Zone1 Statistics on Serial Killers released


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Nice breakdown of serial killers for the last several decades.

Notice anything?


Mass shooters and serial killers aren't the same.
I seem to recall that it was estimated that at any given time, there were approximately 400 serial killers roaming the country and an estimated annual number of 600,000 people disappearing with only about 0.7333% being found. The authorities estimate that many of those that disappear are a mix of people who are just trying to start over in life and those that are simply criminals with warrants, or foreigners going back to their nation without notifying the government. The others, however, are outright disturbing disappearances.
Nice breakdown of serial killers for the last several decades.
Notice anything?

Yes. Many of these isolated incidents we see reported where some black punk for no reason attacks someone of the street or in a store striking them then running away, are likely unidentified serial killers, like the time a black dude struck some old guy for no reason out of nowhere at the front of a bus and the old guy fell out the door onto the street and died.

We see stories like that all the time. They are not likely identified as "serial" killings because there is no particular /pattern,/ no letters to the newspaper or calls to the police stating a reason. And the media nor police are not likely to report the stories aggressively as hate crimes nor follow them up as patterned killings for fear of being accused of racism.

These are not just random, isolated attacks. I fear we may have 1-2 potential candidates even here.
Hispanic here. I knew you black and white people were crazy.
White people are underrepresented by their population percantage. We are over 60% of the population, yet we only 36% of serial killers. Our statistics are virtually identical to hispanics, but we are apparently better at math. Learn math bro. :dunno:
It would be interesting to see how they characterize what a 'serial' killer is AND the demographics of their victims as well.

As stated above.......serial killers and mass shooters or killers are not in anyway the same. And with that being said, I think the percentage of Black perpetrators drop considerably.
It would be interesting to see how they characterize what a 'serial' killer is AND the demographics of their victims as well.

As stated above.......serial killers and mass shooters or killers are not in anyway the same. And with that being said, I think the percentage of Black perpetrators drop considerably.
Blacks are overrepresented in both mass shootings AND serial killers by A LOT. White are underrepresented, meaning our percentage of those crimes is smaller than our percentage of the population.
Blacks are overrepresented in both mass shootings AND serial killers by A LOT. White are underrepresented, meaning our percentage of those crimes is smaller than our percentage of the population.

Actually reading thru the actual report, the stats are based on worldwide killers, not just the US so that kinda changes some things.
Yet it still breaks it down in the US numbers and still says overall black serial killers have increased since 1900 (or 1910), while white killers have been dropping.
Blacks are overrepresented in both mass shootings AND serial killers by A LOT. White are underrepresented, meaning our percentage of those crimes is smaller than our percentage of the population.

One problem with the report is the definition of a serial killer vs mass killer. It does go into the differences, but says the 'experts' used different interpretations of what they considered a serial that makes for alot of variables that technically shouldn't be there. From what I could gather, the overall report is using 'someone that killed multiple victims at multiple times/days/locations.

But it also breaks down the motives between white & black killers. Whites kill for pleasure, while Blacks kill for gangs, other crimes, etc and use guns more often to do their killing.

One problem with the report is the definition of a serial killer vs mass killer. It does go into the differences, but says the 'experts' used different interpretations of what they considered a serial that makes for alot of variables that technically shouldn't be there. From what I could gather, the overall report is using 'someone that killed multiple victims at multiple times/days/locations.

But it also breaks down the motives between white & black killers. Whites kill for pleasure, while Blacks kill for gangs, other crimes, etc and use guns more often to do their killing.

Lone wolf operations versus a planned murder.

If you look at the total number of serial killers, you will find that they are a very small portion of the population. There are more white collar criminals who do much more damage but here we see another racist trying to push the black people are out to get us lie.

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