Sandy Hook to Trump

They harass the Sandy Hook parents because they believe them to be in cahoots with a government - a front for the new world order - that wants to confiscate their guns.

They are fucking stupid and fucking crazy, and they are Trump's core base voters - so no, he won't say a fucking thing to shame or stop them. Just like he's barely commented on all the hate crimes - including vicious murders - these nutjobs have been committing in his name.

Link to all the hate crimes asshole. Because I can link to all the faked ones.

I'm not at all surprised that loony tinydancer isn't smart enough or decent enough to condemn this abomination.

Twit pretends she cares about fetuses but she surely doesn't care about slaughtered 6year olds.

WTF is wrong with you people?

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But yet there is no evidence that ANYONE died at Sandy Hoax....don't EVEN try and play that lame flame shame game on me, punkinpuss. I have spent a good thousand hours or so reading about it and even former intelligence spooks said it was fake. Robert David Steele said he knew it as a fake an hour after it showed up on TV....he spent twenty years in the CIA and military intelligence. You and your leftard pals have been played for chumps because you lack critical thinking skills.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Alright. I don't think anyone took the Ted Cruz's dad thing seriously, though. Well, except Ted Cruz, which is to be expected. I don't agree with the OP's premise that Trump has any obligation to school people like Dale Smith, though. As well as having a right to bear arms, every US citizen has a right to his/her outlandish opinions, and Trump telling everyone that Newtown was real would not affect their opinions in the least. They would just say he was misinformed. Obama didn't address the fruitcakes; why should any other leader?
That's a mistake. Believe what they say? Not that it's the truth...but that they believe it's the truth. And their mentally challenged puppets....they believe it's the truth.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Alright. I don't think anyone took the Ted Cruz's dad thing seriously, though. Well, except Ted Cruz, which is to be expected. I don't agree with the OP's premise that Trump has any obligation to school people like Dale Smith, though. As well as having a right to bear arms, every US citizen has a right to his/her outlandish opinions, and Trump telling everyone that Newtown was real would not affect their opinions in the least. They would just say he was misinformed. Obama didn't address the fruitcakes; why should any other leader?

Bite me, you dumbed down pile of shit. Put in the time that I have about Sandy Hoax and even look at the evidence that you don't like and then get back to me. Until that time? Shut your fucking piehole as it pertains to me. You are the epitome of the term "sheeple". You wouldn't know "truth" even if it jumped up and bit you on that fat ass of yours.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Alright. I don't think anyone took the Ted Cruz's dad thing seriously, though. Well, except Ted Cruz, which is to be expected. I don't agree with the OP's premise that Trump has any obligation to school people like Dale Smith, though. As well as having a right to bear arms, every US citizen has a right to his/her outlandish opinions, and Trump telling everyone that Newtown was real would not affect their opinions in the least. They would just say he was misinformed. Obama didn't address the fruitcakes; why should any other leader?

Bite me, you dumbed down pile of shit. Put in the time that I have about Sandy Hoax and even look at the evidence that you don't like and then get back to me. Until that time? Shut your fucking piehole as it pertains to me. You are the epitome of the term "sheeple". You wouldn't know "truth" even if it jumped up and bit you on that fat ass of yours.
^ lunatic

And you are in the same category has the old bitch.....stupid, uninformed while suffering from a case of arrested development and downright proud of it.
:cuckoo: for sure.
Sandy Hook to Trump: 'Help us stop conspiracy theorists'

It was one of the worst school shootings in American history, but some people insist that the Sandy Hook massacre never happened. They post YouTube videos and spread rumours online, and their false theories have been repeated by a media mogul conspiracy theorist who has been linked to Donald Trump. Now, after years of harassment, the families of the victims are fighting back online.

Lenny Pozner clicks on a YouTube video showing his street and the outside of his home. The camera zooms in on his balcony, and his address and a route to his door flash up on the screen.

There's no narration on the video - but there doesn't need to be. The message is clear: "We know where you live."

Because of videos like this one - there are dozens on YouTube, and more appear ever day - Pozner doesn't want to disclose the city where he now lives. He's had death threats and has moved several times in recent years.

