It's amazing to me that Biden is MUTE regarding the catastrophic attack on our nation's energy supply


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
You watch. The Biden Administration will do NOTHING of any consequence to bring the perpetrators to justice. He should be putting MASSIVE pressure on Putin to hand them over. In their narrative, the Biden Administration is tough on Putin but, in the real world, they're impotent. I never thought that we'd have another president as weak as Jimmy Carter but here we are. Incredible.
You watch. The Biden Administration will do NOTHING of any consequence to bring the perpetrators to justice. He should be putting MASSIVE pressure on Putin to hand them over. In their narrative, the Biden Administration is tough on Putin but, in the real world, they're impotent. I never thought that we'd have another president as weak as Jimmy Carter but here we are. Incredible.
Do you remember the world had to stop when Hillary Rotten Clinton got hacked by the Rooshins..................LOLOL

I hope every Woke company here gets hacked badly. Amazon number one.
You do realize there was no actual gasoline shortage, right? At least not beyond a few stations. That was FOX deliberately getting you hysterical, trying to get you to go panic-buying. The panic-buying created the very temporary shortage. You and FOX created the problem, and you're now trying to blame Biden for it.

It's not debatable that Hannity lied by selectively editing video. Biden addressed it, Hannity edited those parts out.

Needless to say, all the Trump cultists will love Hannity even more for that. The lies he tells are on behalf of the cult, after all.
You watch. The Biden Administration will do NOTHING of any consequence to bring the perpetrators to justice. He should be putting MASSIVE pressure on Putin to hand them over. In their narrative, the Biden Administration is tough on Putin but, in the real world, they're impotent. I never thought that we'd have another president as weak as Jimmy Carter but here we are. Incredible.


Perhaps it wasn't the Russians and the real perpetrator is remaining silent.


Perhaps it wasn't the Russians and the real perpetrator is remaining silent.
Biden said it was a Russian gang.


Uh huh... Who wants the New Green Deal to be passed?

Perhaps we should be investigating the people that want that passed.

They hack the pipeline and make money off the ransom then they turn around and get the contract for new windmills and solar panels when our congresscritters pass a bill pumping millions and billions into it.


Why were the companies that had the ransomware problem not investing in cybersecurity for their processors?
Why did Trump fire the cybersecurity director, to the accolades of the Trump cult?

Oh, that's right. He refused to lie about the election. Only party apparatchiks could survive in the Trump admin. All the competent people were sent packing.

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