Pick Debate Topics of Value to our Country

Pick Debate Topics of Value to our Country - Unlimited selections

  • Foreign Policy, Successes & Failures.

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Trump's multiple marriages & his taxes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Economy, Successes & Failures.

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Why Trump failed us COVID, and threatened the lives of others as the Great COVID Carrier.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Threats on our police, communities, ANTIFA, riots, assaults on our history, culture & fabric

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • Why Trump is racist.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Failures and successes to improve/streamline Govt.

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Does Trump feel responsible for 220K COVID deaths.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Political Corruption, each candidate chooses what they want to talk about, & responses

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Was Trump tested for COVID today.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Plans for COVID and economy

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • How Biden will increase wages avg. 15K & save avg. 9K in healthcare for Americans, Yippee!

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Success & failures healthcare, and plans going forward.

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • The importance a black woman is running for POTUS.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Pollution, current energy efficiency, plans for improvements

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Man is responsible for Global Warming

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Immigration

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • White Supremacists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Problems in poor & black communities. Education

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Why can't Trump get along

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
You know, stuff moderators & hosts should choose genuinely important to our country, with integrity. Unlimited selections

It will be interesting to see how the results compare to the actual "debate"
............................ code for Poop Parade, Shit Show, Dung Dorm, Crap Carnival, Manure Movers, Feces Focus, Demo's-Defecation
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Good Lord, that poll reminded me of when I went to the Golden Corral buffet in college. So many choices, but ultimately you should have had the salad.
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I guess Trump should get a pass, since he thinks he is NOT responsible for anything?
I have yet to hear any of his plans for a second term... NOT that I think he will get one.
I knew Candycorn chimed in when I saw the early results.
I guess Trump should get a pass, since he thinks he is NOT responsible for anything?
I have yet to hear any of his plans for a second term... NOT that I think he will get one.

Which topic are you referring to or is there one missing you'd have liked added?
The ones with 0% is what the super biased mods will be asking about.

What a shill show. Oh well, at least president Trump will be showing off Biden's laptops.
"When did the Republican Party become the party of perpetual victimization and whining?"
How many years have you heard the phrase, "Crying Bleeding Heart Liberal", and the answer is, many many years.
Its what they do, and its part of the reason that its destroyed some of our culture.
No, they will ask about Charlottesville for the umpteenth time. They certainly don’t want to talk about anything important like foreign policy. They’ve have to bring up the horrendous Obama bin Biden actions in Libya and Syria, as well as the fact President Trump hasn’t started any new wars.

They also don’t want to talk about trade policy with China and manufacturing. How Joe sold us out for 45 years while he got paid off.
No, they will ask about Charlottesville for the umpteenth time. They certainly don’t want to talk about anything important like foreign policy. They’ve have to bring up the horrendous Obama bin Biden actions in Libya and Syria, as well as the fact President Trump hasn’t started any new wars.

They also don’t want to talk about trade policy with China and manufacturing. How Joe sold us out for 45 years while he got paid off.

China manufactures Trump's little red books...err I mean hats. That's true. We should talk about that more.
No, they will ask about Charlottesville for the umpteenth time. They certainly don’t want to talk about anything important like foreign policy. They’ve have to bring up the horrendous Obama bin Biden actions in Libya and Syria, as well as the fact President Trump hasn’t started any new wars.

They also don’t want to talk about trade policy with China and manufacturing. How Joe sold us out for 45 years while he got paid off.

China manufactures Trump's little red books...err I mean hats. That's true. We should talk about that more.

Awesome, bring that shit in too. Trump can tell you how Democrat administrations allowed that to happen, Dems do the same. And how political donations favor Demonicrats in a big way, when we're supposed to believe conservatives represent the wealthy.
No, they will ask about Charlottesville for the umpteenth time. They certainly don’t want to talk about anything important like foreign policy. They’ve have to bring up the horrendous Obama bin Biden actions in Libya and Syria, as well as the fact President Trump hasn’t started any new wars.

They also don’t want to talk about trade policy with China and manufacturing. How Joe sold us out for 45 years while he got paid off.

China manufactures Trump's little red books...err I mean hats. That's true. We should talk about that more.

Awesome, bring that shit in too. Trump can tell you how Democrat administrations allowed that to happen, Dems do the same. And how political donations favor Demonicrats in a big way, when we're supposed to believe conservatives represent the wealthy.