Some of the conspiracy theorists are regular visitors to this small hamlet in suburban Connecticut. In addition to the death threats and harassment directed at Lenny, Hannah and others, they've made videos of the school and local area and ask questions of locals and family members, and have posted the footage on YouTube.

"I think 14 Dec 2012 is an event that was in planning for a long, long time," he tells me. "I think it probably took them two, two-and-a-half years to write the scripts for all the participants that were invited to participate in that exercise - or drill as I will call it."

"I'll be honest with you," he says, "if I'm wrong, I need to be institutionalised."

"It's kind of remarkable, but believing that Sandy Hook was a hoax is actually fairly small ball for an Alex Jones conspiracy," Gertz says. "He thinks that a set of global elites are planning to murder 80% of the world populace and enslave the rest of them. He has claimed that the federal government has a weather machine that they use to target tornado strikes on unfriendly populaces..."

I haven't paid much attention to most of the conspiracies or the damage that froot loop Alex Jones does. I've laughed at the idiocy of chemtrails, Jade Helm, lies about Obama but I just don't understand the cruelty of harassing people whose children were slaughtered at Sandy Hook. Why would they choose these people to threaten and attack?

Apparently, trump is a big Jones fan, which tells just how incredibly stupid he is. It also indicates that its very unlikely trump would do anything to stop these lies.

How many of the conspiracy nutters here believe in this? Seems like I've seen Dale Smith MindWars CrusaderFrank jump on every conspiracy wagon that comes along.

Anyone want to comment?
Will trump actually DO anything to help this sad situation?

Trump needs to deport nuts like the OP and keep the America-loving, hard-working, family-oriented illegals. We'd be so much better off as a country
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Wrong! Try " If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Premiums will go down by..."
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Wrong! Try " If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Premiums will go down by..."
I've kept my doctor and my plan....maybe the problem is on your end.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Alright. I don't think anyone took the Ted Cruz's dad thing seriously, though. Well, except Ted Cruz, which is to be expected. I don't agree with the OP's premise that Trump has any obligation to school people like Dale Smith, though. As well as having a right to bear arms, every US citizen has a right to his/her outlandish opinions, and Trump telling everyone that Newtown was real would not affect their opinions in the least. They would just say he was misinformed. Obama didn't address the fruitcakes; why should any other leader?

Bite me, you dumbed down pile of shit. Put in the time that I have about Sandy Hoax and even look at the evidence that you don't like and then get back to me. Until that time? Shut your fucking piehole as it pertains to me. You are the epitome of the term "sheeple". You wouldn't know "truth" even if it jumped up and bit you on that fat ass of yours.
^ lunatic

And you are in the same category has the old bitch.....stupid, uninformed while suffering from a case of arrested development and downright proud of it.
:cuckoo: for sure.
Yes. I do NOT have a fat ass.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Alright. I don't think anyone took the Ted Cruz's dad thing seriously, though. Well, except Ted Cruz, which is to be expected. I don't agree with the OP's premise that Trump has any obligation to school people like Dale Smith, though. As well as having a right to bear arms, every US citizen has a right to his/her outlandish opinions, and Trump telling everyone that Newtown was real would not affect their opinions in the least. They would just say he was misinformed. Obama didn't address the fruitcakes; why should any other leader?

Bite me, you dumbed down pile of shit. Put in the time that I have about Sandy Hoax and even look at the evidence that you don't like and then get back to me. Until that time? Shut your fucking piehole as it pertains to me. You are the epitome of the term "sheeple". You wouldn't know "truth" even if it jumped up and bit you on that fat ass of yours.
No need to be rude, Dale. I know a minister in Newtown; he was not lying to me. It was not a hoax. This horrible, horrible thing happened. It did not lead to massive gun control measures and people are still free to take their AR-15's anywhere they please and shoot as many people as possible as quickly as they can.
Okay, it wasn't nice to call you a fruitcake, but mister, you're way off base on this one.

