

VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A little/quick fanfiction nod to the iconic/special novel-series Shannara (Terry Brooks), which should've inspired a terrific big-budget Hollywood film by now...perhaps starring Guy Pearce or Angelina Jolie! Enjoy,



Alanon and his crew of survivors in the New Earth strived to reach the land of Shannara where they'd obtain the great elfstones which'd be used to invoke potent magical shields against invading hordes of wanderers in this new terrain. The elfstones would have to be stolen from warlocks and tyrants and hidden in bushes and by streams for more friends of Alanon the prince to discover. While Alanon formed his own clan of Earth-dwellers, comprised of his mother, young siblings, and girlfriends and animal friends, other clans formed too, and some would be friendly allies and others hostile adversaries. Those who're adversaries on this New Earth would challenge the survival-imagination and land trekking by the other more friendly clans simply seeking shades of life in the forests and villages, as everyone looked towards the great if elusive dream of Shannara itself!


Alanon and his small clan called themselves the 'Runners' since they'd have to use wits/speed to outlast (and outrun!) the adversarial groups on New Earth who'd challenge and complicate the dream of attaining the magic of Shannara itself. Alanon had to be confident, dashing, sword-sure, humorous, and sharp-footed if he's to outdo the adversaries who often employ demonic creatures as hunting friends/allies, in what can best be described as a chase-game of the imagination. If prince Alanon is to successfully and triumphantly wield the legendary 'sword' of Shannara, he'd have to find creative and ingenious ways to make survival on New Earth not simply stylish...but also defiant!


Alanon and his clan of New Earth 'Runners' began a sacred campfire ritual on weekend evenings, mostly/usually Saturdays, during which they'd share strange adventure-lore and ghost-tales and stories about evading the adversarial groups and their demonic creature allies employed for relentless hunting and enslavement. These tales by the fire reminded the Runners dreaming towards magical Shannara that the 'program' for survival and imaginative idealism on New Earth would be defined by the quality/face of enduring species intelligence. They'd have to combine dash, beauty, speed, humor, courage, and humility to face this sudden test of enduring complete and undeniable dangers!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)
They have already put this to video. Not the specific quotes you are relating, but the Shanarra Chronicals can be watched On Amazon Prime.

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