Meet "our enemies"- the ones the media won't tell you about


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Mainly because it will destroy a narrative loved by idiot control freaks- and jews, which is and epitome of redundancy.

America Repeats Russian Follies

Russians are amazed by the waves of madness washing over the United States. The recent riots, looting, destruction of memorials, hardball election politics and rumours of impending civil war do not fit the US image in Russian eyes. A Latin American country, say, Colombia or Guatemala, perhaps, but not the United States. The country they admired so much is no more, they say. They regret it instead of gloating, as you may expect.

I wonder at the spectacle our devolution is presenting to the rest of the world. I've never been a slave to fashion, meaning I don't care what others think about me, especially when group think (political and religious especially) is the culprit - extrapolate that to the entire Country vs the rest of the world. We are in a "global community", like it or not and as a "leader" in "fashion" our every move is watched closely by the rest of the "community".

A "fashion" I do fancy is liberty - it seemingly has been replaced and made out of style by the Country who trumpeted it to the "global community"- things like "land of the free comes to mind", not to mention "Liberty and Justice for all" whose founding philosophy so defined a life style which had, until that time, been oppressed and relegated to dreams and desires by a people who really had no clue what that could be like, but, imagined that it was a Natural, inherent right to attempt it-

Yes, the media tells us that Russia (and China and North Korea and Mexico and Iran, etc. are "our enemies")- I contend the people, joe citizen, really admires "we the people"- our spectacle(s) in the news aren't doing us any favors in our "community" and our elected Empty Suits, in the many Districts of Criminals around the Country are using the media to promote the dysfunctionality-

That joe citizen (average voter) in this Country chooses between the lesser of evil (for generations) one has to wonder at what the rest of the community is going to do to follow in our footsteps-

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