James Comey Contradicts Brennan’s Testimony on ‘Pee’ Dossier Influencing Intel Community Report

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
OK, how do you two want to do this....
Which one of you clowns goes to prison?

Your choice!

In testimony, former FBI Director James Comey contradicted the claim made during previous testimony by former CIA Director John Brennan that the anti-Trump dossier was “not in any way used as the basis for the intelligence community’s assessment” that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election. The dossier, authored by former British spy Christopher Steele, was produced by the controversial Fusion GPS firm. Fusion was paid for the dossier work by Trump’s main political opponents, namely Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) via the Perkins Coie law firm.

A January 6 U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) report released by Comey’s FBI, Brennan’s CIA and the NSA under Mike Rogers assessed that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. It also claimed that Russia worked to aid Trump’s electoral victory.

In testimony before the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees last week, Comey stated that material from the Steele dossier was indeed utilized in the IC report. Internally, the FBI referred to the dossier as “crown material.”

“So do you recall whether any quote, crown material or dossier material was included in the IC assessment?” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) asked Comey.

“Yes,” Comey replied. “I’m going to be careful here because I’m talking about a document that’s still classified. The unclassified thing we talked about earlier today, the first paragraph you can see of exhibit A, is reflective of the fact that at least some of the material that Steele had collected was in the big thing called the intelligence community assessment in an annex called annex A.”

Annex A in the report was titled, “Russia—Kremlin’s TV Seeks To Influence Politics, Fuel Discontent in US.”

Read more at breitbart.com ...
OK, how do you two want to do this....
Which one of you clowns goes to prison?

Your choice!

In testimony, former FBI Director James Comey contradicted the claim made during previous testimony by former CIA Director John Brennan that the anti-Trump dossier was “not in any way used as the basis for the intelligence community’s assessment” that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election. The dossier, authored by former British spy Christopher Steele, was produced by the controversial Fusion GPS firm. Fusion was paid for the dossier work by Trump’s main political opponents, namely Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) via the Perkins Coie law firm.

A January 6 U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) report released by Comey’s FBI, Brennan’s CIA and the NSA under Mike Rogers assessed that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. It also claimed that Russia worked to aid Trump’s electoral victory.

In testimony before the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees last week, Comey stated that material from the Steele dossier was indeed utilized in the IC report. Internally, the FBI referred to the dossier as “crown material.”

“So do you recall whether any quote, crown material or dossier material was included in the IC assessment?” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) asked Comey.

“Yes,” Comey replied. “I’m going to be careful here because I’m talking about a document that’s still classified. The unclassified thing we talked about earlier today, the first paragraph you can see of exhibit A, is reflective of the fact that at least some of the material that Steele had collected was in the big thing called the intelligence community assessment in an annex called annex A.”

Annex A in the report was titled, “Russia—Kremlin’s TV Seeks To Influence Politics, Fuel Discontent in US.”

Read more at breitbart.com ...
Why Choose?

COMEY AND BRENNAN TRADE ACCUSATIONS: Fired FBI Chief Claims Brennan Pushed Junk Dossier in IC Report, CIA Claims Comey Did.


Former Rep. Trey Gowdy says he has seen the email and it does not look good for John Brennan.

Attorney General Bill Barr assigned US Attorney John Durham to investigate the spygate scandal this week.
COMEY TURNS ON BRENNAN: Fired FBI Chief Claims Brennan Pushed Junk Dossier in IC Report

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com ^ | May 15 2019 | J Hoft

FOX News investigative journalist Catherine Herridge dropped a bomb on the deep state on Wednesday.

According to Herridge, there is an email from fired FBI Director James Comey from December 2016 that indicates it was John Brennan who pushed the dossier to be included in the IC report.

Former Rep. Trey Gowdy says he has seen the email and it does not look good for John Brennan.

Attorney General Bill Barr assigned US Attorney John Durham to investigate the spygate scandal this week.

The rats start to turn on each other. What great fun to watch!
Walls Are Closing In: Brennan Accuses Comey of Insisting on Putting Fake Steele Dossier in Official Intelligence Assessment; Comey Had Previously Accused Brennan of Trying to Sneak It In

Let me guess: Someone wanted it included in the ICA (intelligence community assessment) so that would give it official imprimatur and then it could be leaked.

And when it was rejected from the ICA, someone got creative and said, "Hey, let's pretend to brief Trump on this so it will have the official imprimatur of a real-deal Holyfield White House briefing, and then we can leak it."

As James Comey said: CNN told him they weren't publishing the dossier because they needed a quote unquote "news hook."

So who was it that schemed hardest on this dirty op?

Folks, this could be funnnn.

A dispute is emerging between former FBI Director James Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan over who pushed to include information from the Steele dossier in an intelligence community assessment of Russian meddling.

Comey sent an email to FBI staff in December 2016 indicating that Brennan wanted to include dossier information.

A former CIA official is disputing that claim, saying it was Comey who wanted to cite the unverified Steele information.

A potential rift is emerging between James Comey and John Brennan over who pushed to include information from the unverified Steele dossier in an intelligence community assessment of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Comey, a former FBI director, sent an email to subordinates in late 2016 indicating Brennan, a former CIA director, wanted to include materials from the dossier in the intelligence community assessment, known as the ICA, Fox News reported.

A former CIA official speaking on Brennan's behalf is disputing the assertion. The former official told Fox that Brennan and James Clapper, a former director of national intelligence, opposed Comey's push to include Steele dossier information in the ICA.

Comey referred to the dossier in the email as "the crown material". Comey confirmed in a Dec. 17, 2018 closed-door congressional interview that FBI analysts used to the term as a reference to Steele's report.​

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