Post your NBA Eastern Conference standings predictions


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
2)Phila 76ers
3)MIAMI Heat(or Brooklyn Nets-depends on Kyrie and KD's health)
4)Brooklyn Nets (Or Miami Heat)
5)Toronto Raptors
6)Boston Celtics
7)Indiana Pacers
8) Orlando Magic
NBA????? Chinas NBA??????
I hope the league goes broke.....
*L* you forgot their loss of fans through NBA support of the Marxist terrorist org BLM.
The only player I know of not fooled by or supporting the fraud activist org is Orlando's
Jonathan Isaac.
Magic at the bottom because they wont even try to win. There just going thru the motions year after year
2)Phila 76ers
3)MIAMI Heat(or Brooklyn Nets-depends on Kyrie and KD's health)
4)Brooklyn Nets (Or Miami Heat)
5)Toronto Raptors
6)Boston Celtics
7)Indiana Pacers
8) Orlando Magic
Beg to differ Mikey.. I place the Raptors in the 2 Nd or 3 rd slot... They were undefeated in the bubble but lost 5 times to the Celtics if they never met them in the playoffs the Lakers would not have won as Toronto has beaten them 10 Straight times.. Even loosing Gasol and Ibaka they look like they have replaced them and they are deep.As for the other teams it is a real tossup because of the collapse of Milwaukee and the way the heat turned it on.... Frankly it is wide open but if Your teamthe sixered can solve their chemistry issues they will be tough to beat ..Bottomline is make the playoffs and whoever gets the odd break and is hot will rise to the top there is not much to choose between the top 5 or so teams...
2)Phila 76ers
3)MIAMI Heat(or Brooklyn Nets-depends on Kyrie and KD's health)
4)Brooklyn Nets (Or Miami Heat)
5)Toronto Raptors
6)Boston Celtics
7)Indiana Pacers
8) Orlando Magic
Brooklyn nets will win the East
NBA????? Chinas NBA??????
I hope the league goes broke.....
*L* you forgot their loss of fans through NBA support of the Marxist terrorist org BLM.
The only player I know of not fooled by or supporting the fraud activist org is Orlando's
Jonathan Isaac.
Why do you guys throw that Marxist bullshit around all the time. Exposes you as one of those idiots who use Marx and commie at times where it’s not applicable. It makes you sound dumb.
2)Phila 76ers
3)MIAMI Heat(or Brooklyn Nets-depends on Kyrie and KD's health)
4)Brooklyn Nets (Or Miami Heat)
5)Toronto Raptors
6)Boston Celtics
7)Indiana Pacers
8) Orlando Magic
Beg to differ Mikey.. I place the Raptors in the 2 Nd or 3 rd slot... They were undefeated in the bubble but lost 5 times to the Celtics if they never met them in the playoffs the Lakers would not have won as Toronto has beaten them 10 Straight times.. Even loosing Gasol and Ibaka they look like they have replaced them and they are deep.As for the other teams it is a real tossup because of the collapse of Milwaukee and the way the heat turned it on.... Frankly it is wide open but if Your teamthe sixered can solve their chemistry issues they will be tough to beat ..Bottomline is make the playoffs and whoever gets the odd break and is hot will rise to the top there is not much to choose between the top 5 or so teams...
I think a lot of people don’t realize Durant is back, on the Brooklyn nets with Irving. Both have championships.
I laugh at people talking up the Nets after 1 game against a GSW team who had 2 stars out (2 best defensive players by chance), something that gave them one of the worst records last year.
At the same time it's rediculous to see posts elsewhere in sports web sites commentary calling for the dismantling reboot -blow up of
the Golden State Warriors after 1 game while missing 2 of their stars.
Sure the Nets will be improved, but Durant is a rail playing against an NBA filled with Linebacker bodied players. Just wait till he runs into one of those rocks like Zion or Embid he'll shatter.
And it's only a matter of time that Kyries attitude will start grinding down their euphoria and team cohesiveness.
EVEN Simmons hit his 3 and his free throws.
Sixers SETH Curry 59.5% 3 point percentage,
GSW Brother Steph Curry 35.60 3 pt %
Did they toss a coin in a fountain and swap bodies or something?

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