ONCE again, I come across someone that knows someone that was at Sandy Hoax/Operation Gladio type psy-op. I am sure the fine minister believes that it did happen or he is part of the Clergy Response Team FEMA has assembled to convince holdouts to obey "da gubermint" when martial law is declared. Port Arthur in Australia had the same false flag shooting event that was used to disarm the public. All these fake and staged shootings like Charleston, Aurora, Orlando, etc, etc are being done because the commie faction in this country can't take over with an armed citizenry. I don't go by hearsay about anything.I look at the facts and if it doesn't pass my "sniff test" then I am going to speak out about it. Intel agents past and present agree that it was a staged event and a poorly done at that as well as these other "shootings". There may not be as many now because we don't have a president that would sign off on more draconian legislation to curb gun ownership. There is a lot going on that you have no clue about and even if I explained it to you? You wouldn't be able to wrap your mind around it.

Connecticut Passes Nation's Strictest Gun Law In Wake Of Sandy Hook Massacre | The Huffington Post
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Alright. I don't think anyone took the Ted Cruz's dad thing seriously, though. Well, except Ted Cruz, which is to be expected. I don't agree with the OP's premise that Trump has any obligation to school people like Dale Smith, though. As well as having a right to bear arms, every US citizen has a right to his/her outlandish opinions, and Trump telling everyone that Newtown was real would not affect their opinions in the least. They would just say he was misinformed. Obama didn't address the fruitcakes; why should any other leader?
That's a mistake. Believe what they say? Not that it's the truth...but that they believe it's the truth. And their mentally challenged puppets....they believe it's the truth.

When it come to those that are utterly clueless? One has only to look at your fool-fueled rants of nothingness.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Wrong! Try " If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Premiums will go down by..."
Compared to accusing your political opponent's family of being involved in the most famous assassination in history? Not even close.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Wrong! Try " If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Premiums will go down by..."
Compared to accusing your political opponent's family of being involved in the most famous assassination in history? Not even close.
Glad you agree. Falsly promoting a bill that costs millions of americans, millions of dollars; doesn't even come close to insulting one person. And here I thought all dems were mindless idiots.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Wrong! Try " If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Premiums will go down by..."
Compared to accusing your political opponent's family of being involved in the most famous assassination in history? Not even close.
Glad you agree. Falsly promoting a bill that costs millions of americans, millions of dollars; doesn't even come close to insulting one person. And here I thought all dems were mindless idiots.
Oh yeah? Then it should be really easy for you rubes to repeal! And can't possibly have high approval numbers! :rofl:
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Wrong! Try " If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Premiums will go down by..."
Compared to accusing your political opponent's family of being involved in the most famous assassination in history? Not even close.
Glad you agree. Falsly promoting a bill that costs millions of americans, millions of dollars; doesn't even come close to insulting one person. And here I thought all dems were mindless idiots.
Oh yeah? Then it should be really easy for you rubes to repeal! And can't possibly have high approval numbers! :rofl:
While they haven't put that dog down yet, it's teeth are being pulled one, by one... Good enough for now.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Wrong! Try " If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Premiums will go down by..."
Compared to accusing your political opponent's family of being involved in the most famous assassination in history? Not even close.
Glad you agree. Falsly promoting a bill that costs millions of americans, millions of dollars; doesn't even come close to insulting one person. And here I thought all dems were mindless idiots.
Oh yeah? Then it should be really easy for you rubes to repeal! And can't possibly have high approval numbers! :rofl:
While they haven't put that dog down yet, it's teeth are being pulled one, by one... Good enough for now.
That dog's not going anywhere. It was a necessary move for the nation. Republicans may move some words around, but national healthcare is here to stay. It was a move that put country before politics, something you rubes are unfamiliar with.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Wrong! Try " If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Premiums will go down by..."
Compared to accusing your political opponent's family of being involved in the most famous assassination in history? Not even close.

It's very, very plausible that Cruz's family was involved in the Kennedy assassination because Cubans were involved that were working with the CIA......but a dumb fuck like you believes that Oswald acted alone....being the sheeple that you are.
Trump's entire political career was born out of conspiracy theories. Ted Cruz's dad's involvement in the JFK assassination is the most egregious lie told in the history of American politics.
Wrong! Try " If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Premiums will go down by..."
Compared to accusing your political opponent's family of being involved in the most famous assassination in history? Not even close.

It's very, very plausible that Cruz's family was involved in the Kennedy assassination because Cubans were involved that were working with the CIA......but a dumb fuck like you believes that Oswald acted alone....being the sheeple that you are.