that don't mention gold, who cares?
Anyone can file a case, doesn't add any proof to the article's claims.

The author hasn't made any sort of case, let alone a strong one.
That guy probably needs to adjust his meds.......
Maybe you need to address the message and stop attacking the messenger- that is just soooo liberal.

You may recall that in the 1970s the FED suddenly and without provocation decided to re-melt all its gold holdings and recast them into bars of different shapes.

Help the clown out.
Find some proof that this happened.
The author hasn't made any sort of case, let alone a strong one.
A case was made you don't want to see- why is that? Is it your faith, in banks or godvernment, that brings you to conclusions?

A case was made you don't want to see-

I see a bunch of claims with zero back up.
If you have a source more convincing than a few pages from court filings, post it up, buttercup.
Help the clown out.
Find some proof that this happened.
I believe he stated his case quite well. He doesn't need my help.

I believe he stated his case quite well.

Well, that makes sense, because you're also a clown.

If you can find some proof that Citibank stole a bunch of gold and that the US Navy helped ship it to New York, post it.

This guy can't be the only one in on the secret, right?

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