Trump allowed that to happen; not the Democrats. He could have had his stuff made here...but he chose to prop up China instead of American workers.
No, they will ask about Charlottesville for the umpteenth time. They certainly don’t want to talk about anything important like foreign policy. They’ve have to bring up the horrendous Obama bin Biden actions in Libya and Syria, as well as the fact President Trump hasn’t started any new wars.

They also don’t want to talk about trade policy with China and manufacturing. How Joe sold us out for 45 years while he got paid off.

China manufactures Trump's little red books...err I mean hats. That's true. We should talk about that more.

Awesome, bring that shit in too. Trump can tell you how Democrat administrations allowed that to happen, Dems do the same. And how political donations favor Demonicrats in a big way, when we're supposed to believe conservatives represent the wealthy.

Trump allowed that to happen; not the Democrats. He could have had his stuff made here...but he chose to prop up China instead of American workers.

You sure Trump pulled that trigger? Fuck man, Trump knows & runs everything micro-managed, you can really tell too, because he's accomplished so much.

Dude you're a child, bring at least a little something for a change. You only splash threads with trash.
No, they will ask about Charlottesville for the umpteenth time. They certainly don’t want to talk about anything important like foreign policy. They’ve have to bring up the horrendous Obama bin Biden actions in Libya and Syria, as well as the fact President Trump hasn’t started any new wars.

They also don’t want to talk about trade policy with China and manufacturing. How Joe sold us out for 45 years while he got paid off.

China manufactures Trump's little red books...err I mean hats. That's true. We should talk about that more.

Awesome, bring that shit in too. Trump can tell you how Democrat administrations allowed that to happen, Dems do the same. And how political donations favor Demonicrats in a big way, when we're supposed to believe conservatives represent the wealthy.

Trump allowed that to happen; not the Democrats. He could have had his stuff made here...but he chose to prop up China instead of American workers.

You sure Trump pulled that trigger? Fuck man, Trump knows & runs everything micro-managed, you can really tell too, because he's accomplished so much.

Dude you're a child, bring at least a little something for a change. You only splash threads with trash.

Yes; 100% positive. He also had his cheap Macy's crap made in China.
You know, stuff moderators & hosts should choose genuinely important to our country, with integrity. Unlimited selections

It will be interesting to see how the results compare to the actual "debate"
............................ code for Poop Parade, Shit Show, Dung Dorm, Crap Carnival, Manure Movers, Feces Focus, Demo's-Defecation
Can we add topics?

I have in mind.

Can you guess it?
Only five people take interest in what's asked during debates? That's interesting, because I've seen maybe a dozen PROGS here who declare Biden wins those and town halls.

Are questions not relevant or are your feelings what's important?
I feel PROGS don't like the tone of it. What kind of questions would you guys like to see?
Last chance to select what's important to you. It will be interesting to compare to what occurs tonight.

Lack of PROG responses speaks volumes IMO. They're not in the game for the good of Americans. They're in the game for PROG-returns instead.
I’m SHOCKED PROG TV allowed a “fair” debate on this level. BIG PROPS to the moderator. I watched most of it, missed a little. Let’s see how they did.

Foreign Policy, Successes & Failures. Was that even a formal topic? They went in deep, perhaps Trump helped steer that along being the COMPETENT guy he is. At any rate, Trump kicked Biden’s ass, 10-0

Trump's multiple marriages & his taxes. Course they had to dive into taxes. Trump said straight up what’s what. Nobody has been picked and prodded like Trump, PROGS got nothing and never did. But because I know intangible issues are important to PROGS, throwing a bone, Trump 7-3.

Economy, Successes & Failures. Trump kicked Biden’s ass 10-0. Trump’s oil presentation was rich. Trump 27-3

Why Trump failed us COVID, and threatened the lives of others as the Great COVID Carrier. Trump knows he can’t squeeze out of “not telling Americans”, because this is an emotional issue. What he wanted to say is we fuckers couldn’t even figure out your toilet paper. Give me a break, Ahhh! WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE. Do this, don’t do that, we don’t know what it is yet. Turns out even Trump over-estimated. Biden said what again, Trump is responsible for 220K deaths? What we have here is brains Vs heart bullshit, Biden is a fucking liar and plays it. Then of course Trump explained our successes, while the great plagiarizing-Biden used the same material to say this is what he’d do. Then he added plexi-glass, plans and stuff in restaurants, fuck off Biden. Because I know it’s important to PROGS (heart), I’m going to say 6-4 favors Trump, helps you sleep nights. Trump 33-7

