The Attainable Fairies*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
An unusual magical fairy-tale inspired by new age stories about discovering everyday dimensions. Enjoy (and thanks for reading),


Modern comic book doodles and children's stick-figure drawings in America reflecting a new era fascination with outrageous superhuman characters or 'avatars' reflect a developed human curiosity about changed metaphysical composition, which is the subject of this other-worldly but surprisingly Earthen story about discovering created innocence!


So, as this tale begins, we present a fabled fantastic glass-castle inhabited by a group of sentient magical 'fairies' who're actually master pickpockets. No, this isn't a Dickens tale or a Terry Brooks short but rather an exposition into the psychological quality of understanding possession.


The fairies inhabit is glass-castle but sometimes wander-out to a nearby gray Earth forest called Somewhere.


FAIRY 1 (Alanon): A green-fairy with the ability to disseminate ideas about confidence and democracy, a real agent of humility/authority.


FAIRY 2 (Kitana): A blue-and-white laced lovely who's a messenger of the courage behind volunteer-work, patriotism, and storytelling!


FAIRY 3 (Sindel): A female messenger of the advocacy of unfiltered and undeniable sensuous daylight.


FAIRY 4 (David): A youthful diplomat of the ever-presence of certain emotional certainty regarding the valor of immortality!


FAIRY 5 (Ciara): A queen of the fairies in Somewhere who protects all the fairies from the darkness of undeniable depression!


FAIRY 6 (Centurion): A sword-wielding and sometimes armored/horseback fairy who defends Somewhere from dark blood.


The fairies of Somewhere, and multiple ones have been listed/described here in this short magic-tale, have but one adversary who sometimes but not always lurks in the eerie gray forest. This adversary is of course the nether-realm specter known as the Boogeyman, who simply ministers feelings of unforgettable fear and pain, requiring the two protection-fairies (Ciara/Centurion) to defend the forest of Somewhere from this monstrosity's relentless pursuit of the tangibility of Earth murder...and insanity.


CIARA: We'll protect and guard the mysticism of the American fast-food chain White-Castle.
CENTURION: Let no force of heaven or hell invade the immortal substance of White Castle's enduring democratic legacy.
CIARA: For what is democracy without dioramic capitalism?
CENTURION: And what is Earth if not but a haven for capitalism-dollhouses?


So you now see the divine 'fairies' of Somewhere are here to offer protective words/messages of the essential defense of political imagination and civilization sanity on Earth. They defend the ideas of magic and promise and socialized dance (e.g., capitalism!) from the malevolent influence of the mysterious/unknowable Boogeyman who simply creates 'rings' of darkness in this wondrous Earth of unusual disparity!



"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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