Threats on our police, communities, ANTIFA, riots, assaults on our history, culture & fabric. Course they didn’t enter the realm of it. Trump managed to bring some up anyway, he’s right to, Trump wins 5-0, they didn’t go deep enough. Trump 38-7

Why Trump is racist. I honestly don’t think Trump knows how to react to the suggestions. You PROGS made that one up, and it’s ugly. I should deduct points from Biden, there’s your systemic racism, comes every election. But I know it’s important to you fuckers so 4-1 Trump, they didn’t go in deep, otherwise we can always talk about Biden’s WORDS and ACTIONS that are racist “aint black if you don’t vote Demorats”. Trump 42-8

Failures and successes to improve/streamline Govt. They didn’t enter the realm unless I missed it. We know Trump kicks Biden’s ass in the tangible, but no score.

Does Trump feel responsible for 220K COVID deaths. He actually said he takes some responsibility, appeasing to the left crowd. I wouldn’t have, but he took the mothering role. In reality only a fucking idiot thinks he’s responsible. Trump wins, 5-0. Trump 47-8

Political Corruption, each candidate chooses what they want to talk about, & responses No contest, Trump should receive extra points, but I guess I limited this to ten already. 10-0 Trump. Trump 57-8

Was Trump tested for COVID today. Didn’t go there.

Plans for COVID and economy. So like Biden is going to do the stuff Trump already has, but he’s going to come up with a plan see, plexi-glass in restaurants, going to give stuff away, open schools someday and stuff, it’s going to be awesome. Trump wins 8-2, I’m sure PROGS can come up with a reason to like an incoherent over-cooked politician. Trump 65-10 Good job Biden, you’ve reached two digits.

How Biden will increase wages avg. 15K & save avg. 9K in healthcare for Americans, Yippee! It will be awesome with Biden increasing minimum wage, giving money to businesses for plexi-glass and stuff, and close them down too. Trump said sensible shit like a minimum wage in PROG-Seattle just aint the same as we country cultures under a red environment. No decision, because PROGS will never understand the consequences of govt. interference and they're slow on variables. 5-5. Trump 70-15

Success & failures healthcare, and plans going forward. I’m surprised Trump did so well and Biden so poorly. We get it, PROGS will never understand the consequences of govt. costs and laziness, and conservatives will never understand why we should pay healthcare for a 20 year old who just wants to drink beer, travel and stuff like that, etc. etc. 6-4 Trump. Trump 76-19

The importance a black woman is running for POTUS. I didn’t hear anything about it.

Pollution, current energy efficiency, plans for improvements. Nice job Trump, and good to know a human cares about water and air. He mentioned big improvements though no details. Trump shredded the Paris Accord. He’d have been sharp to tell Biden we’re no longer the oil business we were when he was a child. Biden on the other hand is going to be emission free in 2025, sometimes 2035, other times 2055, making all your dreams come true. Biden gets some points, because I know PROGS don’t listen. Trump 7-3. Trump 83-22

Man is responsible for Global Warming. Trump blew a chance to say look dumbshits, global warming, always was, always will be. We’re not going to live here forever for sure. Despite covering this quite well otherwise PROGS need some points, a handicap like most of their debates, 5-5. Trump 88-27

Immigration Nobody is going to change their minds on this night right. Trump explained how we cannot make all the world’s dreams come true and Biden says he will. 5-5. Trump 93-32

White Supremacists Trump could have simply said look assholes, I don’t look at the entire contents what I pass on the web, there was a parade for Trump & Country and some asshole in the background yells white power. But Trump knows he can’t do that, so just move on. 5-5. Trump 98-37

Problems in poor & black communities. Education They didn’t hit on education less Biden will open them someday and one teacher is going to DIE. They hit black communities to extent and Trump kicked Biden's ass with the tangible Vs a history of nothing & BIG BIG plans to plan. But again, few if no minds changed, Trump 6-4. Trump 104-41

Why can't Trump get along. Surely that came after the debate, PROG-world is offended quite easily these days, they enjoy victim roles as a crutch. But it seemed to skip the debate.

Good debate, Trump wins bigly, 104-41, and Biden rec’d handicaps.
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